no officer is going to risk his job or break the law just to give you a ticket.
That's not true. There are plenty of stories out there of cops tailgating, etc people in order to try to get them to speed up or change lanes too quickly and pull them over. I've had this happen to me.
It was about 7:30am on a Sunday and I was headed home from my midnight shift. The stretch of highway I was on had a 55mph speed limit so I set my cruise control at 55 and planted myself in the middle lane. Being a Sunday morning there was no one else around me for a good 1/2 mile.
Then I see a black Expedition in my rearview mirror coming up on me FAST. He had to have been going 10+ over. He got right up on my butt and stayed there. Remember, there was no one else around. 3 lanes and the only ones there was a small hatchback being tailgated by a large SUV.
I'm looking into my rearview some more to see what this guy's problem is. Then with the sun (I was heading east) I notice a large red and a large blue lens tucked behind the grill of this SUV. I've seen more unmarked, non Crown Vic/Impala/Charger, police cars with hidden lights this stretch of highway than anywhere else since I've been driving. So I put two and two together and I realize that an officer is 3 feet from my back bumper.
I hold steady at the speed limit and just plan to wait him out. I'm not doing anything wrong and he's not going to make me. After about 2 miles he apparently got bored. He made a lane change to the left without signaling and sped off. He had to be going around 15 over as he left.
I know that not all cops are bad but it's simply naive to think that a cop wont do anything illegal in order to give you a ticket.
Some cops are downright evil too.
Cops shoot homeowner, caught planning cover-up.
Synopsis -
Cops respond to 911 call about a home break in. Shoot homewoner who was on the phone with 911. Realize who they shot. Plan the coverup. 911 was still on the line and recording their conversation. The homeowner thought he was dying and asked that the officers not let his family see him like that. So the officers dragged him outside and threw him in front of his family.
That being said, I've known a couple good cops. They're great guys. But it only takes one bad cop to screw you over. Until you know for sure it's best to assume that the officer is one step above being your enemy.
You seem like a good guy. It's a shame that more cops aren't like you and my cop buddy John.
If anyone has questions about this stuff, let me know.
The stretch of highway I take to and from work has a speed limit of 55. But if you're not going at least 60 you'll get everyone from Priuses to semis tailgating you. I tend to go a little above 55 but below 60 to get them to not follow me so closely. What's the best balance between "impeding traffic" (traffic being practically everyone else who are going 60-70mph) and speeding? I just try to not go noticeably faster than anyone else.