What does everyone think of this youtube vid

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I guess I am missing your point, I'm not condemning what the cop did, he was wrong and out of line in every way, but keep in mind "John and Jack" both broke the law as we can see in the videos. Meanwhile a rider doing nothing wrong who happens to be filming his ride (which happens to take place in the same area as "Jack and John") gets pulled over for no reason whatsoever other than a cop being out of line. I get that and he was wrong to do so. Regardless video might have some form of evidence that identifies the two bikers, what is wrong with using it to I.D. and convict them??? He went about it all the wrong way, I get that. But had he witnessed a rider doing a wheelie down the highway, then a rider preforms a rolling road block in front of him, managed to get evidence that identifies them(legally) and uses that to convict, I don't understand how this is two wrongs that make a right????

The reason squidbuelle does not appear to be making sense is because he is not making sense.

Goes back to the earlier logic statement about generalization: no matter what he says, the next moment he makes a generalization and, whoops, there goes the sense of the comment.

Focus and context, people, focus and context.
never trust a cop.ive never seen a cop that wouldnt lie a little or a lot to get a conviction.its a myth that some are good and some are bad.if you know a cop and think hes one of the good ones its only because he hasnt shown his true colors.
what is wrong with using it to I.D. and convict them???
its called fishing and he violated an american citizens rights by pulling him over and taking his freedom.the hidden plate means nothing since the cop stated he pulled him over to see the camera wich is illegal.this cop should be behind bars.violation of civil liberties,false arrest,false imprisonment,theft,assualt.everything after he said i pulled you over for your camera is a crime plain and simple.

without your intensity, I would agree with what you've said.

It would go against our Charter/Constitution Rights, and that's been reinforced many times here, for the very reason you stated. In our process, the accused would put forward a Charter challenge, that would be like a separate trial, and the charges would be dropped in the interests of Justice.

Your constitution plays different.
what is wrong with using it to I.D. and convict them???

There is nothing wrong with this whatsoever and it isn't called phishing if you go about retrieving the evidence in the correct manner like oh I dunno asking as I've stated above...

Once again yes the Cop was up the wrong alley the way he did it. It wouldn't hold up in court and he should be punished, is it worth jail time? I don't think so since it's such a stupid situation and it would be thrown out so quickly...should he be a cop still? Not in my opinion as if he is to lose his composure due to something so minimal what would happen over something more serious...but that isn't up to me.

its called fishing and he violated an american citizens rights by pulling him over and taking his freedom.the hidden plate means nothing since the cop stated he pulled him over to see the camera wich is illegal.this cop should be behind bars.violation of civil liberties,false arrest,false imprisonment,theft,assualt.everything after he said i pulled you over for your camera is a crime plain and simple.

I hope to see this. The guy has every right to prosecute to the full extent of the law. The law that the officer, sworn to uphold mind you, was comepletely disregarding. Then, if/when that doesn't play out to his liking, sue the ever-loving sh*t out of the city/county/state the officer worked for.

Taking a government agency to court and forcing them to shell out money is quite possibly the most effective way to get a problem fixed.

The problem here being obviously they are fighting abhorrent behavior with equally revolting behavior. They need to find a better way. I.E. sending a letter to the name registered on the license plate informing them they are ordered to appear in court for X charges. Then when they don't appear go pick their ass up.

Squidbuellie you are being ridiculous, pick something and stick with it or don't bother.

Just my two cents.
Sometimes I can't tell if your a troll or just plain stupid

Well, a troll would point out the irony of the wrong "your" when wondering if somebody else is stupid, I wouldn't do that.

So that would leave Michael as being stupid.

Unless you want to revisit your paradigm.

Or wait for that "sometime" when you can tell…
The cop had every right to pull the rider over to question him as a witness of criminal activity regardless if he was involved or not. That's just plain and simple. A police officer has the right to ask questions to those close to or witnessing a crime. They dont have to help or participate. How he handled it was inappropriate, period. He realized after got emotional and made a mistake that he would arrest the guy on a b.s. charge to save face. Right idea from a police officers perspective in getting footage from a guy filming it, but obviously very poor execution probably by a young cop.

The real issue here runs way deeper than this individual officer.

As the video stated and showed, on memorial day here in Dallas(which is where this video took place) there was a huge ride which literally blocked traffic and shut down one of the busiest highways in Dallas (Hwy 75) and were stunting on the highway. Through gopro videos posted online by these knuckleheads, the police were able to make arrests by seeing license plates on the videos.

It was a huge news story here in Dallas as well as nationally. When criminal activity gets recognized nationally, Dallas Police Chief goes under fire from the local government. And that's when **** hits the fan.

As we all know, **** rolls down hill. So these officers on this beat and around Dallas had their ass chewed and were probably told that is the last time that **** happens or heads will roll. This young officer probably thought this was about to happen on his watch and felt some pressure to prevent it regardless of how he stopped it. In the heat of the moment, he made some mistakes.

Still no excuse, but I'm sure this was bigger than trying to pull over some speeding/stunting riders.

And making a comment about putting a hole in a cop because you hate all cops(regardless if you're referring to you or someone else) is like saying bomb on a plane, or fire in a school. Simply irresponsible and unnecessary. My brother is a police officer, and the last thing he needs is some loose canon influencing others by persuading them that a statement like that is even ok to vomit out onto a motorcycle forum. If you say it, own it. Quit tap dancing around it, or admit your wrong, but stop trying to talk around it and convince us that it was ok. ***** weak!
And making a comment about putting a hole in a cop because you hate all cops(regardless if you're referring to you or someone else) is like saying bomb on a plane, or fire in a school.
And once again.....there goes our first ammendment rights. "You are free to say whatever it is you want to say, as long as it doesn't conflict with our rules and beliefs."
To hell with Author-ri-tie!!!!
Yes it is your right, I didn't say it wasn't. But just because you're saying something doesn't mean it's worth a ****.
I didn't say, you didn't say it wasn't....lol. Nor did I say it was worth a ****. I just like making lite of a "serious" situation on the internet.:D My words on the internet do not directly reflect me, my views, or my beliefs. Just for fun.[up]

The cop had every right to pull the rider over to question him as a witness of criminal activity regardless if he was involved or not. That's just plain and simple.
but dosnt have the right to pull you over to look at your personal property or to seize it without your consent.he can pull over and ask your permission to view your property and ask if you witnessed anything.
And once again.....there goes our first ammendment rights. "You are free to say whatever it is you want to say, as long as it doesn't conflict with our rules and beliefs."
To hell with Author-ri-tie!!!!

… obviously, another American who has no clue about his own Constitution. Sad, isn't it.
"baby, I'm so sorry!"

Ha. Said that before. At least the bike didn't get too messed up and he didn't break anything.

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