Voltage Regulator or Stator?

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I'm going to replace voltage regulator on 2009 Buell XB 12 Scg. Will 2009-2013 Harley Sportster VR work properly on 2009 Buell XB?



The connectors looks the same. The mounting holes look different. Anyone installed VR from Harley?

Here is VR description from the 2008 Buell XB Electrical Diagnostic Manual: "The voltage regulator is a series regulator. The circuit combines the functions of rectifying and regulating. The system is a single phase 30 amp system capable of 405 watts at 3000 rpm." Does the Harley Sportster VR have the same characteristics?
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This is the part number you need. Don't know why you'd try to throw just any random VR on your bike. Sounds like that would lead to more problems then solutions.
Call surdyke HD or new castle HD and order the correct part.
If you don't want to call those places go to their website and order it.
I seriously hope this fixes your charging saga.
If you have any other part number issues go to twinmotos website. They have an OEM part number search tool. With that tool it took me all of five minutes to find your part.
Could have made a how to thread but I feel some things are self explanatory.
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Original Buell VR is twice more expensive and it can be broken again after 15000 miles. I checked the 2009 HD Sportster Electrical Diagnostic Manual in the alternator section, and it looks like copy-paste text from the 2008 Buell XB Electrical Diagnostic Manual. The alternator has the same electrical scheme and the same 30 A fuse in the circuit. Also there is a comment in Amazon under the product, the guy uses this VR on his Buell Ulysses with no issues https://www.amazon.com/VOLTAGE-REGU...1&keywords=harley+sportster+voltage+regulator . The only thing I have to do is to cut a bracket to mount this VR on the Buell.

Also I checked a couple HD dealers web pages and have not found original Buell VR in the available parts list. On the Ebay 2008-2010 Buell VR is 120$+shipping. I decided to give a try the another VR. I would love to replace some original Buell parts since they are not reliable, hard to find and expensive.
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I'm confused now.
What was the point of your post?
You already ordered the part so no matter what I or anyone else had to say about the part didn't matter.
As far as buell parts being unreliable; I have over 40k miles on my 07 12r and have had ZERO charging or starting issues.
BTW how did that starter rebuild work out for you? I don't think it was worth the few bucks you saved when you went through what seemed to be a ton of frustration. Especially taking into consideration that you had to revert to an OEM fix.
Some people learn from mistakes.
Your intensions seem good but there's a point when the balance of time and money have to be taken into account. When it comes to replacement parts, I'd rather pay a little for a known OEM replacement then spend months trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole.
But hey, who the hell am I to know what's best for your bike. You obviously have a lot more free time than I do.
Trust me, this is the last time I chime in.
You obviously know everything.
Sorry I distracted your thread in any way.
Carry on.
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Is that possible to disassemble the VR to fix it? It filled with something like silicone. I was thinking to remove the silicon filler from the VR, inspect and fix electrical components and fill it with fresh silicone compound.
Sorry for recovering this old topic, did the new vr fixed the problem @TPEHAK ?? I'm experiencing the exact same symptoms. All tests from electric diagnosis manual seem to be ok but battery is drained from time to time (every 2-3 weeks aprox.)

I only get the ecm error (16 I think) when the battery is close to death.

btw my bike is 2010 xb12sx (european version)
Sorry for recovering this old topic, did the new vr fixed the problem @TPEHAK ?? I'm experiencing the exact same symptoms. All tests from electric diagnosis manual seem to be ok but battery is drained from time to time (every 2-3 weeks aprox.)

I only get the ecm error (16 I think) when the battery is close to death.

btw my bike is 2010 xb12sx (european version)

fault code #16 specifically corresponds to low battery voltage. proper diagnosis and solutions as follows:
1-confirm what your charging voltage is with simple multi-meter. should be approx 13.2-14.4 DC volts @ 2500rpm with motor at operating temp. it's checked across the battery terminals.
2-check your battery fuse. if tips corroded replace it.
3-check your ground connections. steering neck area....dog-bone braided wire under airbox base-plate....fuse-box to frame point....negative battery cable to frame point.....clean your battery terminals/cable ends/tighten. XB's notorious for loose battery cable-to-terminal connections.
4-if not properly charging check your 2 plugs behind your stock OEM left side air scoop. corrosion can affect the connections.
5-seperate issue you touched on and it's called "parasitic drain". easier for me to have you watch this vid than to type out yet another explanation and solution. this george clooney looking guy is great.

My bike was cutting fuse. I found out the Voltage Regulator was bad. I had an old one from my ducati(scrapped) luckily it was same match.

After a 2 day ride.. My CEL came on. I checked with the buelltooth dongle and it was reading battery voltage too high. How do I diagnose this.. My headlights are working. No blown fuse yet..

On the dongle, battery voltage reads up to 16V when cranking the bike.

I don't have a voltage regulator, but hopefully I'll get one tomorrow.

My bike is an xb9sx 2009
When cranking 16V?
Get a meter to see what exactly is going on. That makes no sense. Just cranking voltage should sag a bit, not go up.
Screenshot_20191119-175723_EcmDroid.jpg here is the reading from my buelltooth
That makes no sense. As per Cooter get a real VOM. Hopefully this winter I'll install one in the dash.
faulty VR. replace before it burns out all the bulbs and/or the ECM....which it will.
part # Y0302.5A8---suffix L19D.
factory shows 87 available....list $119.40
aren't you in south africa?
if so and you can't source a new one locally... then purchase it over here BUT have it shipped USPS PRIORITY AIR. your postal service sucks and constantly loses or steals first class air packages.....which also have no tracking.

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