Your best Buell riding advice please.............

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Thanks guys.
Sounds like very good advice all around. Keep it coming, I have several weeks to wait yet.

I probably won't ride the bike like I do the least not right away.:D

Sherburne, NY....halfway between Binghamton and Utica.

Took a picture of a sweatshirt I have.
Once youre comfortable with the bikes handling, put some sticky rubbers on it and find a super twisty mountain road. Do a slow pass through to examine the road and make sure there isnt any gravel, potholes or other junk on it. Then - enjoy the 47 degree lean angle! :D You may discover that you will never own another bike that handles quite as well as your XB.
Sounds awesome!! [up] Probably won't try it on a super twisty mountain road right away..........I know, when I'm comfortable.

Where you from bradski?
Not too far away(75 miles).
I plan to go ride in the Adirondacks......and work on planning my winter trips.:)
Next friday through sunday theres a buell rally in lake george.
Adk rally
Im gonna go, if you can make it you should.
Good to see another bueller in ny
Learn to panic brake with the front brake leading. Don't ask me how I know.

Never panic brake in a turn it'll make the bike stand up and go straight.

Read Twist of the Wrist volume 2. There is a movie but the acting is horrible but tons of good info
keep your hands on the clipons and your feet on the pegs, dont get the two mixed up and switched back'erds
Too bad I won't be around, and I won't have the bike until July sometime. :(

Have fun!

EDIT: That's a damn good reason to get some real riding gear with pads.....but that did seem like a pretty stupid crash.
yeah brake in the turn and youll end up like this guy

After I started riding again back in October, I watched most of the popular motorcycle crashes on you tube to try to learn from them. I watched this one a few times never realizing that poor bike was a Buell. I guess the cause was probably braking in a turn - weird because nothing dramatic happens - he just goes down and crashes.

Another piece of advice: never underestimate the power of water, oil and leaves in the road. Here in the desert there's lots of irrigation run off (it's ridiculous actually). The same day I got my Firebolt I went back out to do something. I was riding through my development and the road I was on has a 90 degree curve. In that section it is actually cement, not asphalt. I was going slow because it's always wet there. This time there was also a bunch of leaves and lawn clipping. The bike slide sideways. I didn't panic - I brought it completely straight and let off the throttle and managed to get it stopped before I hit the curb. Probably more luck than skill but thank you MSF Safe Rider Course! The next night I was coming home from work (it was dark), made a right turn and the same damn thing happened. I was on my Ninja though. Luck prevailed again. I think that time it was oil or antifreeze in the intersection. i'm currently trying to figure out how I can get to work and back without turning!

Just be careful out there. Riding should be fun and a bit of a thrill but if it's scary, you are probably riding beyond your limits. The good news is the more you ride, your limits change. Just my humble opinion.
according to NHTSA and MSF almost 62% of all motorcycle related highway crashes are from other vehicles pulling out into or backing out into a motorcycles' direction of travel. when you approach a driveway, interesection, or someone approaching you with left turn signal on, NEVER EVER ASSUME they see you. slow down, cover your controls, expect them to turn into your lane of travel or pull out from where they're stopped. what i find myself doing when approaching someone stopped to my left or right and waiting to pull out is watch their front wheel closest to you. if the wheel starts to rotate chances are they are coming out into your lane of travel. once you get the hang of it you'll be amazed how well it works.
Keep your left thumb over the horn button and use it!!! CAGERS ARE YOUR ENEMY AND KEEP YOUR DISTANCE FROM BMW, AUDI, MERCEDES AND VOLVO DRIVERS.