Getting pulled over? Here are some tips.

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Hi guys, Just like to help if I can. My suggestion is not a cure all easy peasy "Get outta Jail Free" card. You will have to do some homework, and put some work in.
A few years ago I cam across this guy on youtube, He has close to 5k subscribers, and his vid's have about 3 mil views. He is an Expert on Calli because this is where he lives but has worked with people all over the country helping them fight tickets. I dont know that he charges for help. Last time I checked it was by donation.

Anyway if you wish to see some of his battles with the state of Calli, some of his sucess stories, or if you wish to read and see some of his philosophies on the topic check out his channel.

If you have a ticket currently and plan to fight it, deff give this guy a look-see, maybe he can help you out.

Lastly; I do not condone being or acting like a *******. If you were being a douche' on the roads then I think you got what was deserved, but I know things happen to good people who werent doing anything that bad.

I was a ******* one day, Racing my bud on his zx-10 while stationed in TX, somebody we "illegaly passed" called the town ahead of us... They were waiting for us soon as we exited the last turn into town. Pulled right over at them got off the bikes, and my bud immeadiatly starts running his mouth. One of the two cops looks at me, I say to him im cool with what ever you write just dont lump me in with this guy and I kinda move away from him a bit. He smiled and went back to arguing with my douche' bud. After about 15 min the cop explains that they just reciently buried two moto rider's reciently that were speeding, so the town is sensitive to this at the moment.

He said they got us doing 130 exiting that last corner, My ticket was 90 in a 70. Bud's ticket was 95 in a 55, the cop said he got him after the speed limit change comming into town. Hahahaha! thats what you get for running your mouth.

I just Paid mine and was done with it!
For the people that live in a CCW states and are carring that should be the first thing that you tell the officer.They do not like supprises like that.
For the people that live in a CCW states and are carring that should be the first thing that you tell the officer.They do not like supprises like that.

in most states this is part of the law, if you have a CCW it is your responsibility to know your laws and act acordingly.
In my younger, crazier days, I was pulled by police for doing three times the posted limit. They handcuffed me and stuffed me in the backseat. A few minutes later a call come in, a guy was holding his family hostage less than a quarter mile from where they pulled me over. I got cut loose, officer told me it was the luckiest night of my life. I didn't feel too lucky, all I could think about was that guys family being held at gunpoint was the only reason I got out of trouble for doing something so freakin stupid. I found out later that they arrested the guy with no harm done to anyone.

Here in NC it seems that if you get pulled by a state trooper, you DO get a ticket.. I try to obey the law as much as possible now lol.
This thread needs to be woken up. :D

I went out a Sunday a few weekends ago to check out Jasper Pulaski Fish and Wildlife area, the pistol/ rifle range in particular. It was in the low 40s that day so I wore 2 piece leathers and took the long senic route there which took me a hour or so. I checked out the range and wasn't impressed so I started heading back home. I took a few country roads to state road 49 and went though a town Kouts, IN. In town its 35 mph but leaving town it goes 35, 45, 55. A church is located right next to the 45 sign and a cop usually sits in the lot. I saw the cop and thought nothing of it. I did however remember shifting into 4th I thought to keep quite going by the cop.
He pulled out after me and quickly and lit up the lights so I safely pulled to the side, turned the bike off and took my gloves off. A young cop came up and I thought he was going to have a poor attitute and when asked why I was pulled over I was quite unsure. He tells me I was traveling 56 in a 35 and I was astaunished to how that was possiable. I was idling when I went by him. I questioned to what side of the sign he based his radar reading on and he claimed right before the 45. I don't always follow the posted signs but I travel within reason. I haven't been issued a ticket since I was 17 years old. The cop was becoming nicer at this point and I realized that he might have been more on edge for his safety when he pulled me over. He asked where I was going and I told him about the gun range hoping he is a gun enthusiast. Sure enough we talked about guns and outdoor ranges for a few minutes. He asked for my id but not my registration. I asked him if he needed it but I quickly hoped he didn't when I realized I had left it in my saddlebags that I needed to clean.
He comes back and gives me a reduced speed warning and mentioned that he had to write a warning but no ticket. We spent 5 minutes talking about how he wants a motorcycle and he wanted to know about this odd buell. He was rather curious about my bike and he wanted a cycle and we discussed different bikes. I thanked him for being polite and waved as I pulled off.

Honestly the stop was outstanding. He could have issued me a ticket without any hesitation but he didn't. When I got home I realized he made a large error on the warning that if it were a ticket it could have been tossed I believe. He could have been a power hungry cop and blown it out of proportion but he didn't.

