Let's talk guns

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what I have been up to over the past couple days.

Current (have a 5x magnifier but I was sent the wrong mount so a new one is on the way)

when I opened the box a couple days ago
Can anybody recommend a solid, reliable .308/7.62 NATO rifle in the 1k to 1.5k range? I've been considering a DPMS but I don't know much about this class of firearm and I want to pick one up before they outlaw them.
Can anybody recommend a solid, reliable .308/7.62 NATO rifle in the 1k to 1.5k range?

what do you want to do with it? if you want an AR you will be looking for an AR-10. Most people with the "black rifles" get an AR-15 which is .223. My bolt action rifle is a .308 and i regularly shoot at 500m with it, but the ammo is too expensive to blow through rounds like i do with my AR.
Can anybody recommend a solid, reliable .308/7.62 NATO rifle in the 1k to 1.5k range? I've been considering a DPMS but I don't know much about this class of firearm and I want to pick one up before they outlaw them.

Springfield M1A
That's a raging debate: M1A vs. AR10. Get one of each :)

AR10's tend to be more accurate out of the box. My M1A now shoots as well as a quality AR10, but it took some doing: McMillan stock, bedded action, lugged action, National Match FH, Douglas bbl, etc. if you do go M1A, try to get one with a GI bolt/trigger, and built by a quality builder.

But again, there are strong opinions in either camp...
@kona I really am just looking to round out my personal collection. I have a glock 23 and a mossy 500 so I have short/medium ranges covered... just need something that could "reach out and touch somebody" if **** hit the fan. My buddy recommended something in .223 over .308 for the same reason as you: the .308 ammo is just ridiculously expensive apparently (lucky gunner has it at about 80 cents a round for no name stuff).

Thanks for the suggestions everyone else. I'll look into the Springfield M1A.
What's a good, inexpensive source for AR parts and kits? I figured I'd just let everyone buy me some gun parts for xmas to make a whole AR.
Palmetto state armory is a pretty good place for a good mix of quality and price for ar parts. I got my bushmaster at dunhams for 650 last year on black Friday.

Deathandtexas...If you want to reach out and touch something you should get a bolt gun. I'm partial to savage. I shoot a model 10 precision carbine. 1/2moa out to at least 500m. Haven't shot farther yet.
So now that the lemmings and sheeple have voted, who's buying a black rifle (tactical, etc) now that the threat of a ban is looming ever larger? I almost bought a Sig AR-15 last night, but now I'm debating between that and an Windham.
no dont hoard, prices and demand went out of control 4 years ago. they were finally starting to normalize.
Sadly, all my guns were lost in a horrible boating accident last year. very sad deal...

Ummmm tell us more? What were "all of your guns" doing on a boat? In an accident?