buell factory right side scoop

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So Harley, basically said thay have no clue where my scoop is[mad].
Everytime I talk to them they say the tracking info says it is packed ready to ship.
In two days it will be two weeks since they told me that, I also need a new belt but buell parts or asb will be getting my money from now on!
I still havent gotten my parts from Surdyke either. I need to call them Monday and see if these scoops are now discontinued by HD or what. According to my order status they have the Uly header heat shield, but the scoops say "waiting for parts from Harley".

More than anything I'm about to MOVE so they'll get shipped to a house I don't even live in anymore.

This sucks!
I talked to Harley about the scoop I ordered 7 weeks ago. They outsource the product so they getting it from someone else. I also talked to someone at American Sports Bike and they said they have been waiting for 8 weeks. HD has nothing to do with it, he said once the parts are maid they can pop out a couple hundred a day. So i think they will be here one day.
Buellparts.net says they can order and the prices are bout the same as everyone else.
when you install the inner shock cover part be careful with re mounting the plastic block with the ecm, the captive nut on the origional plastic falls off and then yer skrewd. and that block is very important! it keeps the seat from smashing the ecm.
also note, this kit will NOT fit catalytic bikes or bikes with the micron system. the headers on those are higher up than the standard us version. the version that fits the cat bikes part number is m1907.3ak from harley and it looks and works like ****, waste of time for the scoop. but the inner part does help the heat issue. will post a pic when i can, but im sort of ashamed.
Surdyke changed the status of my order to SHIPPED today, but no tracking info... so I assume its on the way [confused]

Just wanted to let anyone else who's been waiting know.
hmm.... I've noticed my bike being a little toasty, but nothing awful. I found all the parts on surdyke, as well as the frame pucks I need. A local shop also has a spot on their site you can send them parts numbers you're interested and they'll call you to let you know how much they are. I'm gonna see how much they want first, but otherwise I'm gonna try to order the stuff from surdyke. I've got a birthday coming in 3 weeks, and even if the parts don't make it by then, I can still order them and pass the bill along as a birthday present.
I wouldn't hesitate to order from Surdyke again. They kept me up-to-date on my order, and today my scoop + uly comfort kit header shield arrived!

Between the shield, scoop and Odie's blankets my bike is quite improved riding around town. It was like 96 here in Topeka today and I could really feel the difference.
I ordered The two piece kit from Harley in Seattle Washington and it took 65 days to get the pieces ....They are still available....
dont know if im a fan of the large right side scoop yet. Has anyone tried just the 2010 model smaller scoop? Does it help over not having one at all?
My bike runs so damn hot right now I'm more interested in function over form.
Going to look into heat blankets.
hi guys i have a xb12R 2008 do they booth air scoop fit at this bike thank you? yly confort kit and the m0854.7aa thank you
Just got mine last week, it really makes life easy on the fan, rarely comes on anymore. Plus it looks good. 09 firebolt fit perfectly[up]
Just talked to HD here in Kamloops BC and they told me the kit was $174 and that it wouldnt fit my 07 lightning ss. Any comment on this? Can I just order the inner and outer scoop for cheaper and it will work?
Recently installed my right side scoop. Easy to order and to install. Ordered from surdyke dot com. [m0851.7aa ($22.36 scoop) and m0852.7aa ($18.36 inner). Utilized exiting pans and SS caps 10-32 X 1/2" home depot $1.62 qty 4.