I write this because we read/ see how arrogant and tyrant some cops act and then you realize that not all are so bad,
Apologizes if I wrote a short story.
My you like nice in your uniform, is that Gucci? Only works in San Francisco.:D.. Well written Dave.[up] rep point.
Most officers are decent guys, best advice, don't give them a reason to stop you. If you are stopped for a violation you know you are guilty of, just own up to it. You may get a citation or a warning, but arguing on the side of the road is the worst possible thing to do. I stop approximately 500 a month, 75% get a written warning. My decision is made before I speak to you or even see your face. I don't care about your driving record, my concern is the violation I observed only. You can't "sweet talk" your way out of a citation but you can damn sure talk your way into one. Here in South Texas, I allow driver's to run the engine for A/C, especially with kids or elderly in car. I ask riders to dismount and allow them to leave helmet on if they prefer. I take photos of the driver with my electronic Ticket writer. I WILL remember the person 9 months or a year later in court. Before court, I review the video from the stop, my personal notes, and picture of operator. Again, ride responsibly and safely and you won't draw attention to yourself. I use RADAR, LIDAR, and Pace for speed checking and all my tools are certified calibrated and my training records current.
Most of us Buellers are pretty decent guys. It's a 'stereotype' thing. The people attracted to Buells a typically a bit more mature (if you forgive the aging parlance). You won't find many aggro knee scraping in traffic, stunters here. You'll need to go to the Hyabusa Forum to find a lot of 21 year old 'badasses':upset:

All good advise in this ancient thread: Be polite, be nice, and argue with the judge, not the cop.

jriffe108: You really write over 3 tickets/warnings every single HOUR you work!?! Wow. What speed over the posted do you usually think warrants a stop? Considering dry, clear day.
Hey Cooter, yes, I average 500 a month, even while sitting in traffic court and county court, training, vacation, sick days, etc. I am assigned to the Motor unit, Traffic division. I usually only do traffic stops and accident investigations. Average traffic stop time is 4 mins. That's if everything goes smooth. I use an Ewriter so i can scan the DL, MVR sticker, fill in the violation, location, phone number, snap pic, and print copy. I stop in 30 MPH suburban areas for 10 over, 45-50 zones, 13 over, 60-70 zones, highways, 15 over. I do alot of stops for stop signs, seatbelts, signal lights, unsafe lane changes, equipment violations, expired regs, etc. Traffic here is bonkers, everyone is selfish, rude, unsafe, inexperienced, and careless. We get alot of pursuits because some of the other local agencies have advertised their chase policies which pretty much means they dont chase. In Texas, a Class C misdemeanor traffic citation turns into a Felony when you evade using a motor vehicle. That's if you don't crash. If you injure anyone while fleeing, the penalty gets stiffer with multiple felony counts. And obviously, the injuries you may sustain or death, really kind of dumb to run.
Most officers are decent guys, best advice, don't give them a reason to stop you. If you are stopped for a violation you know you are guilty of, just own up to it. You may get a citation or a warning, but arguing on the side of the road is the worst possible thing to do. I stop approximately 500 a month, 75% get a written warning. My decision is made before I speak to you or even see your face. I don't care about your driving record, my concern is the violation I observed only. You can't "sweet talk" your way out of a citation but you can damn sure talk your way into one. Here in South Texas, I allow driver's to run the engine for A/C, especially with kids or elderly in car. I ask riders to dismount and allow them to leave helmet on if they prefer. I take photos of the driver with my electronic Ticket writer. I WILL remember the person 9 months or a year later in court. Before court, I review the video from the stop, my personal notes, and picture of operator. Again, ride responsibly and safely and you won't draw attention to yourself. I use RADAR, LIDAR, and Pace for speed checking and all my tools are certified calibrated and my training records current.

I agree 100% as a fellow motor officer! Don't write quite that many tickets per month though...
That's pretty fair. I spent a lot of time in Los Angeles so i know what you mean about self-entitled and un-skilled jerks that are piloting 5000lb death machines, oblivious to their surroundings.

My personal feelings on chase policies are that if someone runs, they are using deadly force (the vehicle) that can maim, injure, or kill anyone, so they deserve to have the officer use deadly force (the pit maneuver, run him off the road, or the bullets) to stop them. I know it sounds harsh, not to mention it puts the officer in a terrible position to have to make that choice, but:

It would stop the problem. (Do I stay and they find the drugs/warrant/whatever? Or do I run.... and die immediately. Hmmm, I think I'll stay.)
It would save many more lives than it takes. They wouldn't be putting me at risk by driving around for hours wrecking cars of the innocent.
It would be a whole lot more interesting to watch on TV, instead of watching the LAPD embarrass themselves by handing out water bottles to the friggin' suspect! during an active chase!:black_eyed:

Harsh? Sure. Just wait 'till I'm President!:cool:

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