Getting pulled over? Here are some tips.

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showing respect has gotten me out of a lot of tickets.that and being honest i know when im speeding and so does he so i dont b/s them.
Good Stuff, the only thing i wonder about is the key removal in a car, if i was an officer i would think, "wow this is suspicious, or wow this guy gets pulled over a lot"...
Good Stuff, the only thing i wonder about is the key removal in a car, if i was an officer i would think, "wow this is suspicious, or wow this guy gets pulled over a lot"...

I thought that too, but apparently they like that. Plus, HP troopers can see when and where you've been pulled over. I ran that situation by my CHP friend. He said "I can tell you right now that if you did that for me, I'd let you go."
Great Info, one rep point for sure. Just remember, a lot of people talk themselves into a ticket.
I would like to add as for some reason I get pulled over every few months in my SVT COBRA, not been pulled over yet on my buell thank god.
anyways .
follow the ADVICE , POLITE & RESPECT, & DONT talk unless spoken to (other than hi how are you or something polite dont try to make them laugh, they may think your a smart ass or offend themthey DONT like that), until you get the paper,
Step 2. Smile, make eye contact, keep your hands visible and call the officer "Officer" or "Sir". Don't look at him for too long, you don't want him remembering your face.

dont make excuses, and dont admit to anything unless you are going to pay the ticket, they will remember that. dont even admit to it if you just get a warning.

with as much as i get pulled over I haveNOT recieved a ticket since 2002, only warning some only verbal warnings, ihave done this by following the rules i stated along with what dave says.

thanks dave great write up thaks for stickying it

also in some states or cities the cop taking your speed by radar pacing lidar, time check distance , is the cop that has to give you the ticket otherwise you can have it dismissed, thats how it is here but sometimes they may find another way out of it. so if an airplane takes and checks your speed he/she has to give you the ticket. they have to be the one witnessing the traffic violation, in others words..
and sometimes they just pull you over even if you have obeyed the law. yes this has happen to me a couple of times. once the officer pulled me over only because he wanted to know why some one was out so late, thats what he said when i asked him why he pulled me over , it was about 4-5am on a sunday morning, i was on my way home. some place and people just want to try to find something to give a ticket for, or something. those are usually the corupt or the only revenue for that town .
Good info - used it a few times myself.

I would add to step one is that you either turn off or down your stereo.
I would add to step one is that you either turn off or down your stereo.

Good call. [up] I didn't think of that, but I guess some people could really be that dumb.
Here in Washington most officers will begin with "Do you know why you were stopped?" then if it is a speeding stop, "Do you know how fast you were going?" They do this for two reasons, first most people will state speeding and how fast there going thus admitting guilt. An attorney say to answer why they stopped with a simple "No, sir." and how fast you were going with "Yes, sir." No admission of guilt wish increases the likelihood of being warned only.
thanks Dave again for this thread and the advice.
I got pulled over today on my way to work in my SVT Cobra, , I followed the advice here and only got a warning for doin 10over the limit, and he asked me if i knew why he pulled my over. I said for me going about 40. (i usually never admit to why,but some reason i thought it was just best to say it and maybe it would help me out of a ticket and into a warning. plus i was late for work and i was speeding although i thuoght the speed limit was 35mph there and i have drove that street for years , he said the speed limit was 30 through there , i was being honest , and i said i thought it was 35mph, he kinda laughed and said "no its 30 up thought here until yoou get to the strret where wallgrens is, you drive this street alot probably everyday you really need to know and watch for the speed limit. " i said yes and he just gave me a warning , he said watch the speed, and I said thankyou very much I appreciate it. plus i think with being honest and admitting ,it allowed him to not have to be out in the freezing cold for to long .which may have helped to.
Good to hear Native. Being nice an honest can help you for sure. Every once in a while you'll still get a dick cop who doesn't care if you're being honest. In that case, self incriminating is a bad thing because it's harder to fight. It's a gamble, but it worked and that's the important thing. [up] for getting out of a ticket. It's always a good feeling.
Whoa, it surely is totally different here in Finland than in the States.
My advice would have been to be honest, to take responsibility of your actions and to bite the bullet. :)
If you live in CA and you get a ticket, it's even easier to fight with "Trial by written declaration". This is basically an essay that you must write and mail in. The officer or officers will also have to write in. If They don't, dismissed. If you are found guilty, you can still go to court. I know a guy that owns a company that allows him to do this for people for a living. It's by far the most effective way to fight a ticket.
This is what I'm going to do for the one I just got. A good friend of mine did this and they dismissed hers. I'm going with the safety route, stating, like I did to the officer, that I only accelerated oh so briefly to avoid a speeding car that entered the lane I was about to merge into blah blah blah. Here's a copy of what my friend wrote when she had her California ticket dismissed.

Dear Honorable Judge,
I’m writing this letter in my defense as per my right for a written response to case number 75357KWSR. I would like to plead not guilty for the reasons listed below.
However, to begin I would first like to define “speeding”.1) I believe that speeding means one is going faster than the posted speed limit for an extended period of time, possibly tailgating and dangerously weaving in and out of traffic in order to arrive quickly at a destination. 2) I don’t believe a person who speeds up briefly in order to pass someone else or get out of the way of another speeding driver constitutes speeding.
I am absolutely not guilty of the first definition. Please allow me to explain in the following narrative.
It was a Friday morning, the first day of my vacation. My daughter and I set out on our road trip with the final destination of Mount Rushmore. We had no deadlines, no reservations to meet and decided to relax and enjoy the trip. I set my cruise control to the posted speed limit. The visibility was excellent and the traffic was moderate and typical for a Friday morning. Road conditions were good. As I was driving in the vicinity of Lake Elsinore, the traffic became a little heavier. The lane next to me was full of a line of tailgating cars. The white car directly behind me was tailgating me. (Please see exhibit 1 attached to the last page) In order to let the car behind me pass, I sped up briefly to pass the line of cars in the next lane, because I don’t like to cut in a lane especially when there is less than one car length between cars.
Once I passed them, I safely changed lanes to allow the car behind me to pass. Then I resumed my cruise control and continued on my way. I do not feel that this constitutes speeding. The main reasons are as follows:
1. I do not believe in or have a need for speeding, because it’s dangerous.
2. I was not driving recklessly or endangering other drivers.
3. I was not in a hurry.
4. I was using my cruise control.
5. I sped up only briefly so as not to impede the traffic flow.
Finally, I would like to mention that I have not been pulled over for speeding in the 30 + years I have been driving. Therefore it is my belief that my excellent driving record should attest to the support of my innocence. I also suspect that the officer may have mistaken my white car for the white car which I allowed to pass me.
Nevertheless, I will abide by your decision in this case and I trust that you will make an honest judgment.

Yours faithfully,
Please for the love of god, never thank a cop after he writes you a ticket, unless he actually cut you a break on something. Ive known cops that think its hilarious when people say thank you.
Please for the love of god, never thank a cop after he writes you a ticket, unless he actually cut you a break on something. Ive known cops that think its hilarious when people say thank you.
I thanked the CHP officer who gave me mine. He clocked me at 95 and wrote it up at 75. Could have been $300 higher.
Or you could just not break the law . lol

I'm sure this advice is for law abiding citizens who were given tickets in error mistakes do happen cops are human too.

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