My truck is not a sports car by any means, and how is doing a burnout(standind still) dangerous? I know it can't handle great(it does weigh 5,300lb) and it's not a rocket but it's pretty strong for a 287cid.
You're right it is kind of to "show off". It's just fun. Nothing dangerous about it. It's not like I stop on I4 and do a burnout in 70mph traffic or something stupid like that. I don't ever do it as a "hey look at me" thing, I just do it because it's fun.
I understand how ABS works, and know a computer can react faster than a human brain, but there are long delays with ABS systems after when the pump engages(pedal goes soft), the tires stop skidding, and when the pump turns off and the pedal firms up again. I swear sometimes it's like 1-2 seconds and that's a long ass time in a panic stop.
I've used both and feel like I can stop just as fast with a non ABS vehicle.
I was riding a while ago with 2 other buells and a ducati duvail(spelling?) that had ABS. We all got into a panic stop(don't ask....I guess none of us were paying attention). and the other two buells ended up not stopping and one swerved around the car on the shoulder, the other off into the grass. The ducati stopped short of the car, and so did I. We were all travelling in a tight group, same speed, etc.
FYI they say one reason EBR is doing so well against all the other bikes in competition is because it has one huge electronics such as traction control, etc.