What's the age of the typical Buell owner?

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Been riding dirt since I was 6, got my first plated enduro when I was 13. Kept 2 the dirt till I was 16, then started riding to school.
Recently turned 22 and bought my '06 xb12Ss weeks before my birthday. I love my DRZ400s, but it's def not a street machine.
Dad said if I was gonna buy a street bike, it better be American! So glad he pushed me in the right direction, Ive never ridden anything close to comparable to my xb, and doubt I ever will.
It's a conversation starter everywhere i go. And even months later me and my buddies will just stand around it and drool, dreaming of aftermarket mods, and roads that need to be ridden without the interference of the CHP.
I just turned 42 but my wife says "you are the only 42 year old that looks 24 and acts like a 12 year old"!! I got my first bike when i was 3 a yamaha 60 and I have had dirtbikes,fourwheelers and streetbikes ever since. My wife says I have motor oil for blood and a v-twin for a heart hahaha I guess she is right it does get into your blood or maybe your soul!!
Got my first bike, 05 XB9sx, a month before my 21st b-day, got it up and running right and rode it for the first time on the road the day of my b-day, wish it wouldn't have took me so long to find one that I could afford. US-129 your all mine.
im 22 bought my current bike 05XB12R little while ago. This is my third buell, had two tube frame bike previously.
I'm 22 and just bought my first Buell (2007 XB12Ss with 700 miles) a week ago with my money I earned on my internship this summer.

Cant wait to go back and ride at Penn State!!
I am 53, a 33 yr vet of the US ARMY and still going. Got my first Harley product in 1982. Got my first Buell in 2000. I now have three. I just want to have something that no one else has. I have a home in Milwaukee and I have a bike that none of my friends can match. No mid life crisis. I love it for most of the engineering aspects. There are so many more things I can do as a shade tree mechanic on my 04 an 06 then I can do on my 98. I always wanted a crotch rocket but I wanted to ride american so this is the fix. I have a 08 White lightning, an 04 XB12S and an 06 XB12Ss. Love tham all for one reason or another.[up][up]
I'm 55, have been riding for over 40 years and just bought an XB9r.
All the Harley guys ask, “Why?” [confused]
Everyone else says, “Wuzzat? Some kinda Ninja?”[mad]

I'm done explaining it to people. It's mine and I love it!

21 here and just picked up an 03 Firebolt several weeks ago...been riding for several weeks now :D
im 23 and have had my 99s3 since sept of 2004, up to 27k miles. got a few other bikes too but love my buell! im building a xb9r motor based land speed bike at the moment.


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