Getting pulled over? Here are some tips.

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I just called my city And he said there is no expiration on the speed survey for our city. Is there a law saying how long they last?
I would assume that all states/counties are different when it comes to speed surveys. I would find a officer that you trust and ask him about the speed surveys.
you be able to look it up online in the state laws and statutes ( on your state's website under legistative branch and law libary) or for a city it maybe online also in city bylaws/regulations and laws or just go down to the city hall or county courthouse or the local libary and ask to look at the city laws or a copy of it.
I've gotten pulled over three times on my 1125 now ... twice for the same thing (Jardine fender eliminator which I altered to make look stock-ish as possible and haven't had any trouble since). The latest was a knuckleheaded move, but not too bad: pulling onto the main highway through town, the speed limit is 45 mph then increases to 55 mph outside of town. There was a huge rain cloud to my southwest heading northeast (the direction I was traveling) and I had just washed the bike thoroughly ... I REALLY didn't feel like getting caught in it. Blasted off at a steady 60 mph in the 45 mph zone (maybe 5 mph faster than traffic usually goes anyway on that stretch of road) and got nabbed. Had my Cortech saddlebags on and my DSLR mini-bag on my bag with reflective rain cover on it. The officer (city) just asked to see my license and registration and told me to slow it down. He said if I wasn't wearing any gear I'd have gotten a ticket ... apparently he hates squids. I had on my Fieldsheer perf leather jacket, Kevlar-lined riding jeans, Icon boots, Scorpion helmet, Joe Rocket shorty gloves (I really need to get some gauntlets), and foam ear plugs. It pays to ATGATT, even when getting pulled over.
Ok I have officially got to slow my roll. I have gotten two warnings in 3 days. Sunday I was pulled on I-485 in Charlotte going 80 in a 65. Trooper was very kind and even thanked me for pulling over. Next was yesterday and got pulled over by Huntersville police up near Lake Norman where I work going 63 in a 45. For both officers I was polite, respectful, and honest for the most part. I did lie about knowing how fast I was going but you never admit knowing you were speeding. TWO WARNINGS! I am blessed and slowing it the F... down.
I was in my work vehicle,a US Government "Blue Plate" special and the Officer was a total dick and wrote me for 62 in a 45 earlier in May.
There are some tips in there that help. Most I've learned to do.

I'd like to add something. DON'T TALK!

There is usually very limited information you have to provide to an officer.

No offense to officers of course, but for example, here is a trick question...

I clocked you going 84 in a 65. Did you know you were going that fast?

Answer yes and you admit that you were speeding.
Answer no and you admit that you didn't know what speed your were going.
Say you were going the speed limit and you're probably going to piss the officer off.

My answer: I prefer to not answer any more questions.

Or you could say: I prefer not to answer any questions that have the potential to incriminate me.

So, do what dave_xb12r says, but keep your mouth shut.

Just so you know I'm not full of BS...

I have told an officer when he asked me an incriminating question that I prefer to not answer any more questions. He said okay, went back to his car, came back, gave me a warning. Of course, I had my hand out of the window when he rolled up.

In addition, and no offense to officers, but to my understanding they are legally allowed to lie to you. Know your rights and laws. Don't let them make you do something out of trickery or lying. To an extent, or full extent, they are trying to get you to be as guilty as possible. The more you talk the worse it's potentially going to be.

