Getting passed

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NO Im 6'5 175 51 yrs old run a 5 min mile[cool] just got passed by a R1 and i will sell that bike...
That awesome, sell the damn thing already! You would almost think you like the attention! Unless I misread a joke somewhere... I have had a few... Stone IPA! Hell ya!
Too funny. I remember, in my late teens, how much I hated for other bikers to "think they could pass me" on the street... Made for some great heroics, until I was humbled by one Mike Montoya on an RD400--properly ridden. He showed me what smooth skills looked like going through Latigo and Mulholland. I was hooked. I sold my Gpz750 Turbo, bought a Ninja 600, and learned a lot from that guy at Willow Springs.

Worried about getting passed on the highway by an R1 does not even register to me anymore. Heck, I remember mega-buck R1's passing me on the front straight (whilst on my TL1000R--and before all the air box and head work stuff.. :) ), and me killing them through the rest of track... Then a talented guy on an R6 would come around me and feed me humble pie. It's all about skill.


I don't like or dislike a bike based on it's ability to be he fastest out there--it really is all about the rider. The R1, nice as that cross planer is, won't make you faster. Your skills will. Or won't. ;)
completely agree Rhino...

brings back some good memories killing my friends on there GSXR1000,R1,CBR1000rr on my TL1000R in the twisties .. always will miss that bike
^yeah, that's the bike that got me hooked on twins. Bought that one in 1999 as a completely stock blue/white model. This pic is "early" in the mods stage. Before I let me baby go, she had more magnesium and titanium than I care to recall ($$$$)... LOL!

My XB12S was the most satisfying bike to ride I've ever owned--and I have owned some doozies... Yeah, my '05 GSXR1000 with Marchesini's, Ohlins, etc was the fastest/lightest, but my XB was the best in the sinewy tight stuff that I enjoy so much (never should have sold my Buell!!!). I'm hopin my new-to-me-soon 1125CR will be much more of the same... :D
I've never been passed as I have the worlds fastest bike. I set records daily because I am that cool.
LOL Just sat here at work and read this entire thread.

Sounds like someone has the ever popular "big dick" syndrome we see so often these days ;)

I've had twins, triples, and I4's and they all have their plus and minuses. I truly did feel my xb12sTT was a bit under powered at times, but hitting a favorite curvy road always cured those thoughts. I loved that bike.

Since getting rid of the xb I have owned two 1125r's.. totaled one in may on my way home from work, gravel in a blind curve. I bet i test rode and sat on 15 different bikes when I was shopping for a replacement for the 1125 I wrecked. Damn near every one of them felt cheap and flimsy to me. Look at a cbr100rr.. they've only been using those rims for the past decade LOL.

Blah blah blah, anyways. Have fun hauling ass on a pretty sweet bike if you ask me (and that cross plane with a good exhaust is as close to a good sounding I4 we might ever hear. But also have fun when you and you're buddies are hauling ass down some road "with no side roads" (I guess some people believe just because there are no roads or other cars they are safe) and one of them goes down at 130+. Some people like to discount the fact that animals, even birds can be catastrophic at those speeds. I've seen first hand paramedics using metal snow shovels to clean up the carnage.Dont worry you're buddies family won't look at you as a contributing factor at all.

OP, there's a pretty easy way to establish whether its the bike, or yourself that's the issue here. Spend some time at your local track on both bikes and see which bike you churn out better lap times on (getting faster on the track should be your real goal here). I myself have always found greater satisfaction out-riding my buddies at the track than seeing if I can't be outrun down a highway somewhere. Going out and being a mad man at the track is so much more fulfilling at the end of the day for me because I know that I had fun while endangering no one but myself.

Someday I probably will pick up another I4 cheap to use as a track bike for one reason, parts are a dime a dozen and everyone can wrench on them.

Props to OP for wearing proper gear, even if hes is a big enough pin head to think 150+ is suitable for public roads. I cant think of how many times i have been cruising down the highway at 70-75 and about **** my pants when a dbag on a bike flys past me at 140mph wearing nothing but a tshirt and an ass backwards Tapout hat.

Some people were making reference that pretty much all claimed knee draggers are full of BS.. and that's not a far fetched statement. I can say I go through a few sets of knee sliders a year but most of that is done at the track, or places like the Gap, or the old closed cart course we like to mess around on, but you wont catch me acting like a dbag on public roads anymore, especially after going down while not even playing around.



I still need to upload videos!
I've never been passed as I have the worlds fastest bike. I set records daily because I am that cool.

i've heard that ur bike runs on vegetable oil, that's why its so fast.
Great post mowgol! I think you pretty much summed up everything that everyone was trying to say, but in a nice formatted version that makes sense. [up]
Where's squidbuellie's "maximum trolling" post at?

I would say it's long overdue in this thread. [down]
never fails, the shoes fly off. I was in a bicycle vs. truck wreck when i was in 3rd grade.( iwas on the bike of course) Got pretty bad road rash and cuts and bruises. But yeah i lost my shoes... never understand why evrybody gets knocked outa their shoes.
this is why you shouldn't ride like an idiot on public roads
lol yea.

this is why your trailer by law is required to have working lights.tons of wrecks caused by vechicles having faulty/no brake lights add in an inattentive driver/rider.

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