Pleas help...Hot day question.

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Jul 6, 2012
Hello I have a question for all. My xb12r decided it wanted to start idling rough and shut itself off in traffic at a stop light yesterday. When I tried to start it it just clicked like the battery was dead. Hooked it to my trickle charger overnight and it started right up today. Could the extreme heat have caused it to shut off? Should I try a new battery or could my voltage regulator have something to do with this?
When the bikes overheat the ecm shuts down automatically to prevent damage. That's likely what happened.
Ok thanks..wasn't aware of that. So I guess the thing to do would be get on it and ride and see what happens. When it does decide to shut off from heat is there any warning rough idle or loss of power that you know of?
Not really that I know of. The only time I've actually seen it happen was riding with a couple bueller friends we stopped for gas and all of us but one shut our bikes off. The other guy parked leaving it idle(I don't know why) and then went inside the store. We filled up and he came out of the store and we talked for a minute then he got on his bike and it started coughing/stumbling then died. Wouldn't restart and IIRC it wouldn't turn over at all...not positive about that part though. Waited like 30 min or maybe longer and it barely fired up then he rode around the lot in circles to get some air moving and it got better then when we go out on the road it was fine.

His bike was idling for probably like almost 10 minutes before it died. At least was 5 minutes...
BUELLs most definitely do not like to sit in traffic on a hot day. I've noticed that my xb will ping a lil bit takin off from a stoplight on a hot day (110-115° Vegas). Higher octane fuels help with heat also. Sometimes I put a 1/2 tank of UNLEADED 100 octane race gas just to up the octane a lil bit. If possible try to find a route with less stopping, I try to stay moving as much as possible. Sitting at an idle for too long is the worst thing for air cooled twins. NO AIR FLOW = NO ENGINE COOLING.
Thanks for the help. Glad I didn't run out and start buying parts. Going to take it out and see what happens. My concern was that I was moving when it seemed to have lost power at lower RPMs...but it was 104 degrees yesterday. Time to ride.
You're right melvster! I think his 'rough idle' was happening due to the ECM shutting down the rear cylinder before it finally shut down completely...I could be wrong, but....! I,ve also PROVED to myself, that Sunoco Ultra WILL correct an issue with rough idle/shutting down at stop signs, etc., especially after a hot shut-down, stopped for a bit,(say at a 7/11 for a drink), then go to leave again. My dealer told me when my '06 was new, to try a different fuel....I'm thinking, "yeah, right.." . Well...they WERE right! I couldn't believe it, so I put the "generic' fuel back in...problem came back. I did this several times with same results...there IS a difference!
The buell race maps and a set of plugs that is one heat range colder helps as well. I rode my bike 600 miles in AR a few weeks ago it was like 105-110 deg F out the whole time and my bike ran great. I was pretty much moving the whole time though. My fan barely even ran too, one time didn't even come on when I shut the bike off. It did run while cruising above 70mph though. Normally, here at home in FL the fan is on more often than it was in AR, even though it's a little cooler here than 110, I sit still a little more.
Do you have stock in Sunoco Wiggle? lol. Don't see how different fuel(of same octane) would make any difference at all. I use fuel from different stations all the time it always runs the same.
I know on hot days 85deg+ once I get into slow traffic my bike begins to run rough and in a way it almost seems like the fuel pump is getting to hot and begins to stick.

Fires up but will bog out and when I give it throttle it bogs down and dies out.

But when it is cooler out the bike runs like a champ. I just keep to my A/C truck rides during the higher temps.
Hi snrusnak!!
No! I don't! (wish I did..I'd probably be pretty well set!). For me, when I ran TurkeyHill fuel, it would ALWAYS act stupid like I described!! I have no REAL explanation for it...I DO know different manufacturers use different formulations, and those formulations even vary per geographics. Octane ratings you see on the pump are very deceptive too...(its actually a "created" number based on "research" octane and "motor" octane-did you ever look at that sticker that says 93...then under it it says 'R+M/2' ? That is the research number plus the motor octane, divided by 2.)but thats a discussion for another time! I'm not saying all 'generic' fuel is junk...if it works for you.... great! BUT...if you do have issues as I had, it's worth a try!!
I'm somewhat familiar with different fuels and octanes, and in my area anyway, it all pretty much comes from the same place. All the fuel around here comes from the central florida pipeline and gets distributed to the different stations. The difference is that each company drops in different additives in to the trucks before they hit the road. The additives are mostly for marketing, they really don't do a whole lot. BP has "invigorate", chevron has "techron", etc. I'd even wager that some companies use the exact same stuff as each other and call it a different name. All the fuel is basically the same.

Not sure if it's like that everywhere but it is here.

Higher octane is needed though, 91 or higher. I always run 93 because most stations here don't have 91. The higher octane also helps prevent detonation that these hot running bikes are somewhat prone to.
I noticed that while using Shell gas during the Texas summer, I'd actually overheat and shut down. Switched to Chevron and haven't had the issue yet. Just different additives I assume.
+1 on the race maps and ngk iridium plugs. Just did that to mine. I also wrapped my header, right side scoop, good synthetic oil...basically things that will aide in cooling of the bike. I understand the stock fuel maps are a touch too lean, especially for hot climates. I bought my xb a lil over a month ago, takes a lil tlc but worth it.
I didn't see where anybody mentioned heat soak on the IAT/Intake Air Temp sensor, that's what I attribute the short stop stumble to, I haven't done it, but I bet some heat shield under the Air box base would def help
I didn't see where anybody mentioned heat soak on the IAT/Intake Air Temp sensor, that's what I attribute the short stop stumble to, I haven't done it, but I bet some heat shield under the Air box base would def help

That's a good point. I believe this is why the breather reroute helps some people. The hot oil vapors get on the IAT sensor(right next to each other) and cause it to read hotter than it really is, causing it to go lean. I noticed my bike not running well and it had oil on the IAT sensor, I cleaned the sensor and did the reroute and it ran a little better in very hot conditions.
Took it out for a little test run earlier and it ran like it never stalled in the first place. Topped the tank with new fuel, cleaned my iat sensor and my air filter. Everything seems to be working beautifully again. This was my first post on this site and I'm glad I joined...everyone was a big help and I learned a lot. Rubber side down!
I always run 93 octane from Exxon. But I had to fill up at a turkey hill. Have never been a fan of there gas.

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