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6' 4" . I get that alot. though i'm nothing compared to most NBA players, but still
I'm bumping this because I like to put a face to the names. There are some new people to the forum that should post! :D
Dont have one of me with my bolt, but here I am with my wife.


And now one of the bolt.

great pictures Odin... and a great looking Buell.. where in Canada were the pictures taken?
I live in Calgary Alberta and these pics were taken about 45 minutes away on highway 40. Lots of twisties our way I love it! So many fun roads.....

Path- the Buell keeps up pretty good, but but that Tuono is a beast. He opened up the airbox and got the Arrow pipes now too. When he spanks it I see him pull away a bit but its all good still love my Lightning.
New mods less than a month away. Can't wait!
Buell doesnt actually use a bracket. It is bolted through the lic plate into the swing arm using the existing bolt for the brake line. I then ran a strip of 3M double sided tape the length of the plate and attached it to the swingarm. It is very sturdy this way and it cleans up the tail.
Right on. I'm going to try that if you don't mind me stealing the idea. I was trying to find a way and I like that.

This question is for anyone reading this, can I mount my license plate on the right side of the swing arm, does it have to be on the left, or does it just have to be readable? I was thinking about using the upper belt guard mounting holes and having a bracket made that would hold the plate upright.
Buell Cru...Yeah, go for it, glad you like it.

As far as which side, I guess it depends on your states license plate laws. I do get pulled over quite a bit. They always tell me that they didnt see my plate and then let me go. I have friends that are state troopers and they say the law in MO is that the plate has to be readable from like 50 feet and that the letters/numbers are not supposed to be "sideways" like mine is.

I like your idea on the right some pics when you get it done. Good luck.
New to the forum here - thanks to everyone for all the great information!

So far:
Air Box Delete and Breather Reroute (Helped smooth it out a lot and love the new sound!)
K&N Air filter, Catch Can, and K&N Breather filter
Bar-End Mirrors

Ceremic Coated Headers


Welcome to the Forum Rich! Nice looking bike. Like to see some more pics of it if you get the chance. You might consider starting you're own thread also, kinda as an official introduction thing and you'll get a lot more responses. ;)[up] Glad to have you aboard.