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Currently in Fort Lee VA training to be a 92f. Wanna hang let me know!
17 years active duty.
-Started out as an E-2, made E-3
-Struck Damage Controlman Third Class (E-4)
-After making E-6, went to OCS
-Currently a LT working in Naval Engineering
-Served on some cutters (378 ft/270 ft) (Navy folks... I know, I know, those are big ships for us! :D), supported cutters at Naval Engineering Support Units, spent some time in college, did some HQ duty working on our new National Security Cutter (418 ft), and now I'm supporting some of our older cutter classes, getting them updated a bit.

Semper Paratus!
US Navy

Rate/MoS: Engineman
Yrs Active:8
Yrs Reserve:4


USS Mount Hood
USS Carl Vinson
SIMA San Diego
USS Pinckney

I seen this thread and felt the need and duty to read it.My Father was in the Airforce during Korea and Vietnam. Officially never went but thats just the Official word.

I never have served and now too old to do so.I do have many friends that do serve as long as many that have served.I look back and see that I too should have.

I respect EVERY serviceman no matter what Branch of service.You guys not only protect our freedom but instill security that I will,along with my family will be safe.I THANK YOU for every thing you do.To the many that have served and to those that made the Ultimate sacrifice I THANK YOU TOO.

Threads like these make me PROUD of the servicemen.

Currently E-3 in Marine Corps, stationed on good ol' Camp Lejeune, NC with 2nd Radio Battalion as a 2621 Signals Intelligence Collection Operator. Been in since March 2011. Ride an 07 XB9SX
Navy nuke e.l.t. Been in 3 1/2 years (E-5), got picked up for STA-21 last year and am currently finishing my degree at Auburn University. War Eagle! Ride a 2004 xb12s. Thanks to all those who have served, currently serving, and will serve.
Captain/ US Army/ Field Artillery
Been in just over 5 years
I was a Platoon Leader and Battalion Fire Direction Officer at Camp Casey, ROK
Spent time as a Battalion S2 (Intelligence Officer) at Ft. Lewis.
Currently in Command of an Artillery Battery out here in good old Afghanistan.

Be home soon though.

Just bought an '07 Buell XB12Scg
U.S. Navy, Got out as an E-5 in 1995,
8 1/2 years in.
East coast sailor at NAS Oceana AIMD/Seaopdet
Attached to USS John F. Kennedy 1987-1992
Shore duty NAS Oceana AIMD 1992-1995
Also deployed on USS Kitty Hawk, USS America
F-14 firecontrol radar technician (AQ) forcably crossrated to Aviation Electronics technician (AT)

Buell owner since 2005, 2003 BuellXB9S


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