Just a small update, I sent out my pipe to Randy, and he supplied me with a tracking number for it coming back my way! Can't wait to see the finished product!
Won't be installed until riding reason rolls back around. My plan is to run the bike for two tanks of gas as stock form. Since I added stabilizer for the winter, I want to run that out, then a full tank of what I normally fill up with, 93 octane.
Then, I plan to do an oil change, install all the performance mods I will have, swap my plastics, etc...
Still needed:
ASB airbox delete
Fender eliminator
Turn signals (front and rear)
2010 tail light
And thinking something different for my catchcan. I like the ASB one, but not sure if it's worth the cash.
When I get the exhaust back, I'll post a picture of all the parts I have waiting to be installed!