"Lizzy" my 09 1125CR

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Well I completed the install of the EBR clutch actuator kit. Overall an easy install and took about an hour to complete. I did not have the clutch removal tool and used some redneck innovation with a 17mm socket a large pair of vice grips (5-7in in length) a 5or 6mm Allen key (I forget what size I used) and channel locks to hold the Allen key in place.

Clutch cover removed

My clutch tool

The old kit, removal of the cylinder required a hydrolic hand press. As did installation of the EBR kit.

The spring and snap ring are reused

Some grooves in the clutch cover I don't see any major issues with this.


The factory kit on the bottom and EBR's on the top. The EBR kit's cylinder is more heavy duty than the stock and the piston has added o-rings for leak protection.

There is a night and day difference between having 25%clutch and now having 100% shifts a hundred times better and I can find neutral again haha. Time to rack up the miles!
Well it's official, my riding season has started! Time to put the Subie away for the summer haha. My goal this year is to have 30,000 miles on lizzy by December 31st, 2013. 1,000miles per month minimum. Last year I managed a little under 15,000 miles in a year with my 3,600 mile trip to Florida so I see this as a reasonable goal. Screw the charging fears, get out and ride your 09-10s!
I second that! This weekend is gonna be warm, and I'm gonna ride every single day that isnt raining. Everyone always looks at me like I'm cray for riding, but the more I ride my cr, the crazier I think they are cause they're the ones missing out.
Haha absolutely! Ill usually ride in as low as the high teens and twenties but with heated gear. I mainly didn't do much riding this tear because the clutch was sketchy and this is allot colder of a winter than last year's, even today last year it was in the 70s and today it's low 40s. The only weather I won't ride in is snow or rain below 32.
Well I finally passed 21,000 miles tonight! Damn cold winter, it took me 6 months since September 24th.

I also took some pictures with my new phone (got the Droid Note II, I was fed up with the iPhone)



This ones my favorite



Hahaha well I can only laugh today, I dropped Lizzy tonight infront of the garage door, well more like slowly placed down. I put the kickstand down but not far enough, the spring shot it back up and I didnt realize it till I felt her get heavy as I got off, I got lucky as it could have been worse and coincidentally there was a bunched up old piece of carpeting to my left that I layed her down on so she didnt get any damage at all other than a small 15mm diameter scuff that I got out with a towel. So I had something to laugh at tonight and I figured id share it with all of you.
It always sucks when you drop a bike. I've had mishaps like that and I was mad at myself. But, that best thing you can do is laugh. Thank god its still ridable. I got to ride with some friends last Saturday and had a great time on my Cr!
I have a victory vision that I ride every day to work. A great bike but, it totally lacks the rush of the buell!
Good luck with all your miles this year.
This ones my favorite

Me too! But I'm biased...shows off our sliders and our decal nicely! :p

Would you mind emailing a hi res version of it to me to be used on our site?
So I may be trading lizzy in for a 2012 kawasaki klr650. Ive wanted one since before I knew of buells. Reasoning behind my decision is I find thay I do more long milage rides and even on my cr have taken the occasional dirt road, I find that I am surprisingly getting slightly bored of my bike as I am out of ideas and things to do to her. I still lpve the cr and will be seeing what the kawasaki/yamaha dealer by me can do. If nothing I will make another post for sale. Ill be asking $6,500 and current mileage is 21,3xx.
NJDEVILS1990, were u from. im here in jersey and nobody around me has a buell and im looking for a fellow bueller to ride with. that is of course if you dont sell lizzy.
Im in central nj, flemington area. I will still have a buell afterwards to ride (buell blast :)) but yeah if your in the area let me know. You can also check out nj buell owners
Just ordered a clutch kit from asb and a master cylinder rebuild kit a blinker oil filter and an o-ring for the filter cover. Should be here at the end of the week. Pics to come!
I have a clutch pack, new blinker, and oil change bits waiting to be installed. I also just placed an order for new wheel bearings, washers for the drain plugs and an o-ring for the spherical nut on the clutch, and will be ordering the clutch removal tool from EBR. Once this all comes in im gonna start the work. Thays about all for now.
What a difference! After 6hours of working on Lizzy I got out and rode her. She feels brand new and no more slipping! The clutch pack and springs were an easy 30minute job. I did the front wheel bearings in 15minites (removal and installation) the rear wheel I took to my local yamaha dealer for the bearings to be removed (cost $21 and 2hours from drop off to pick up and 5 minutes to install the new bits) new washers for the drain plugs and an o-ring for the filter cover and the spherical nut. Oil change completed, and rebuilt the clutch master cylinder. Lastly I finally replaced the broken rear blinker. So I just need to wash her tomorrow and take her on a nice long ride. The only down side so far tho, I immediately noticed the when the bike is on it os VERY hard to find neutral. But shifting between gears is like butter and when the bike is off shifting is smooth and into neutral is easy. Any ideas? Im thinking the clutchay need to just break in and it will get better I also did it with sneakers instead of my riding boots. I will see how it is tomorrow.
Thats kinda why I started this thread. All my good times and bad in one spot for everyone to read and hopfully learn off of and also give criticism when I am wrong. Id say this community is mostly what helped me keep myself from selling her a couple weeks ago. That and twin motorcycles for developing a new cheaper stator fix! My winter plans for lizzy right now are the EBR stator rotor amd the TM stator. After the core return it should be around $550-$600 for the two and the crank locking tool. Went on a 100 mile ride yesterday and she rides well. I think im still getting used to the clutch but it is almost no pull in and the clutch is disengaged. I still have a hard time getting into neutral so im going to try and bleed the clutch again and see if that helps.
That and twin motorcycles for developing a new cheaper stator fix! My winter plans for lizzy right now are the EBR stator rotor amd the TM stator.

Keep us in mind when you're ready for that stator! ;)