Lots to do....need some advice....

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"they" didn't put anything on the threads. mother nature did. it's called corrosion. your bike has seen alot of inclement weather/power washing/road salt or a combination of all 3. you mentioned "loosening the belt" and "giant allen wrenches". if the area behind your front pulley cover is any indication....and it is....you're about to destroy your rear axle during removal process without proper procedures taken.
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I do have the service manual. I used those pages for the fan replacement. The instructions I'm using for the engine rotation have been the ones on this site with the photos.

So what's the secret with the axle? (Yes, I'll read through the steps on the service manual as well).

Thanks guys,


By the way, my back wheel was off a few months ago when I got new tires installed, so I'm not expecting any trouble from the axle bolts.
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Looks like cake. My previous reply was in reference to Lunatic Fringe's comment:

"if the area behind your front pulley cover is any indication....and it is....you're about to destroy your rear axle during removal process without proper procedures taken."

I was wondering specifically what those "procedures" were.

So it looks like I need to order:

The James gasket kit from Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009XIOZ0G?tag=viglink27866-20
(and send my rocker cover gaskets back to Summitt racing).

2ea PCV's (from St Paul Harley - SKU: HD-17607-00Y Price: $26.30ea TURRET VALVE, PCV)

2ea Grommets (from St Paul Harley - 17606-00YA Price: $2.99 GROMMET, VITON, BLACK)

I've read different reports about using red silicone in conjunction with the gaskets as the gaskets alone sometimes to not fill the gap completely - not sure about that one yet though. Anyone want to chime in on that?

Thanks again everyone...you guys are great,

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I had good luck with https://www.permatex.com/products/g...m-oil-resistance-rtv-silicone-gasket-maker-4/ , everybody has there favorite.

I think lunaticfringe was concerned with your axle looking the same as you pulley screws rusted in, but since your axle has been out recently you will be ok, once out put a thin layer of grease on the axle. I would do that wire brush and lube all your hardware bolts before reassembly.
I had good luck with https://www.permatex.com/products/g...m-oil-resistance-rtv-silicone-gasket-maker-4/ , everybody has there favorite.

I think lunaticfringe was concerned with your axle looking the same as you pulley screws rusted in, but since your axle has been out recently you will be ok, once out put a thin layer of grease on the axle. I would do that wire brush and lube all your hardware bolts before reassembly.

Thanks. Will do. Some bolts were fine (removing the shock wasn't the pain that some have expressed), and others were tough (those pulley cover bolts). In looking at the header and exhaust bolts, those look scary to me. I've only had the bike for a year now, but it's always been garage kept and never seen rain since I've owned it. I bought it from a co-worker (female) who didn't ride it much and I know it was garage kept. Whether or not it's been rained on, I can't say.


PS - Would you NOT blue loctite the bolts going back in?
I had good luck with https://www.permatex.com/products/g...m-oil-resistance-rtv-silicone-gasket-maker-4/ , everybody has there favorite.

I think lunaticfringe was concerned with your axle looking the same as you pulley screws rusted in, but since your axle has been out recently you will be ok, once out put a thin layer of grease on the axle. I would do that wire brush and lube all your hardware bolts before reassembly.

I do not plan on removing the axle completely....just loosening it so I get slack in the belt for the engine rotation.

Spent a little time in the garage after work today. I got the axle pinch bolt and axle nut loosened, pulled the tensioner off, got the muffler off (whew...was a little concerned about that, but it wasn't bad), left footpeg (now THAT was a trick!), clutch lever, muffler mount, and broken clutch cable guide spring (have the improved replacement to put on). So I'm 11 bolts away from being able to rotate the engine. I ordered the James gasket kit and Permatex from Amazon, and the PCV's and Grommets from St Paul Harley. Bought a simple 3/8" breather with bracket from ebay to do the breather mod. Man are there lots of parts off the bike now. Haha. This forum is a great resource and I appreciate all of the help and advice you guys offer. Hope to have the parts by this weekend and see what I can do. It seems like whenever you start a project like this, the list of stuff you have to buy along the way just keeps growing.

Webbie, Don't worry if yo have any bolts left over, you have just increased the weight to HP ratio, :cool:
Be careful with those fiber washers for top of rockerbox cover from James Gaskets kit, tighten them to lowest torque limit specified in service manual. I torqued mine to middle of suggested torque range and cracked a few of them. Probably it happened because of I put RTV silicone on them and it worked as lubricant squeezing them out of the bolt washer.
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Be careful with those fiber washers for top of rockerbox cover from James Gaskets kit, tighten them to lowest torque limit specified in service manual. I torqued mine to middle of suggested torque range and cracked a few of them. Probably it happened because of I put RTV silicone on them and it worked as lubricant squeezing them out of the bolt washer.

Thanks....I'll pay attention to that when I get them. In the meantime, I got the engine rotated today!


Looking good, at this point be looking at any that needs cleaning, tighten, replaced etc................................................................
Looking good, at this point be looking at any that needs cleaning, tighten, replaced etc................................................................

Waiting for gasket kit. I don't want to pull the rockers off yet. Those allen bolts look like the other ones that we such a bitch to get out. Haha. But man, I got it rotated. Any trick to the gaskets? Or just a matter of pulling the covers off, then the rocker boxes off, and replacing them all? Torquing the bolts to the correct specs?

no tricks, just listen to what guys have suggested and take it slow and double check your work you will do fine. and if you have any questions we are here for ya.

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