For the military riders on here

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Thank you all for your service and sacrifice. I speakmformall americans when I say thank you for all you have done, are doing, and will do.

Unites States Coast Guard Reservist
BM1 Boatswaine's mate
Waiting to go to basic!
US Navy. Search and Rescue Swimmer. Got out in 07 stationed at NASNI (Naval Air Station North Island) San Diego.
Flew 356 hours in UH-H3 SeaKing.(De-com)
Flew 678 Hours in MH60S KnightHawk.
Got out as E-4.

Aviation Machinist Mate 6 months Pensacola, FL.
Air Crew Candidate School 1 month Pensacola, FL.
Aviation Rescue Swimmer School 1 Month Pensacola, FL.
S.E.R.E 2 weeks school NASNI, San Diego CA.
Fleet Replacement Air Crew school 4 months NASNI

Duty Station HC-11/HSC-21 NASNI, San Diego.
03 XB9R. Currently Living in Bakersfield CA.
US Army Reserve. PSD and Combat support MP aka glorified infantry. E4 2.5years in, got a few more left til I'm out. Deployments, Uganda Natural Fire Ten Oct09, OEF Kandahar city 10-11.
Man I havent accomplished nowhere near what so many of you have. Thank you to all who keep it going, even if it seems to be unappreciated sometimes.

I have been in the Texas Army National Guard since 2002. Joined the same year I joined INS (now Customs and Border Protection)couldnt give up a fed job for sure!

In 2003 went to Fort Sill for 13B Gun Bunny School.
At Camp Montieth and Camp Bondsteel for 2005-2006 in Kosovo as an E5.

Came back and decided to go to the dark side and went to state OCS. Was able to commission as an FA Officer and now if everything goes well I will have my own Battery this October.

One thing is I never forget where I came from in the enlisted ranks.

On another note, this past Saturday a number of WWII vets left San Antonio to visit the WWII memorial in DC. Man it was so cool to see these gentlemen go visit a place for them.
Hats off to all of our men and women of the armed forces, past and present. Freedom isn't free, but it is a price each and every one of you pay every time you put on that uniform. "In this life we will rise when we find the strength to unify."
1988 - 1994 USMC 1833 (Amtracks)I was deployed 46 months out of 6yrs... 2 Meds, 2 Unitas, 1 NATO, 1 Great Lakes and an 11 month excursion into Desert Sheild/Storm
1994 - Present Pa Army National Guard (11B, 13B, 19K, and 19D) Current assignment MAN-SLC Instructor (ANCOC for 19D/K and 11B/C)

I'm currently getting my **** together so I can retire 1/1/2012.

ETA: I'm a Sergeant First Class (E7) and don't think I'll ever be able to keep my mouth shut long enough to be considered for promotion to MSG or 1SG.
Thanks to all of you, altho we don't always show it, I appreciate all you have sacrificed to defend our freedoms
2006-2010 USMC 0311 and 0313. Infantry and an LAV Crewman.
Did 2 deployments 08 to Iraq-Al Anbar province and 09 Afghanistan-Helmand province Operation Khanjar.
Got out after 4 years and now using the GI Bill for a Mechanical Engineering degree.
Once upon a time...

U.S. Army
7 1/2 years, joined May '02
153D UH-60 A/L Blackhawk Pilot
Got out at CW2 (Chief Warrant Officer 2), had to turn-down my promotion to CW3 to separate service.
Did Basic at Fort Sill, OK...WOCS (Warrant Officer Candidate School) & Flight School at Fort Rucker, AL...then spent 5+ years in Upstate NY at Fort Drum (minus 2 trips across the pond...13 months in Kandahar, Afghanistan [Air Assault & CASEVAC] and 12 months in Mosul, Iraq [MEDEVAC])

Currently looking to continue flying with the local Police Dept. and thinking about joining the local National Guard unit at Aberdeen Proving Grounds (APG).

I ride an '05 XB9SX "CityX".
1998-Present US Air Force Security Forces
Off Active duty last year in the reserves now.
Been to Korea (Osan), Cali, Saudi, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, you know all the fun spots!! Been in Southern Miss for the last 8 years.
Wifes also USAF Sec For deployed to Qatart the lat 4 months and I am bout to go crazy!!!!
E-4 Army. Stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC for past 26 months as a mechanic..boring.. reclassed and pcs'ing to Ft. Huachuca, AZ in October to become a UAV operator. 2005 XB12scg
Corporal of Marines- 3 1/2 yrs. as a EAF tech. (All those metal & mesh LZ's/lights everyone lands on in theatre) that guy! Stationed, MCAS New River. Currently deployed to AFG. and planing on doing the GI Bill thing next year! Ride a 08XB12Scg Black!
coast guard since 2005
stationed in harbor beach michigan. (the tip of the thumb)
stationed petaluma california
current station is Kodiak Alaska
e-4 on the e-5 list
I am a Health services tech.(corpsman)
i mostly do clinic duty and also i stand flight duty for medevacs aswell.
currently waiting on a call back for a 03 xb9s with 5k miles and getting it for hopefully 3200
How have I missed this??

3 years active duty Army. Ft. Jackson, Ft. Leonardwood, Ft. Benning, and Ft. Drum

14 years in the National Guard. Damn near everywhere in the U.S. with the Guard, from Ft. Dix NJ to Naval Amphibious Base Coronado...

Iraq Dec. 03 to May 05 Iraq Sep 06 Sep 07.

12N 51B 88M currently 12B
3 years
E-4 Senior Airman
Aviation & Ground Fuel Distribution
Aviano AB Italy
AOR: Al Dhafra UAE 2011
E4 sewing on E5 in June
Stationed at Ft. Bragg/Pope AAF
Deployed to Afghanistan and just got back from Iraq
Ride a Buell XB9R
United States Coast Guard
MK3. machinery tech. E4
first unit was a 378' in charleston, SC.
have orders to leave yorktown and go to
ANT Pensacola, FL. anybody down there hit me up and lets ride.
ive got 2yr+ in.
originally from McDonough, GA.
have had a 07 xb12r
currently ridin a white 03xb9r
Coast Guard 12 years, machinery technician.
Orange park, Fla. Originally
Basic training at cape may, nj
1 1/2 years at air station north bend, or.
2 months at rate specific school yorktown, va
2 years on a 110' patrol boat port Angeles, wa.
2 years at air station port Angeles, wa.
3 years at 47' MLB surf station hatteras, nc
Coming up on 4 years at 47' MLB surf station depoe bay, or.
Awaiting orders to transfer, hoping for some better weather area on the west coast.

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