How is best to deal with Americans?

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AZ i think i will have to do that its like torture not knowing lol seriously it may well be me being unreasonable but i am the most patient person i know if you just talk to me and i am a customer after all! i just dont want to push it and have to walk away from the black rotors i mean its not the end of the world if that happens but i REALLY do want them, they would be my bike`s crowning glory IMO
I know how you feel man, every time I see that bike of yours, all I see is just two huge halos of burning silver like the rings of Saturn just blotting out what little black your bike has.. its driving me totally insane... I have to put on sunglasses every time I even check this thread.
When my truck was at Whipple, and I called, I just asked for the main guy in charge, if he wasn't in, I wouldn't leave a message, just tried calling later.

I think that is you best way of going about it. Leaving messages and talking to lower down people will just add confusion.
au-rora give up British politeness, what become Australian you mean? ha ha ha only joking :black_eyed: Thanks mate thats a good idea!..... Gloom i like your style! :up: and.... AZ i think i should try that for sure! i feel sorry for the poor old receptionist she cant make him talk to me and she always sounds surprised every time he doesn`t reply! No company should rely on just one person!!
Yes mate, our typical nagging aussie sheila usually gets her way! Only because they were built with a big pair of lungs, but no bl@@dy on off switch!!
So if it works for them...
^^^ Thanks thats a good idea too! last time i spoke to the receptionist she said check back from time to time which is a bit vague so i must make an "appointment" for a chat so to speak! :up:
na an appointment isn't going to work out, dude is probably running around the shop totally focused on some bull****, then running up to the strip club for a bit for a few beers and looking at tittes and ****.. you just gotta call them .. ask for a ETA. tell her to write that **** down and youll call back for the answer
Gloom you should start a charm school! ha ha ha seriously thats a good point though i think i should try that suggestion too, thanks mate! just checked and they had my rotors there in front of them on the 10th of february! but they did say roughly 120 days in their defense so maybe i am just being a pain in the arse/ass! lol I come from a time when the seller chased the customer and not the other way round no matter how busy they were!! My grandad, dad, me and my brother combined, ran a family owned bicycle shop for 56 years in total and we NEVER, EVER ignored a customer big or small thats how we kept it going for that long! i just wish i didnt want those bloody rotors SO bad!! Lol
Don't know why they just didn't make a pattern of your rotors and then sent them back to you. Instead they are holding you up from riding. NOT RIGHT AND I WOULD CALL THEM ASAP! Don't care about 120 day bull-sh-t! Just my 2 cents
I understand where you're at Tone and sympathise with you. You don't want to pee them off and lose them by what they may take as harassment. But you don't want to lose them by giving them too much rope, to the point where they "conveniently forget" all about your job in favour of "higher priority" work. So a mid-way approach has got to be the best way for a win win. You get a solution to your "huge halos of burning silver" [good one gloom - haha] & they get some resulting follow on business from some areas of the global Buell/EBR community. Some manner of mid-way has gotta be the way.

Plan B - spray the rotors black and disconnect your brake hydraulics! haha ;)
^^^ Thanks mate! yep its one of my biggest dilemma`s where a wrong choice could lose me my rotors which i would hate but i wish i was man enough to walk away! mind you that day will come as life is too short to wait indefinitely especially at my age! ha ha They know others are interested and just think how many of those race or do track days! i think the problem is too many Harley riders are buying them and maybe they struggle to keep up with demand at times? I know it must take time to develop a new rotor but mine have been scanned so they know its possible to do now they have all the measurements so that must have saved them a bit of time? Right now about these "huge halos of burning silver" your name is going on "the list" along with Gloom so you wont get a christmas card this year either you "bar steward" you! ha ha ha ha ha :applause: :eagerness: Oh yeah i was thinking about doing that plan B and just putting my feet down! i mean bike boots must be good for a few emergency stops eh! LOL
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There has gotta be at least one kind hearted pommie dude up there in the marsh lands of Britannia with a spare set of rotors that they could loan to Tone to get him by for a bit?
C'mon guys?
Surely one?
Thanks for the thought au-rora very kind! I reckon if they do as promised the rotors should be done by the end of may or the beginning of june so i am going to do all the little finishing up jobs on the bike and tighten up the seat cover to pass the time! In true "sods law" fashion now our dog has got ill and the washing machine has blown up! bloody typical eh! Lol :sorrow: :eagerness: