Ferrari Enzo or Lamborghini Murcielago

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Hey kyle here is a website that I have been looking at...extreme supercars they make an exact replica of a murcielago, that looks bad ass and they also have a tubular chassis that you can get. watch some of their videos you'll understand.
Do you know my background or anything, no you do not.

You asked.

I'm not trying to humiliate you. In all seriousness, it's probably a waste of time and money. You don't need a supercar replica to have fun or get attention. I have a supercharged Xterra for my off-road itch, a genesis coupe 2.0 for my daily driver and the Buell for fun.

This type of question would probably be better asked on a kit car enthusiast site.
Yea, it probably would. I've been lookinng at that site. Also super replica. They have some awesome cars and that is where I got the basis for it all. I'm not trying to get attention, I got plenty of that with the Buell.
Ferrari, cause lambos are every where...I see a gallardo every day. Does the R8 have a kit?

I also kinda agree with ctmallam. I have seen over a hundred late 80's early 90's ferraris for around 50k and less. AND you wouldnt be a wannabe.

But if its a project, cause you dont have 50k at the moment and you are going to spend the next 10 years building as the money comes in then........................

Ferrari kit all the way!
oh...Myspace is completely gay, you should cancel it immediately lol

Even if you dont use it.

lol @ "Master of the Internet" good stuff!!
Haha, yea, I forgot I had that. It's from so long ago I did cancel it. And this will most likely be a 10+ year project
hey Kyle stay away from super replicas!!!!! I have heard some horror stories, It turns out they are a HUGE scam, I was looking at them and turns out when you take a "tour" of their shop they basically mug you for your cash!
Don't be a tool, you can just buy a entry level exotic and learn to work on them. Every time I see a cheesy ass kit car I laugh my ass off. You can avoid the whole humiliation and embarrassment by starting on the right foot.
sorry i didnt mean to offend you.... I was in a realy bad mood when i posted that and i think it came out on you....

My answer is still niether, its going to cost you more than you think, save your money for a house, and buy a porsche to put in the garage...
I'm not trying to get attention, I got plenty of that with the Buell.
Then what could it be? Performance? These kits will not drive like the real thing so I don't understand why a person would want one if not for attention.
Then what could it be? Performance? These kits will not drive like the real thing so I don't understand why a person would want one if not for attention.

Perhaps he just wants something to wrench on and brag to his amigos about.
"hey bro, I got a Kinda-Lambo in my garage, oh what? You have a Hyundi Elantra? queer"
Or when the 9 year old kids come over all a twitter about their neighbor with the "Fieroghini" he can says "Yes kids, I am the coolest one on the block, aren't I"?
Damn guys yall are killin him here. I think it would be cool to build something like that. If it cost 100k would I do it NO. I would rather buy a used AM db9 for 60k and have the real thing. But if he wants to try and build it and doesn't mind spending the time and money it would be cool for him to be able to say I built that myself. Like my boss rags me for spending 30 bucks here a hundred there to tinker with the buell when I could just buy a CBR or Ducati and ride it stock. Its what I want
tim quit playing around on the internet

A-hole "friend" lol.

I like these kits best.


K1 Attack based on Honda Accord



The Rossion Q1 tube frame with a Twin-Turbo Ford 3.0L Duratec V6. Does 0-60 in 3.1 sec and the 1/4 mi. in 11.4 sec.

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