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Tone, nothing worse than seeing a good Buell down! Well, I guess a month or two without any low altitude flying may be tough, but unavoidably bearable!
Sod's law... haha! Down here Murphy gets all the blame - Murphy's law (or also lesser known as the fourth law of thermodynamics).
Good luck with your dog (Tiny isn't it?) and washer. Are they both repairable?
We have an old cat (~16yo); looks terrible, poor old guy, would be perfectly suited for a role in a zombie cat movie. Like Stephen King's "Pet Sematary". And no make up required!
Thanks mate and i think sod and murphy must be related! lol Yeah the dog is called tiny he is 15 and he keeps having fits and may have had a partial stroke but the vet says he is not suffering yet but we have to keep an eye on him! sounds like your cat and my dog could both be movie stars bless them! lol The washer should be replaced but until i know the cost of my rotors we may have to get a repair man in to patch it up for now, can you imagine we buy a new one and then the rotors get done and i dont have all the money to buy them straight away! OMG i would bloody kill murphy!! ha ha ha :sorrow:
Ok chaps i just managed to talk to the main man and he was very sorry for not getting in touch but they have been busy working on costs to shut down production to do a "custom" build for mine and it was a bit of an OMG moment so they may need to arrange a group buy to make it worthwhile so he will update me on friday and he really will this time as we had a long chat about my worries and he laid them all to rest! man i feel SO BLOODY RELAXED now!! thats all it took! so i am sorry i have been a bit girly lately but all your support and piss taking has helped me get this far so THANK YOU!! now go and place your orders!! ha ha ha :eagerness:
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Tone, it's getting closer!!! So when you've quenched the last of the burning silver, I mean all of it; on Black Beauty, what then?
The start of tattooing Tone? ;)
Mate you could be right there i always meant to get a tattoo!! lol The list so far is.... 1. black rotors 2. paint both brake callipers black 3. dismantle rear shock and get the plunger rod (?) titanium nitrided black to match the fork sliders 4. black paint front and rear isolators/engine mounts and all the oil line ends etc etc Then i will start a what tattoo shall i get thread!! LOL :eagerness: