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Nuke engineering labratory technitian. Stationed in South carolina At the protoype nuclear reactor MTS-626, and been in for 4 years. E-5 (MM2). I ride a blue and orange XB12r to represent BOISE STATE BRONCOS!
Army 4 years active duty 1 year reserve duty
Psychological Operations
Multi Media Illustrator
Fort Bragg
Camp Fallujah (18 months kinda like a PCS lol)
E-4 Spec
3 years out in '01
14S Avenger crewmember
Camp Stanley Korea
Ft Lewis WA
air defense artillery


A.K.A. "Duck Hunters"
Ill throw this one out there for my mom. She rides a buell blast.

Started with several years in the Navy and then transferred to the Air Force. She is up for retirement next year.

I want to join the 107th fighter squadron at selfridge and become an A-10 pilot, but they want me to have my private pilots license first. Thats $5-10k I dont have.
US Army
19D for the first 10 years
Been everywhere as one. Got out
in 97 At Ft Carson
Now In the LAMEASS Res as a 63BMech
Motor sgt for a PsyOp unit in ST Louis
If I wasnt married Id be back in (as a Scout,19D)
And back in Germany.
First joined in 1994 though 2001. 16S and 11B
Fort Bliss and Ft Benning

Re-entered service 2008, 25N, Ft Benning, currently visiting FOB Kalsu for an extended vacation.

E-4 now...they borrowed back some rank.
U.S. Army for over 10 years, joined Jun '99.
15U3FN1 Chinook Flight Engineer Instructor
E-6 waiting on E-7 Board in Feb
Stationed in Fort Campbell, Ky but PCS'ing to Fort Rucker in March.
Currently on my 4th deployment in Bagram, Afghanistan. I ride an '08 XB12R.

Hey jsg we gave up 4 Chinooks back in February to Canada after they bought them over here in Afghanistan. I'm curious if those are the ones you're referring too. We have both the F & D models, but the ones we sold you are D models. You should have 86-01650 which the nose art you guys put on it says "Two For Hooking". I've seen pictures because that used to be my buddy's back when Iraq first kicked off.
I am an AD2 in the Navy. I work on jet engines and fuel cells. I love it!! I have done Iraq, got over 3 years at sea and right now I am stuck on a marine base in Japan. talk about a fish outta water [confused]... The marines have a "unique" way of doing things, but they do get the job done.
By the way all you sailors out there trying to say how close you are to being a marine, why not try being proud of what you are and what you DO. Hell I am a squid and I love it right now I am stationed with the marines, i will never fake the funk I am a bad ass sailor.[up]
NE Army National Gaurd, 6yrs, ETS with honorable, SGT, 15F20 Aircraft Electrician, Iraq from Nov. 04 to Nov. 05, and Border Patrol Mission from Aug. 06 to Feb. 07...... thinkin bout getting back in.....
US Army(11B) Paratrooper
4 yrs active 2001-2005
FT Benning GA
Exited as a SPC(E-4)
HEY........ why you assume just GUYS??? ;) {Just giving ya crap!}

U.S. Army, SPC (5 years, 3 months and but who was counting, right?) 98D (Morse Code, Emitter Locater and Identifier), Got out July, 93 (stationed various places (in and out of country) that "don't exist or can't confirm" - but watch for the signs on the interstate!)

Married USMC jet mech
Brother - USMC Heli electrical mech
Brother - US Army (stationed where I was - fixed the electronic equipment my group broke).

[up] Very proud to have been and VERY thankful for those still serving!!!!!:p
My first base was Osan, S Korea, spent a year there.

Furball........ is that leather shop right off base still there??? (When were you there?) I spent a lot of time at Osan..... was at Humphreys, but AF had kickin' facilities. The sub shop right inside the gate had the best sandwiches there too.
Currently loving life in the Coast Guard
2.5 months boot camps
10 months at sea 6 of which was in singapore/thailand area
8-9 months technical training
1 year and some odd months at anchorage ak...
E4 soon to make E5 hopefully
Aviation structural mechanic , but hydraulics was my forte . 4 years got out in 2000 . I always had beach duty but rode the boat with the rest of the air wing . I fixed birds that couldn't make it back to the deck .
Puerto Rico
I tried to join but apparently previous class "d" possesion is a no no:([mad] I know plenty of service brats who do the doobies:D

USAF, 8 years, SSgt/E-5.
I have been stationed at Little Rock AFB the whole time, but I have been all over the world. I am a crew chief by trade, I was a flying crew chief for over 2 years, know I am an Instructor. I teach advanced systems.
"J" models huh..I think I will stay with my lil old short bus... ;) (h-models)

which advanced systems do you teach?

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