cool member challenge idea

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No problem man, I was tempted to text you last week on my way through and remembered I don't have your # lol
Thanks oh9.anrkizm made a good donation.[up]

No donations are necessary but if you guys and gals want to sign and ride please add yourself to the map.

Have a good weekend.

Curious where the progress is on getting some flags going? Coming march-april im to ride a very ling distance and time, with intent to meet buellers along the way. Transporting the flag could get it some travel very quick, possibly even send it back to local bueller when im done, to be re-routed.
Dave should be on it.He moved recently and has always come through. Dang this weather. Route i might have to ride and meet up with you on this.Thanks again for all the donations.add yourselves.
Bump. How's the fundraising going guys?

What he said! Where's the cost on this project, how much have we donated? Obama wants fiscal transparency, and so do we! Lol

I've yet to figure the damn calendar out. Maybe I need to try explorer as someone mentioned above Chrome didn't work.
but on a serious note, dave will pull through.

No doubt on Dave pulling through. My intentions were that if there was more fundraising needed, we could bring it up for those who feel like donating if they haven't already. I don't think anyone person should be out if pocket too much or anything at all with several small donations! [up]

Or conversely, if enough money has been donated, we wouldn't need to continue with donations.
Hey guys. Please add yourselves to Wolfos map. Still working with Dave. Have a great week and ride safe.