Hawk Performance Mufflers!!!

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Thanks Steve but I managed to salvage it via a rubber mallet and a 2x4!:D

The tip was out of round and I "massaged" it until I got it within 1/16" of true.[up] I guess 30+ years of watching my dad straighten metal paid off?!?!?!?[cool]

Anywho...I took a few pics of it once I got it on the bike:




I haven't taken it for a spin yet since it was too late but WOW does it sound nice at an idle and small revs!![up][up][up]

I'll try to take some video of it tomorrow when the sun is still shining.

Thanks Randy!!
I drove it in to work today (only 5 miles[sad]) but it sounds really nice! Not too loud, but definitely louder and deeper than stock!

The "butt-dyno" seems to like it but I suppose that could be in my head b/c I'm so excited!!:D i think a few people may have neck pains this morning from rubber-necking! :p

I'll be posting videos and will comment more after I've put a few more miles on it.
All this does is make waiting for mine worse...why did you have to show that? It certainly souds sweet. Doesn't seem near as harsh as the Jardine I had.
All this does is make waiting for mine worse...why did you have to show that?

LOL!! Sorry dude!!

It's not harsh at all!! Actually pretty smooth sounding and it doesn't pop on decel or anything like that.

Are you getting a new map for yours? Randy can probably hook you up with that as well...
I can't remap the 09. It should be able to compensate for the muffler on its own. Can't wait for it. Riding season is getting short here in Newfoundland.
I can't remap the 09. It should be able to compensate for the muffler on its own. Can't wait for it. Riding season is getting short here in Newfoundland.

Just take the boat over here to see JT&S Performance. Terry will get you tuned for $300
I've been running one of Randy's pipes for over a year now. I really surprised they aren't as popular as they should be. Every time I go to a buell meeting I get complemented on the sound of the exhaust. It's really deep with a lil bit of pop.

He'll do pretty much anything you ask on the pipe. When I spoked to him about mine I asked if he could do a dual outlet, hence the current standard design... ;)
hey 50dro,

IS that an LED accent light I can see under your tail in the second video? I've been torn on the idea of doing accent lighting on my 'bolt. Half of me thinks it looks really ghetto... but half of me likes the look and more importantly ALL of me likes being more visible at night!
IS that an LED accent light I can see under your tail in the second video?

It's an LED license plate bolt light. I did notice that flickering in the video. It (they) only light up the plate.

anyone know what it looks like internally yet.

It's basically the first chamber of the stock pipe with some tuned pipe lengths then the large 2nd chamber that is basically open. The third chamber is removed and the rear cap is welded back on to the pipe. This allows you to have just about any outlet that you want. I went with a 3.25" single outlet which is about the largest you would want to go with the stock end cap.

This pipe has really been nice thus far. Sounds real nice and is not annoyingly loud while cruising around. I love the look that people give you with a loud pipe on a V-twin sportbike!! They hear a HD, but see a sportbike!!:D This is the beauty of owning a Buell!
Just spoke to Randy. He will have my muffler tomorrow and he will have it done and shipped by Saturday. Now that's service. He also told me that a guy he rode with was killed yesterday doing a wheelie and hit a car head on at over 100mph. Sad news.
Glad to hear you're getting your muffler soon.[up]

Real bummer about Randy's buddy...[sad]
does anyone know if he keeps the servo in the 12 mufflers when he is modifying them (as Odie at Special O.P.S. does)?
does anyone know if he keeps the servo in the 12 mufflers when he is modifying them (as Odie at Special O.P.S. does)?

The valve is left in place but it is no longer functional.
He told me that with his mods the valve is no longer required. He is moding a XB9 Muffler to go on my 12SS. The 9 muffler is a fair bit lighter than the 12.