Buell XB12Rsc e85

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I've spending last few days sorting my two problems out.

At first I couldn't get connection with ECMspy, and when I did it lost immediately. Somehow I decided to unplug my MAP-sensor because that was near the only thing I had done some modifications on wirings. And ta-daa... I had connection! I had placed the MAP ground on some weird pin on ECM, cant really understand why.. I do not remember beeing drunk.

Second problem was that when I switched to KEY ON and RUN, the fuell pump started to prime and wouldn't stop until I've switched it to a OFF. I had placed the fuel warning light's ground on fuel pump's bracket so fuel pump was on the ground...

Wating for last parts from machinist, and then I can (try to) starting it... Should get it today.

First start

That really bad noise was from belt guide. Belt was tensioned against it, when it is supposed to only limit belts wiggle on the longer side.

Still much much work to do....
You going to have a belt guard so you don't sand your knee off?

Ridiculous setup, man (I mean that in a good way). Can't wait to see/hear it in action.
RossLH yes, i'l have to fabricate some sort of guard on it. I actually drove it and it wasn't that bad for the knee. It took a while that I dared to get near of it when it was running. It sounded a lot different live, that on the video. One of our neighbour came with hes little boy to ask if they could watch, and another one came to whine about the noise...
That sounds so bad ass!!!!!
Major props, all the respect i can give because honestly i doubted this thread in the beginning and now I'm a believer :)
I'd like to see a tutorial video of everything you've done. Like explaining how everything works.

I need atleast one bottle of Koskenkorva (Finnish vodka) before considering any video where I should speak anything but Finnish! But I'l haveto write something someday when I have more time. I'l haveto take a better look on that boost leak tomorrow, I should get almost twice as much boost with this setup. I hope it's not leaking on throttle body..

They were concerned about the belt and pulley, so i've haveto make some guard on it. And that small oil leak.... Damn rocker box cover seal! Its leaking on the fan and when it starts it ***** everything up on oil! Literally **** HITS THE FAN!