Getting pulled over? Here are some tips.

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Well no offense sir, I know speeding causes some wrecks, but I recall reading a study somewhere that almost always speeding is a secondary cause, ie speeding while drunk, or speeding and your being a moron lol thanks to all the cops out there helping keep us safe though, often underappreciated because of the few who are real @ss holes that we all remember more than the good ones
no officer is going to risk his job or break the law just to give you a ticket.

That's not true. There are plenty of stories out there of cops tailgating, etc people in order to try to get them to speed up or change lanes too quickly and pull them over. I've had this happen to me.

It was about 7:30am on a Sunday and I was headed home from my midnight shift. The stretch of highway I was on had a 55mph speed limit so I set my cruise control at 55 and planted myself in the middle lane. Being a Sunday morning there was no one else around me for a good 1/2 mile.

Then I see a black Expedition in my rearview mirror coming up on me FAST. He had to have been going 10+ over. He got right up on my butt and stayed there. Remember, there was no one else around. 3 lanes and the only ones there was a small hatchback being tailgated by a large SUV.

I'm looking into my rearview some more to see what this guy's problem is. Then with the sun (I was heading east) I notice a large red and a large blue lens tucked behind the grill of this SUV. I've seen more unmarked, non Crown Vic/Impala/Charger, police cars with hidden lights this stretch of highway than anywhere else since I've been driving. So I put two and two together and I realize that an officer is 3 feet from my back bumper.

I hold steady at the speed limit and just plan to wait him out. I'm not doing anything wrong and he's not going to make me. After about 2 miles he apparently got bored. He made a lane change to the left without signaling and sped off. He had to be going around 15 over as he left.

I know that not all cops are bad but it's simply naive to think that a cop wont do anything illegal in order to give you a ticket.

Some cops are downright evil too.
Cops shoot homeowner, caught planning cover-up.

Synopsis -
Cops respond to 911 call about a home break in. Shoot homewoner who was on the phone with 911. Realize who they shot. Plan the coverup. 911 was still on the line and recording their conversation. The homeowner thought he was dying and asked that the officers not let his family see him like that. So the officers dragged him outside and threw him in front of his family.

That being said, I've known a couple good cops. They're great guys. But it only takes one bad cop to screw you over. Until you know for sure it's best to assume that the officer is one step above being your enemy.

You seem like a good guy. It's a shame that more cops aren't like you and my cop buddy John.

If anyone has questions about this stuff, let me know.

The stretch of highway I take to and from work has a speed limit of 55. But if you're not going at least 60 you'll get everyone from Priuses to semis tailgating you. I tend to go a little above 55 but below 60 to get them to not follow me so closely. What's the best balance between "impeding traffic" (traffic being practically everyone else who are going 60-70mph) and speeding? I just try to not go noticeably faster than anyone else.
got a ticket yesterday,54 in a 40 cop was cool and we bs for 20 min.i dont ever fight tickets but after i got home i read the ticket it shows posted was 40 it is 45,says i was on a harley im on a buell,say 300 block of 34th we were at 1100 block of 34th.he just has to many mistakes on the ticket plus he pissed me off by saying i was on a harley.
Lots of great info in this thread that I wish I had learned YEARS ago. Dont have very many problems now because I learned to pay better attention to my speed and always allow enough time to get to my destination that I dont have to speed. Granted there are times when the open stretch of road just begs a full-throttle, but guess I'm just old enough now that going "crazy-stupid" fast isnt what it used to be. Personally, I'm out to enjoy my ride...and you get a better view of what's around at 55mph rather then the "blur" of things at 110mph.

As for "Fighting the Ticket"...a defense I've seen work (funny as it was to watch) is the "Senial Old Man" defense. Was headed across NY to Laconia for Bike Week with my father, he was on his '93 FXRS and I was following on my '05 XB9SX. Taking the highway out through the Adirondack Mountains (right around Lake Placid area) we wound up blowing past a NY State Trooper headed the opposite direction. Well, he of course turned around and caught up to us and when we both pulled over, the trooper walked right past me and up to my Dad who was just now getting off his bike. Never seen a better actor in my life as my father dismounts and stretches, curses, complains about every achy joint, back pain, limps a little from a bad/stiff knee (granted we had been riding for about 2 hours by then, but there is nothing physically wrong with the man). I was half expecting my Dad to pull a walker out of his saddlebag to prop himself up on while talking to the trooper. Trooper gave us citations for "Unlawful Speedometer" instead of speeding, so I guess that it paid off. Fast forward a few weeks, we both mailed in our citations...low and behold, he gets out of his fine completely and I get stiffed paying $75 for mine. The dagger of the whole story was that I was FOLLOWING him...and somehow they clocked me going faster then him, which I dont understand (seems like that would defy the laws of physics)

Moral of the story...dont always try to keep up with the "old-timers"...they stand a better chance of getting off the hook then you do:D
Because he probably can't remember. Think about how many tickets has he written since then. He's probably seen hundreds of people. If he's a honest cop, he'll say no, because he really can't remember.
I guess I was a little confused as to how it was worded. So if he says no he can't remember your face the ticket will be dismissed?
It could. Sometimes just that alone can get you out of it. But sometimes you would need a story to go along with it.