Keep yourself legally safe, but make sure you keep the officer's life safe. He'll let you know if you're in an unsafe situation. Give the officer a safe situation.
I live in a small town of 2500 people, "The Cave" and work in another small town 10 minutes up the road "Cave-Vegas." On my way out of work one around 1am (I was supposed to be off at 9pm but that's the resturant business for ya) I broke traction in my car unintentionally. A cop made 2 illegal U-turns with no lights on to pull me over and ask me what my problem was. I explained about work and he started being a dick. He asked me if I knew what I did. I said I didn't because my music was too loud in the car and my traction control light didn't come on after he had explained why he pulled me over. After about ten minutes of "I'm sorry, Officer, it was an accident and won't happen again" he let me go with a warning. As I got into "The Cave" I decided to stop at McDonald's just outside of town to grab a bite to eat. On my way back into town a cop raced up behind me and tailgated for a good mile with no lights before pulling me over. After asking for my license and proof of insurance, he asked who my parents were, where they worked, where I lived, where I worked, why I was out so late, and why my music was so loud. After answering all those questions, the last answer being to keep me awake for the last 5 mile stretch to home he informed me there was a sound odinance in city limits from 10pm-6am. I drove off with another warning. To top off all this good news I got home with 20 bucks in my pocket after an eleven hour shift as a server. Not a good night.

side note-servers in KY are paid $2.28 per hour legally. Check your locals wages when eating out.
My answer: I prefer to not answer any more questions.

Or you could say: I prefer not to answer any questions that have the potential to incriminate me.

Whatever works for you. The reason I'd advise against this is because the officer/trooper will be put on alert at that point. When you say that, you might as well say "see you in court". He/she will know that you are planning on fighting it and escalating the situation and this will stand out in his memory better. Talk to him, be nice, answer his questions as nice as you can and chances are he'll let you off for being "a cool guy". If he doesn't, at least you haven't given him something to remember.
Everything you say CAN and WILL be used against you in court.

NOTHING you say can be used to help your case in court as its considered hearsay.

I do like De Niro says "always keep your mouth shut and dont rat on your friends".

Remember 99% of cops give 1% a bad name.

Its none of their business where you work or where you are going or coming from or who your parents are. Unless you fit a profile for someone they are looking for, they have no reason to ask you stupid questions.

Being said, dont be a dick to them. Its not going to help.
Some people really have alot of nerve. If you were pulled over, it was for a reason. In the eyes of Law Enforcement, you are guilty until proven innocent-- end of story. If the officer thought you were not guilty, he wouldn't have pulled you over; with the exception of some officers who are power hungry. But more often than not, it is operator error. You guys broke the law, and got caught-- accept the consequences. This is pitiful that so many people feel the need to fight the law when they are in the wrong.
i am a habitual speeder always have been.i know when im speeding and so do the police i dont try to get out of it. im always polite they caught me big the last 2 years iv gotten pulled 5 times for triple the speed limit i always had a good attitude and was ready to go to jail knowing full well i deserved it.all 5 have ended with warnings and talk about my bike.when you get pulled over for speeding dont pretend you didnt know.youll either look like an idiot because you didnt know how fast you were going or piss the officer off because you think hes an idiot
Last time I was home I took a ride down around houston and back home....about 550 miles round trip if I remember correctly. About 50 miles from home I was cruising up Hwy45 at about 80mph....just paying attention to what was in front of me. All of a sudden I decided to check my mirrors and to my supprise there was a Sate trooper with his lights on. Long story short he had been behind me for almost 3 miles. All i got was a warning and orders to pull off at the next exit with a restraunt so I could eat and rest. whilr there we chatted about my bike for about 15 min before he got a call and had to leave.
I didn't mean to come off as offensive, but it just gets to me. I know that 99% of you guys are great people. I just can't stand the whole "**** the system!" jokers. Ride safe gents.
Im a motor officer and traffic is my job, my advice on a traffic stop is be as polite as possible that is your best shot to get a warning. We motor officers believe that every ticket we write is a life saved, so thats the mind set your dealing with. Remember we see hundreds of nasty car/motorcycle accidents caused by speeding that could have been prevented.
Its good to know your rights and the law, but we do too and enforce them for a living, no officer is going to risk his job or break the law just to give you a ticket. As for court...well, I write a lot of speeding tickets everyday and I have never lost in court in 15 years. But you never know if the cop doesnt have his **** together, you may win. Your best chance to win if you fight it, is to hope he doesnt show up.

If anyone has questions about this stuff, let me know.