got t-boned.....

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I plan to get more than just enough to cover what was lost, I'm just worried about how they will handle the bike.... Most likely they will give the estimated value of it. I want to get my car paid off, a new bike, my medical covered, and my debts paid off with maybe some left over
My old roomie got t-boned a few years back had a broken finger they had to put pin in. He walked away with cost of bike, my motorcycle helmet (msrp), medical, tuition for having to drop school, and around 6 grand in his pocket

My boss on the other hand ended up with a dislocated hip and a few days in a hospital he got a nice house in an upscale neighborhood when all was said and done
Both of them sued. Both had someone run a red stop sign my roomie hit the suv my boss was actually hit. I recommend getting a decent lawyer my roomy called one of the TV gigs. Boss used the real deal and pretty much raped them his house is nice
nice, I totally need to. I don't have an cash so I man have to do one of those don't pay unless you win.
I was hit in a car a number of years back. State farm sued for me and I'm still getting paid, but only for medical needs related to my back. Guy didn't have insurance. Its not much but the up front pay out was nice. All medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and car at well above book value. Good accident claim lawyers are easy to find becuz insurance companies pay out. And you've got a good case with all the witness. Get the accident reports, medical, and so on when you see the lawyer its all there.
well if you need to use one of the you don't pay unless you win Goldberg is in Birmingham he is who did my friends
My advice to you is get a decent lawyer. Too bad you don't live in Florida, I could have hooked you up. Ask around your local biker community. They can point you in the right direction. Most lawyers that specialize in this type of law will take a case on what is known as a contingency basis. Of course, this is if the lawyer thinks it has merit/is worth his time. That means he gets a percentage of any settlement, this is usually between 30-40%. Once he decides to take your case, listen to what he says and do it! A lot of times they will work in conjunction with Doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapists. Whatever you do, don't sign anything from the other parties insurance company unless your lawyer advises it. When I was t-boned three years ago, my lawyer working along with my insurance company, got me a new bike, $10k and my medical treatment/physical therapy paid for. This was after the other parties insurance company told me to go pound sand. Sorry to sound preachy and long winded, but you just can't beat good legal repersentation.
Dang, very sorry to hear this Kyle. [down][sad] Glad you're OK and it isn't worse could've been really bad. Hope you heal quick.
I hope i heal quick too guys, and thanks for the advice. I can use any possible. This is really screwing up my year. I can't work which puts me behind on bills, car payment, insurance, and credit cards..... all just pure fun.
Heal up & get better bro. I had 1 of my bros move to philly or somewhere & a guy ran a redlight & hit him. He now has 1 carbon fiber leg from the knee down,but stayed positive about the whole thing minus the no bike part of course.

Stay strong guys & keep yer heads up! Both of you.
Grab the phone book or google personnel injury lawyers in your area. Most do the dont pay till its over deal. I was rearended in my corvette while leaning forward to eat a toster stroodle and got hit by a chick in a neon doing about 40 probably sing britney spears and putting on make up.

- Rule of thumb is you should settle for around 3 to 5 times the cost of your medical bills. Usualy 3. So milk that out. Go to the ER if you feel uncomfortable. lol. So Your lawyer is going to get about a third of the settlement. your bills will be about a third and you then will be left with about a third. So long story short or well I guess its pretty long already I got a settlment for 10 grand after going to the ciropractor 3 times a week for 6 months. I actualy got 3500 take home. The rest went to the blood sucking lawyer for writing a couple threatning letters and maybe a phone call and the rest went to medical bills. Good luck mayn.
Hopefull i get the police report tomorrow. I found out that I was speeding so hopefully that don't wanna say it was my fault... The speed limmit around the corner was 25 and I'm not sure how fast I was going but probably around 40-50mph. I mean how can you have a buell and take a corner at 25mph?
I feel your pain man. I got T-boned last year by a 4 wheeler. Compound fracture in both of my shin bones. I'm up and walking and riding again. Keep your head up and get better!
Lawyers like to advertise that they won't take any money unless you win, but that's just how it works, and all lawyers should do that. I'm pretty sure that's the law and they can't charge you if they didn't win you anything.

Aside from that, I think most of that stuff is already predetermined. Broken legs are worth so much, broken hips are worth a certain amount, so a lawyer should already be able to give you a good idea of what it's worth if you tell him what happened. Hopefully you don't get in too much trouble for riding without insurance. Are you required to have insurance in your state on a motorcycle?? If anything you might get a ticket in the mail from the police for something later because of it. They love rubbing dirt in an open wound by handing you a ticket after you crash even if they weren't there and have no idea what happened.
Lawyers like to advertise that they won't take any money unless you win, but that's just how it works, and all lawyers should do that. I'm pretty sure that's the law and they can't charge you if they didn't win you anything.

no such law exists unless they tell you that they wont. they can advertise it all they want but once you get there they have the right to charge you as they see fit, it only become illegal if they fail to disclose it to you.

if they want 1,000 an hour they have the right to charge it, but they need to tell you before they take the case what the rate is, and then you have the right to find another lawyer.
if you were speeding and they can prove it then winning a court case is unlikely I'm afraid [sad]

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