If that's your defense, the whole "it wasn't me" thing. You could say a guy was test riding your bike and must have used your wallet that was in your jacket that you let him borrow.

I would consider this a defense if you have no others. If he got you, you were obviously speeding, you were the only car/bike on a very straight road.

But in most cases, there is other room for error on the cops side. There are obstacles, other cars, odd timing. I would use these first.
Great write up. [up]

Jobes tips:

Get this..... No one will catch you not even police! Dont forget to port your headz!!! Also, dont forget to were your seat belt!

Hey Jobes - what if I have the XB12...are there any big bore kits for the 12?
I haveto agree, the best thing to make sure is that everybody keep there head cool as you would not want your case upgraded into something else like disrespect of an officer. You could very well get off the hook with just a simple warning if you can talk then down. But you have to remember that you shoukd not soung like you are bribing them if they see it fit.
Having watched Speeders and the lot of other relative shows where cops catch those who are driving/riding a little off, I have figured out that what you are getting yourself into is based on how you go well with the officer. It would help to keep calm and not come aggressively toward the officer.

They could very well let you off with a warning if you will not be that type who seems to be ready to take on a brawl.
My room mate and I were pulled coming back from Atlanta, GA to Columbia, SC. We took back roads the entire time so that we didn't have to put up with interstate chaos.

Most of the speeds on these back roads were 55mph. We would typically cruise at 60-63mph. Might get up to 70 if we were passing a car.

The GA State Trooper about ran my room mate off the road by flying through the gravel shoulder of a turn that was yielding where two highways came together. He was doing that to try and get up to me.

We never saw him sitting on the side of the road, never noticed him behind us with his lights on, his sirens were NOT on and I didn't notice him till he was right next to me about running me off the road. When this was going on we were doing about 35-40mph.

Obviously we immediately stopped, turned our bikes off, took our helmet off and stood next to our bikes, hands out of our pockets.

First thing he says is, Why didn't you stop? Did you not see me behind you with my lights on? I've been following you for a while. Why are you going so fast, clocked us doing 75mph. Then says that he thought I was running from him since we were not stopping.

I told him I never saw him back there or I would of stopped a lot earlier. He then thanked us for stopping since he thought we were running.

Gave us tickets for 69mph in a 55 zone. My issue is that I know for a FACT that he did not clock us doing 75mph. If he did clock us, it wouldn't of even been 69mph.

Court date is April 10th back in the boonies of GA. Any advice for how my room mate and I should go about this. I've never been pulled over before, have never had a ticket before. Perfectly clean record and wouldn't mind keeping it that way.
HI Dave,
Back in September, I got a tcket for speeding and I postponed it thinking that I can show up for court later. Then back in January I saw your message about your trial by declaration. Well today is April 20, 2012 and yesterday, I received my letter from the court and my case was DISMISSED. I followed your format on your thread and I won. I just wanted to thank you. Back then I was desperate and the CHP officer in fact used a LIDAR unit and he wrote 917 feet which is approximately 2.7 feet beam size.
I was pulled over in California near SanBernardino where the I-10 w/b at the I-215. If anyone else needs help or advice, do not hesitate to contact me. I followed your format and I have proof and all my paperwork. Your format worked. THANKS AGAIN!!!
I am actually going to school right now to become a police officer. I got pulled over on the way to school a few weeks ago (a week after i bought my new car) doing 65mph through an industrial park which has a posted limit of 35mph.

as the officer got out of his cruiser, he started to walk towards my car and i took my keys out, placed them on the dash, rolled down the window, turned off my radio, PLACED MY PALMS (open) ON THE TOP OF THE WHEEL, and looked straight ahead to not give him the impression that i was anxious. when he asked me to hand him my license and registration, i informed him that it was in my glove box and told him what i would be reaching for. with a relaxed smile, he took my information back to his car

after he opened his door back up to get out, he walked back over and said these exact words "excuse me sir, but where exactly were you headed?" "waubonsee" i said, "what time is your class?" he asked, "9:30." so he actually apologized and said "well im really sorry if i make you late to class man, im not going to give you a ticket, but just a written warning today to show you that if you speed, we WILL see it. since kids dont typically play in this part of town, im not very sensitive about it. im not really exactly sure why the speed limit is 35 here, but ill let you get going to class so you arent late"

he started to walk back to his car and turned back around. he then asked me if i owned a ford before this car and i said "yeah." he asked when i bought the car and since i had bought it over a month prior, but had not transferred the plates, i lied and told him a week ago. he told me to get on it and then left.

now, a few weeks ago, i got pulled over on my blast, and i was not so lucky. i had not updated my plate stickers since my parents brought in the mail one day and never told me they came in. i actually kept my helmet on, but flipped the front up, since it was about 45 degrees out haha. he told me that he usually wouldnt really care about the plates issue, but my plates had been expired since august and i ended up going home with a 150$ ticket in my backpack.

now when im out on my bright yellow xb9, i feel like its a cop magnet because of the colors and D&D exhaust, but whatever. i just try and behave now. i dont want to make my insurance unaffordable.

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