so, i think i might be a squid.......

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In my opinion, there isnt a whole lot of fun pumping the bike up on a straightaway. Way too dangerous and way too much that can go wrong - all the sit there scared schmidt-less while you fly.

I would much rather gear up for some sick twisties on back roads where a Buell can really show off!
alot of us heavier buell riders don't have to worry about going over the 125mph mark. unless we have a tail wind

I don't think I could even hang on at those speeds on my Lightning :p

I would much rather gear up for some sick twisties on back roads where a Buell can really show off!

I completely agree.
The top speed is one of the reasons I bought the buell. It has tons of torque and is so much fun at lower speeds that I hardly ever feel the need to do any excessive speeding. Most of my riding occurs between 25 and 50 on tight back roads. The low top speeds keeps me out of trouble and i like that.
Wow all of this just reminds me that i need riding pants. I always have on a Buell Adventure Jacket, Shoie Helmet, and Icon gloves and boots but yet i always seem to not buy riding pants and Jeans don't cut it.

Oh and for those of you that have leathers try a textile in the summer i can ride in mine in high heat with no issue.

Please remember it's more fun to wash off sweat than brush asphault out of your skin.
Please remember it's more fun to wash off sweat than brush asphault out of your skin

i agree 100% especially when you have little stones in your skin..or whats left of it at that point
Dude I live in Alabama where its hot for all but like 2 weeks out of the year. ATGATT throw some deoderant a towel and some spare undies in your bag if you sweat that much. If I gotta go to work I put some unscented wipes in a bag with work clothes and wipe down in the bathroom if it gets that bad.
I don't have proper riding pants, but I wear my armoured jacket, helmet, gloves and riding boots with thick jeans all the time, no matter how hot it is.
I went down at about 35 getting on the ramp to the expressway, leather jacket, gloves, helmet, boots, and a pair of blue jeans over my bdu pants.

Some rash on my jacket, chewed palm on my gloves, and about a 3"x5" patch of road rash on my right knee. And $3k of damage to the bike.

Just seeing how easily the denim ripped up at those speeds was a wake-up call. Bought a pair of kevlar lined jeans the next day.

There's no such thing as to much gear.
Ive had road rash on my face about 60% of it (bicycle wreck when i was a kid, i rode out in front of a truck and got hit, i know not too smart) and i dont really want to relive those fun filled weeks of scrubbing scabs off my face and pickin gravel out of it, but i dont gear up as well as i prolly should. helmet, jeans, t-shirt, harley boots, and of course my chew can and my wallet to protect my ass;)
I always wear full gear: 2pc leathers, proper bike boots, gloves, helmet and a backpack with clothes and other stuff I change into for work etc.
I went down in full gear a couple of months ago at around 80mph on a highway because of a cager cutting me off.
I had a Broken wrist, a sprained wrist and some bruises on my ass/lower back. My house keys were bent 90° right and were sticking out of my leather pants.
I had on a high grade SPIDI leather vest at the time and by the time I stopped kissing the road I had a hole through the leather right onto my elbow pads.
Everything in my backpack was crushed, my iphone that I had in my vest had the metal edge bent and screen broken. My bike was a total write off.
I was really lucky to just walk away from that with some minor injuries.
As soon as I healed up, I got the buell and a new set of full riding gear to protect myself from the other idiots on the road.
I can't imagine riding in shorts and a bill has been passed making it illegal anyway.
I think most of us who went down know the value of gear and don't want to take the risk.
To each there own but this seems like a no brainer to me...
hate to revive an old thread, but, my 19 year old just traded his POS Dodge Omni to a 79' Honda 400 Automatic for his first bike. So I brought him in the house just now and showed him the pictures on this thread of what can happen with and without riding gear. At least with riding gear you have a chance to walk away 50-80% of the time. Without it, your going to get hurt 90% of the time. I think we should update this thread with more photo's of what can happen (with and without riding gear) just as a wake up call for new riders.:eek:
1. i always wear a helmet.....always (part of the agreement with the wife for purchasing the buell)
2. my usual riding attire consists of shorts, tshirt, tennis shoes (summer) or jeans and non-armored jacket (winter)
3. i have done 1 wheelie (totally on accident) and 1 burn-out (bad idea).....and will never do either again
4. i love taking backroads and riding fast, but in control, and never ride aggressively if other cars are around or through blind curves
5. i never street race and never go more than 10 over the limit in town i a squid? (i think i already know the answer to this)

1) Good.
2) You'll regret it when you take as spill(Note I say when, not if) But ride your ride its no one elses place except your wife to tell you any thing.
3) Once you ride for a while that whole"I wont wheelie" thing will go right out the window.
4) Riding fast on back roads, not going more than 10 over, and not riding aggressive is an oxymoron. If you do the first, you do the other two, just like me :p
5) I agree.

I sometimes get out with only my back protector on(I.E. no jacket) but always wear gloves, helmet, at least jeans, and boots that cover the ankle. To ME Its a must, but I never force my riding style or opinions on others.
I think I actually found a jacket that i'm just trying to decide on color ;)
(i want to go black, but since its been over 100 here for 3+ weeks, i'm hesitant)

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