oil leak

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I have used mine over more than 10 times, front and rear. I check them out be for I re-install them for any damage & check them quite often before I ride. Kinda part of my pre-ride.
Same here,but that is why I asked because I take great care not to damage any parts that are removed not only on my bike but all my vehicles.
Hi,finally after having to stop again to take care of some personal business got my bike running again,sounds much better than before,have the breather reroute done and it is all cleaned up,will take it for a good ride this week,I am posting a couple of pics to show some things I did,one is of the transmission vent tube,need to see if you guys think it will do,I put a tee adapter on it instead of taking all the parts to get to where it goes in the engine since the only part of the tube that was messed up was near the rear cylinder.:)
Well,so far I have not been able to ride because I have had to see about buying a new dishwasher and hooking it up,but I going to ride and let you know how it is running,also I will post pics because it is very clean and it shines.:D
Man, i couldn't do all that work and not try it out:D. i'm very interested in your test ride to see how it all works out for ya'[up]
Well,I finally got it out and it runs great,I was thinking it was going to run rough with the new breather reroute but it ran just fine,still I need to finish cleaning some minor parts,wheels and forks ect,I took the photos just as the sun disappeared.
Need to thank everyone here for the help with my oil leak,you all had great advice about it,I know a lot about other makes of bikes but this was my first bike with a harley based engine.:)
Hi,have a follow up question,have rode my bike a few times with no issues,today I took a ride and after coming home noticed a smell almost like oil,but after checking over everything could not really see anything other than some road grime,I thought at first it may have started an oil leak again but if it was it looked like residual from where I may have missed wiping it off,I have not been doing any rough riding or heavy throttle,so do the new gaskets on these engines have to seat in first to seal correctly.

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