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I'm at work right now but I'll try to get some pictures up of my AR, .357, and some other guns of the guys I shoot with later today. I'm looking to buy 2 Springfield XD's in April. Hopefully I'll have my CCL by then. Even though I'm law enforcement they're still a PITA to get in MD.
I dont have much. Right now, i have a Mosin Nagant M44, a WWII German Issue Kar98k (gift from father), a Mossberg 500 w/8shot tube. and a Ruger service 6 .357 revolver. Im looking to buy my first semi auto handgun with my tax return this spring. Im sold on either the CZ SP01 or the CZ75B
well i just picked my xdm 4.5 bi-tone from transfer today can't wait to shoot it (it looks fake) LOL:p what should i expect.. this is my first pistol..
Put some rounds down range a few weeks ago, finally got around to finding the picture. The AR is mine.

Looks like I've got a bit of catching up to do! All I have in my possession right now is my Remington 870 w/ rifled barrel. I left my .22 rifle and a few others down in FL at my parents house before I moved up to Ohio. What would you all recommend as a first "real" handgun? I've shot .22 handguns and of course BB/Pellet handguns, but never anything larger caliber. What do you recommend?

that depends on what you want to do with it. if it is for concealed carry i would say the largest caliber you can get a fast/accurate follow-up shot with. hunting i would say .357, 44mag, or S&W 500, depending on the game. for fun you could get anything, but i'd say 9mm for cheap ammo.
I've been wanting a Five Seven for a long time, but the scarcity of the ammo makes that purchase a bit hard to swallow. I will probably stick with the 9mm like you said for the cheap and readily available ammunition. Ohio does have open carry, but I would mostly be using the weapon for target shooting.
I love my 9mm. Ammunition isn't too expensive compared to the other bigger rounds. Honestly though I will be buying a .22 as my next firearm. I want to get the Ruger LCR .22, I want a revolver and .22 is cheap. Everyone always tells me a .22 is a bb gun but whenever I ask if I can test it on them(since they say it's not effective) they are quick to say no... A .22 is incredible easy to shoot as well. I can shoot twice as accurate with the .22 compared to my 9mm. I believe a .22 in the head or heart will do more than a .45 in the arm or leg.

A hole in your body is going to stop you, doesn't matter if it's an 1/8" diameter or 1/2" diameter.
if you are dead set on a 22 only get a revolver which it sounds like you are anyways. the 22 is too unreliable for auto feeding to be used as concealed carry IMO. A .22 will likely kill someone but it doesnt have the immediate stopping power of a larger caliber. So while you will probably kill your attacker you might be dead as well after he shoots you.

they make the LCR in a 38 special too, which are pretty easy to shoot. if you want a little more you can always get a +P round.
Yeah I mean there are really a lot of factors. My brother works with a guy that got shot in the head like 8 times point blank when he got mugged, he was shot with 22's, but they were the shorts. The guy I guess beat him to the ground after mugging him, then unloaded the magazine on him while he was laying on the ground. He said after being shot he thought he was dead but then I guess after some shock wore off he realized he wasn't. So he got up drove to the hospital and none of the 8 rounds penetrated his skull. He was "fine". I mean obviously had wounds but was relatively fine.

My boss also uses a 22 to put his pigs down and he said shorts won't penetrate the skull.

But I'd think a longer 22 would do the trick. Especially several rounds placed appropriately.
If you're looking into concealed carry and want something a little bigger than a .22, check out the new S&W Shield. You can get it chambered in 9mm or .45. And if you're into shooting .22's, ever heard of calibri rounds? They're quieter than a BB gun. My buddy that lives in a neighborhood uses them to pop squirrels in his back yard ha.
I currently have a 9mm that I like, but I don't carry it. I got my CWP about a year ago but am not really comfortable carrying yet. I'd primarily like a .22 just for cost of ammunition. Shooting a few hundred rounds gets expensive when it's $20/box.
Matt you can't go wrong with a 9mm. Its a nato round commonly found anywhere including Walmart, cost efficient, and nice ballistics. To me its the perfect CCW / home defense. Take a look at my pictures and you will see that i have somewhat of a gun fetish. I am one that sends a ton of lead down range.

But at the end of the day you need a gun that you are comfortable holding, carrying and most importantly shooting. You will get the hardcore Glock fans V.S. the XD fans (which I happen to favor) V.S. the 1911''s.

Go to a local gun shop (preferably one with a range) and pick them all up and see what feels right to you.
I wish. If you find a brand new stainless Pro Carry for $800ish, I suggest buying it. I ordered a stainless Pro Raptor when I bought this one and it's on an 8-month back order. I paid about a grand for this one and I think $80 for the grips. Worth every penny.