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A magnesium throttle tube!?!:hororr:

The year: 3466

The mechanized winners of WW4 roam the dry dunes of the desolate earth. Nothing has lived here for eons, no life of any kind. The lonely winds blow the sand of the ruins of civilization, slowly exposing the last remaining proof that humans were ever here at all....

One damn magnesium throttle tube for a Buell (sigh).
I think using magnesium for the throttle tube was a badass cool idea. The 1/6 idea sounds good in my dreams, but I think Silverrider would be the only one who could truly appreciate that one.

Keep us posted on the interesting work!

I have vision of SR riding his EBR through streets of Soviet Russia to an abandoned warehouse where the Buran is rotting away. As the secret police surround the building, SR comes crashing through some 3rd story windows, pinning the bike at 11k RPM heading back to the USA to bring mike lowery his exotic metals.

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It’s official. 1170cc, 10.5:1 compression, 7800 redline. 120+hp. 110+tq to the tire. All with less than 1200cc. Details and pics to come
Yes they are polished. Yes I’m gonna paint them lol. Iron lined aluminum cylinders. 3.8125 bore


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And I’m not in a hurry to get this motor done now cause I got this to ride! It’s 65 degrees out. See y’all later


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the heads and 1170 kit are headed my way. Should be getting the bottom end shipped to dark horse this week. I’m gonna have them paint the cases and covers for me. Should be sweet
Looks like the painting part probably won’t happen with dark horse. He said they are not a “paint shop” and he couldn’t guarantee the finish would be nice. So, has anyone painted there engine or had it painted? I’m not a huge rattle can guy but I like the idea of easy touch ups. Any tips or advice would be appreciated.
Do you have a compressor? Or access to one? You could always pick up a cheap spray gun at Harbor Frieght and some single stage acrylic urethane from an auto paint shop.

I believe this is what I used last time. If you choose a metallic you wont be able to get the orange peel out, but why bother? It still comes out nice.

This is what I think I used last time:


So, what is Dark Horse doing to the bottom end, besides opening the bores? Having any crankwork done? I've heard their balancing can make a Sporty/Buell engine run pretty un-Harley-like.
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I have a compressor, paint gun, and paint experience. Just wanted to see what you guys are using product wise and the process. I’m having dark horse do a full service and balance. Basically check every single thing besides the trans and replace as needed.
I never heard that about their balancing. I’m not sure if it would bother me. Anybody have first hand experience with dark horse balancing?
I have a compressor, paint gun, and paint experience. Just wanted to see what you guys are using product wise and the process. I’m having dark horse do a full service and balance. Basically check every single thing besides the trans and replace as needed.

I’ve rattle canned a few things, but if it comes down to a durable finish that will resist chemicals and other things, I’d stick to
some sort of catalyzed paint. It’s not going to stand up to everything, but it will do much better than spray cans.

That said, every time I watch an engine rebuild show where they are doing a V8 (Cooter, can I get a “hell yeah brother!”?) they always use spray paint. Granted they have access to everything we mere mortals can only dream of, but they always seem to bust out the rattle cans. Even Kevin Tetz has done it. So, there must be something to it. Maybe rattle can tech has advanced since I was last spraying an engine.
I’ve used ppg delfleet paint on other parts of the bike. It’s a single stage urethane based paint. Not sure if it’s heat resistant though. Would be nice if it is. That stuff is awesome.
Honestly any regular spray paint should be fine for the case, it doesn't get that hot (except the cylinder jugs) I'd use high heat BBQ paint if you want them black or silver. Or step up a notch and see if theres a Finishmaster near you. They do an activated paint spray can thing that works REALLY well.

You bang the can to get the activator mixed, then you have 24 hrs to spray, any custom color you want, including flex additives, wrinkle finish (I'd recommend that), and heat resistance. IIRC about $26/big can

Hell yea brother!

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