oil leak

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No,I have never taken any motor parts off,but I need to take more photos,it is wet around the rocker box and fan.
Finally got my bike moved to the big garage with everything close at hand,now I can start to tear down to see where oil leak is lurking about.[up]
Gary took apart his bike in the wrong shed, he has to put the bike back together and move it to the correct garage with all the tools.

awesome! let us......(inhale).......know.......(inhale)......how......(inhale).......it goes! :D
Yeah,will be taking photos as I break it down,I also called my local H-D dealer for gasket prices,they sell them as a set for $60.00 or I can get them as separate items,depending on what I find will determine which I way I go but I may buy the whole set so I have everything I need.
if you take off anything besides the rocker gaskets...your rebuilding the engine. Hone the cylinders. I'd think about having the spark plug helicoiled as well.
I was not thinking of more than the rocker gaskets,was just debating on which way I want to go,I don't think it is anything more than the top rear rocker box gasket,they are only $6-7 for those.


Make sure you get the revised, updated gaskets which are black, not the old orange ones. Also, don't forget to get the inner gaskets as well as the perimeter gaskets. You should go ahead and do the front rocker cover as well.

Do not use any RTV sealant, clean the grooves using q-tips and install the new gaskets. Torque the rocker covers properly and evenly.
Thanks,I had planned on getting front and back anyway,glad you said something about the updated black version of them,I never use rtv unless where you are needing to on any motor I work on.:D
Question about TP sensor,when I remove it,can I just replace like on most cars or not,it looks like the manual says to use diagnostic tool to put it back in place,if I have worded this wrong,please advise,thanks,
TPS sensor? Do not remove it, just unplug the harness from it. You can unplug the harness from TPS, IAT, IAC, Exhaust servo, Fuel injectors, Ignition coil, O2 sensor, Cooling fan, and lay the wire harness out of the way when lowering the engine.

Watch the throttle cables as they can bend and break easily when raising the engine.
Yeah,from the way it looked I didn't think so,just needed to ask,I may be asking questions all along since this is my first v-twin,I've done all other types but these.
no problem Gary, that's why we are here, to learn from each other. At least that's why I'm here

Use the search function as a lot of this information is already here.
Question about fuel line at throttle body,can it be pulled off without running fuel out,I assume it will be under a bit of pressure.

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