help!! installed new voltage regulator now no power

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Jul 20, 2012
Hey guys i am in need of help. I installed a new voltage regulator and the new 77conector today. Before i started i turned the key and everything functioned normally, head lights on, fuel pump cycled. After install i turn the key and nothing happens. I checked all my connections and everything looks ok. I am baffled. I cant really afford to take it to a shop please help..
Check all grounds, the connection you replaced, and fuses. Let us know what you find from there
No my dum@$$ forgot to disconnect the battery. Please tell me that my stupidty didnt do major damage. I checked all the fuses before i left for work. Even checked for power going to the fuse panel,and also checked for power on the relay box. No power at either of those. I know i do have power going to the starter.
found the problem :) was the fuse by the battery ground was bolwn. hope napa carrys them so i can get one in the morning. thanks to all who helped