buell factory right side scoop

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got mine from precision in ri. only a few days. cost $43.27 and another $7.63 for screws that i did not need.your stock screws are re used you just need 2 for the outer front 20. harware store. looks 100 times better feels and looks balenced. the only thing i im not happy with is the way the scoop loos like the inside is cut off..not a full scoop so i will rework it so it matches the other side.
My new scoop from the Netherlands was shipped today, I just got the tracking # in an e-mail. I will post a pic on this thread once it gets here.
I ordered from surdyke.com 47something for the scoops. they are out of the bolts though so I'll be making a trip to the hardware store when they come in.
well worth it. and i was going to pay 4 times that for a aftermarket scoop. dont know why they did not come this way..it looks like it should now.
thats what i thought from the 1st time i seen a buell..at a demo ride a few years ago i even put in the suggestion box. but why did they not make it match the left side? i just cut and grafted the old scoop to the back side of the scoop to make it a full circle..much better.
I have 03 xb9s and ordered all the parts. But I don't have the standard small rss like newer bikes and can't use the bolts to mount it to the frame. What is the part number for these 3 screws?
Check my thread bout this.
These scoops really work well. Took the STT out today for a 50 mile romp and the fan did not turn on until I got home, and then ran for less than a minute. Also didnt notice a lot of heat if any coming on the right side. Now to invest in the comfort kit for the Uly.
has anyone ordered one from buellsterparts.com? i

Yes, no problems. I haven't installed it yet but I did check all of the holes for alignment and it looks great [up] in was on my door step when I got home from work about 3 days after I ordered it :D
I ordered the proper part numbers and when my scoop came in this is what I got. Yes it is stamped with the correct #. I was told that it was for a police model and when I fished around on Google I found a pic of it and the cut out is for a siren. I since got the correct one and this little gem is for sale. Be the first on your block to have one. Cheap! :D
what else does the uly's comfort kit include? im pretty confident i will get this for my 09 xb12ss. pretty cheap too.
the scoops will fit on your '03. i've been runnin' the smaller scoop for a while, will switch back to the large scoop when it starts to get warmer[up]