alot of us heavier buell riders don't have to worry about going over the 125mph mark. unless we have a tail windAlmost exclusively, those that have died were traveling at speeds in excess of 120 mph.
alot of us heavier buell riders don't have to worry about going over the 125mph mark. unless we have a tail wind
I would much rather gear up for some sick twisties on back roads where a Buell can really show off!
I find this comment offensive ! But true !alot of us heavier buell riders don't have to worry about going over the 125mph mark. unless we have a tail wind
Please remember it's more fun to wash off sweat than brush asphault out of your skin
1. i always wear a helmet.....always (part of the agreement with the wife for purchasing the buell)
2. my usual riding attire consists of shorts, tshirt, tennis shoes (summer) or jeans and non-armored jacket (winter)
3. i have done 1 wheelie (totally on accident) and 1 burn-out (bad idea).....and will never do either again
4. i love taking backroads and riding fast, but in control, and never ride aggressively if other cars are around or through blind curves
5. i never street race and never go more than 10 over the limit in town i a squid? (i think i already know the answer to this)