I was at the club talking to my Hot Rod buddy again. I was asking about why it seems to work, he said "You are probably picking up a few percent from a combination of 3 or 4 things going on at the same time... modern fuel has alcohol in it, it could also be that you may be taking the motor out of a semi "lean" condition. You are adding a hydrocarbon, ... THATS NEVER BAD. "
Then he told me stories about his 125cc dirtbike, he told me to try out a 2-cycle that he said was a BEAST, but I forgot what the oil was called "Bell-something or other" he said it was for air-cooled motors and it felt like he doubled his displacement up to a 250... anybody know what oil he was talking about "Bell-something".. he said he had tried another one called "Gold-somethingorother".. he said for him, it wasn't has good and ran dirty.