What does everyone think of this youtube vid

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If I was in that cop's shoes I probably would have lost my **** and started throwing haymakers. lol :D
I can understand the cops frustration but taking it out on a law abiding rider only creates more disrespect towards leo's. Too bad the officer didn't just rear end the ******* who was brake checking him, and/or tase the guy that stopped next to the truck.

I try to remember that most officers care about people and really are out there putting their lives on the line. At least in the area that I live in they do. That helps me try to put aside any negative feelings I have towards small town traffic cops and ******** ordnance violations.

At least no one was shot in the back by one of the cops, like that one motorcyclist at a stop sign years ago.
The cop was wrong to let emotions get in the way of good police work, and those bikers riding the opposite direction on a highway deserve to pulled over and cited. That's just foolery as that may cause an innocent person to swerve and get hurt.

The dude arrested for obstructed plate is ********.

I am in Ontario and don't like the Stunt laws for the same reasons. However, that is not what was happening in the video.

And we're making inroads on the Stunt law, e.g., wheelies. Law says wheelie must be intentional. Cop must prove intent.
This is a classic case of police harassment, and just one of the million reasons why I hate the motherf-ckers. And why I don't have sympathy when someone puts a hole in one of them. All they do is look for trouble and do secretary work with a gun.

Cool story bro.

I can tell you that my brother who is an officer is not a dude you'd want to put a hole in. He's cool as ****! He'd put me to shame on my own bike.
@ Iamarchangel

I agree that what we face with the stunt law is not exactly the same as what happened in this video, but I feel the potential for guilt by association, with harsh and unreasonable consequences is quite similar.

As far as proving intent, your right, over 60% of those charges are dropped when fought, but you have to wait for your day in court to do that, and by then you've already paid for a weeks impound and tow, and lost your license for a week.

This on the other hand was just a **** situation where a few A holes who happen to own bikes brought out the worst in a few A holes who happen to have badges and authority, and one poor dude who did nothing paid the price.
I bet he's not throwing peace signs to them anymore, but he was smart and seemed to be getting information with his phone also.
And sorry to break the news to you but more then likely your bro falls into that 90% category.

Oh, I know what my brother is like. I said he was cool as ****, not a walking law book!

What apple from what tree now? I read everything. What did I miss? I was just responding to your one bit where, without exception condemned all police. Isn't that just the same as a cop treating everyone on a bike like they're doing something wrong? I mean it's literally an identical mindset "that type of person is my enemy"

I'm just saying. My brother is an oath keeper, he stands for the constitution, and he doesn't act like he's above the law or anything. Lol you could blast by him at night, no plates, no lights doing 130 on one wheel. The only reason he'd stop you is to see if he could try it too. Haha.

In complete seriousness, everyone is an individual. People see that video and think "all cops are dicks" but it should be "that guy is a dick"

Unless you have personally met every single officer, I don't understand why someone would toss out such blanketing opinions.

Squidbuellie, looking back at some of the threads you and I have both posted on I'd say we pretty much see eye-to-eye on alot of things. I'm sure I miss read something, you seem like a person who is much more reasonable than someone who'd condem such a large group of people with complete disregard for the individuals within the group.

Unfortunately your argument suffers from a classic fallacy known as fallacy of composition. Google it and you may understand. You will most likely come back with something along the lines of "but with all the cops I've ran into all of them have been...etc" implying that since you haven't had any good experiences with cops in the (insert insignificant number here) times you've ever ran across them (By the way that is known as "Hasty Generalization"). No doubt there are probably some bad ones but you sir are the sour apple.

Read some of the below and tell me you want to put a bullet in them...If you still think the same you can come on down to my neck of the woods and I'll introduce you to the one that will arrest me after you take one hell of an ass beating.

10 Amazing Police Heroes

Being there

I didn't plan on saying more but.....
Yeah my dad has had an experience or two similar to the girl under the bus.
Has told stories of people fighting him, spitting on him and biting him, this was back in the day when you could defend yourself from this stuff a little more, and to a point.

Funny the saying about the bad apple, as the 'cops' as so many call them, have a saying too;
They want us here in a hurry when they're hurt or in trouble but don't want anything to do with us and become complete aHoles when they've been caught F'n up.
Yeah, I'm sure it's hard on cops to be the most needed and the least wanted.

Maybe squidbuellie will change his mind when he slides across the pavement and a cop shows up to help him live...
Maybe squidbuellie will change his mind when he slides across the pavement and a cop shows up to help him live...

Then give him a ticket for speeding, reckless endangerment, operating in a CNI (Careless and imprudent) manner, destruction of gov property, failure to compile with posted signs...
You're right, you didn't say you'd do it yourself, you'll just happily stand by when:

I hate the motherf-ckers. And why I don't have sympathy when someone puts a hole in one of them.

Now I'm not saying they are or aren't ticking time bombs, no doubt there are some that are, just like soldiers, fireman, etc...but they are the minority. On top of that you're saying they deserve the bullet they get because they "deal with rapest, murderers, demotic violence, child abuse, robbers, drunk drivers."

I'm not hear to burn you or stab you with my pitchfork but at the least point out that, well honestly you're wrong. :D

As for this video, it was complete BS but you have to realize that by the rules they are required to follow(which he didn't) in the long run the rider won't have to pay for jack and that cop will spend some time living his mistake down how his bosses see fit. Honestly I can see his frustration, DFW has the history between cops and stunt riders, the biggest difficulty is that it's really difficult to deal with bikers in large numbers unless we just pull over like were supposed to. He had the right idea but asking for the video probably would've been a better approach.

The reimbursement would come due to the fact that any costs were drummed up "illegally" by the cop. Yes the cop has the right idea, you're not going to run down 20 bikes that are breaking the law, on the other hand if you catch them all on tape you can just prosecute them that way (I.E. Traffic Cameras and etc.). Now if someone is videotaping something and tapes a crime they don't have to give it up unless there is a warrant, on the other hand if they chose to give the evidence of the crime over to the police it could be used.

If the cops politely asks and the rider chooses not too, his only other option is a warrant...not harassment.

Is there corruption and wrong doings and ignored actions...absolutely...there always will be.

If you had videotaped a hit and run that killed someone would you turn the evidence over??

A crime is a crime right? Just saying.

Your comparing apple to oranges
Doing a wheelie and killing someone.
Also the reason the police officers camera didn't work is because he was in the wrong.
Yes they are two very different situations but regardless we have laws for a reason and they should be followed. There is a place for stunts and the highway isn't it. Brake checking a cop so that they can't do their job, it's just a lack of understanding of your basic rights and wrongs.

As for his camera...who cares the riders video is enough to get this thrown out in no time in court.

Come on man..... Do you see what you are writing?
Yes they are two very different situations but regardless we have laws for a reason and they should be followed
Again your missing the point...I'm going to chalk it up as being young.....So you think two wrongs make a right?
One rider will say his name is John....did a rolling road block to a cop.....And
One rider will say his name is Jack..... Was riding down the road under he speed limit with a camera
They are two different people, two different bikes at two different times. And have nothing to do with each other besides having motorcycles.
Which goes back to my previous scenario.

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