Headlight Mod - Both Lights On w/ Hi-Beam

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:D Thank you! and two thumbs up![up][up] I completed this headlight mod in under 10 minutes. Great instructions and pictures. We all owe you Gatorbuell and speedkills.
Hey tredhed367, I have LED fronts and a LED integrated taillight. (By Clear Alternatives) The dual headlight mod did not change anything for me. But those damn things flash too fast and I haven't been able to find a new flasher module to slow the flash rate down. My new signals came with resistors but I would rather not use them. Does anyone know where I can find a new module? [confused]
Thanks Stevenc150, I gonna go to autozone today and see if they have the EP-36 and if not I always have the link that you gave me for the one at american sport bike. I'll let you know what happens. :)
Stevenc150, I bought the EP-36 from autozone today for $10 and now my flashers are operating at normal speed. Great advice and thanks again!
Does anyone know how this affects the highbeam "flash" button? Just curious if I'd lose this feature.
Does anyone know how this affects the highbeam "flash" button? Just curious if I'd lose this feature.
Yep, you lose it. It's just for decoration after the mod. Edit: But you can flick the low/high switch and it will flash the low beam on/off.
thanks a lot for the pictures, it will be super easy to follow.
this is exactly what i was looking for[up][up]
It works, exactly as described [up][up]. Those wires were though !.

I took off about one inch of the black wrapping around the wires making sur not to cut the wire's protective lining. It made it easier to pull the wires out of the socket.
Bad a$$ took me about 5 mins used a finishing nail stuck it in there and taped it out with a hammer be sweet at night. I had a tendency took hold on both light manually when going down country roads.
Well, I did this mod myself and it was pretty easy. However, when I folded the plastic back the hinge snapped off and when I used the nail I expanded the metal housing for the electrical connection. called Buell and they didn't offer a part number as the connections were to loose causing on and off lighting conditions. I ended up cutting all wires and using electrical connectors leaving black and white together and just placing yellow with orange on both sides. works great more visible for those who dont ride and that dont pay attention on the road. good information:[
Bump...this should be a sticky as it should be the first mod all new Buellers do on their bikes. My first bike already had this done, but I just had to do it on my new 09. The pics and the how-to instructions from the OP - great job!

This post is could also be a how-to for "how-to" do a DIY post. [up]
Did the mod awhile back and it was easy and i love the results. No more you got a head light remarks.
So is it like I'm running two low beams or like I'm driving with my highbeam on?

Just trying to figure should I do this or just flick on my higbeam switch.
You would be using your low and high beam but you can still run just your low beam. With this mod when you flip your highbeam switch both lights will be on. I run both during the day for two reasons. One helps other drivers see me and secondly I dont have to hear everytime I stop somewhere that I have a headlight out.
Does this mean you have your high beam on all the time to (To make both lights work).. I like it and will be doing it to my bike tonight...
You could read the post above or the other three pages of posts;) But to make it easier yes you would have to have your high beam on all the time in order to run both lights[up]
do you guys run both lights on at night or just the one. Like passing cars and in the city.
do you guys run both lights on at night or just the one. Like passing cars and in the city
Just depends on my mood. I usually only turn it off when Im right behind someone and I know Ill be there for a few miles.

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