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  1. C

    Body armor

    Thanks man, that thing looks great!
  2. C

    Body armor

    dave_xb who is OP? Hey guys I thought i posted this earlier, but I guess i never clicked post before I x-ed out of the page. I am also looking for a super light jacket. my buddy uses this one by fox, but its meant for mountain/birt biking. I like it, but i don't know if it can be trusted on...
  3. C

    Body armor

    Thanks for the links, but they still seem like they would be too heavy. Are there and lighter options, similar to the link I posted?
  4. C


    Its cool I guess. I made my points. Whether or not people understood is a different story. I think LeFox is on the power trip now though. He just locked a thread on the uly forum too! PEOPLE NEED TO GET OVER THEMSELVES!
  5. C


    Wow, fidosol. Still kicking and screaming in your defeat. As for your reference to me... ...I appreciate it, and am taking it as a complement. Thanks bro!
  6. C


    This third "lesser" meaning is the only thing that we have been talking about, yet you have managed to miss it. I refuse to dumb down the idea to make it easier to understand. I guess I just recommend reading what has been said over a few times. If you still don't get it, I am not sure there...
  7. C


    clever...I already plaid that card tho.
  8. C


    Haha, I am now convinced that this is over your head.
  9. C


    HAHA, thank you! Someone gets it. I already said that I am not giving out my work info. I also don't really care if you random people believe me. Finally, and most importantly, driftingswiftly is right! You are just looking for an excuse to list your self proclaimed achievements. You made...
  10. C


    Once again Fidosol, you have managed to completely ignore the point of this conversation and found the pompous excuse to vent that you have been searching so diligently for. I know exactly what I said, and you ARE assuming you know the person. I am a cop, and no I don't choose to respect...
  11. C


    Did you guys seriously not understand what i just wrote? Your replies were only 50% relevant, and the other 50% was just you lashing out b/c you are bitter. My comments had nothing to do with respecting someone after you know them. Oh, and fidosol, you don't deserve any more respect, mostly...
  12. C


    That is scary you enjoy it. Fortifying my point. Yes, I do think we should be respected just as much as any other person. You have no idea what some random person does for a living or on their spare time. It is likely that their work has a much greater impact on your safety then us front...
  13. C


    Who is Dr. Phil?
  14. C


    Yes, you are right. The worst kind of cop is the one who puts his own life at risk on his free time. Not the one who tries to use his "serve and protect" authority to belittle citizens. Also, you can't play the he was disrespecting an officer of the law card b/c you only know half the story...
  15. C


    First of all, I don't really care if a bunch of va-jays who don't know how to ride their Buell properly believe that I'm a cop. Second, you are not about to get any of my work info. Nice try tho.
  16. C


    I call my self, and other officers cops all the time. It isn't derogatory. Pig on the other hand, now i like to save that one for the nice policemen who are acting like them.
  17. C


    I'm a cop too. Thats why I get so upset at at uptight power hungry scrots who act like that.
  18. C


    bitter rod, you are the worst kinda of pig there is. you are the guy that thinks he is funny, and uses his "authority" to threaten people into submission. its cops like you that give law a bad name.
  19. C


    You guys are vaginas! Hes sporting a 12R, why would you suggest calming down? You might as well tell him to do a trike conversion. Ride on dude, have fun. I'm glad you aren't wasting your pride and money by using your Buell as a scooter.
  20. C

    BUELL CAD model

    i'm pretty sure that he knows that. its quite obvious.