2-stroke oil experiment.

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Whoops let me clarify, I'm running marine 2 stroke oil. Was thinking it might run a lil hotter to burn deposits off....I dunno, just a seat of the pants feeling
1 1/2 once maybe? I put a shot glass full in the vrod as well. Haven't noticed any heat, but it's a cooler running bike with no temp gauge. it might be my imagination
I just threw in 2 oz in mine I'll let you know if my gets hotter than normal but as of right now it was running fine. No fan when I shut the bike off, but it was only a 10 minute drive though the city. Current air temp is 60.[up]
What about the Beast? You going to try a little more? May prompt to let the rings seat, just to be sure. Once seated should promote ring seal and valve guide longevity. Curious to see what the O2 says about it. May want to check the fuel maps for adaptive changes. Just sayin...That what I will be doing when I try this next week, when I get a cable for the bike. More BTU's means more power potential could be available if tuned right. Wondering about the flame front speed being changed by the addition. Would initially think that a possible slower burn might up pressure in the cylinder, ergo more power. The 1190 upgrade may like this because of the stock 1125 compression chamber and new squench band. :D
I took a 15 minute ride on the highway after work and it ran great my operating temp didn't go over 168. 5000 rpm it just ran so smooth. As of this morning it had a little trouble starting up (it was 50 degrees this morning). When it did start up after a few tries it didn't idle to good either. On a bright side the short ride I have to work was no different than yesterday. Also I'm trying to monitor my MPG but that's going to be hard to do because of my lead hand.
I have a few quarts of Amsoil: HP Marine, Injector Oil, and Dominator Race. I know that Gloomshadow is using the regular weedwacker/chainsaw stuff.

So what are you guys using as the 2T oil?
SS lover... yeah my 1203 did that after it sat for about 4 days.. backfired and failed to start twice, 3rd time fired right up and ran like a top all day. Im thinking that it freed up some junk in the lines or tank and it settled down in the system where it collected... just a thought though, Im not sure why it did it. Im still on the first tank so maybe its just getting used to it.

Its funny how the 984 just sucks it up like nothing.. my 9 has responded a lot better to it so far.. they say it takes a few tanks before it really starts working though.
just for ***** m giggles I went out and started the 1203 up.. BOOOOM first try, just fired up real easy. I sear that old, first generation Walbro fuel pump sounds a tad smoother too... Ive only put a 1/2 tank of this through it.
Ya it started right up when I took it out for my lunch break today. I'm going to keep using it at least for a few fill ups seems to help a lot with the smoothness pf the bike. Thanks Gloom for showing me the light!
took the 1203 out, backfired on startup and the reserve light came on (I had less fuel than I thought).. I guess the 2-cycle freed up a bunch of crap from the walls of the tank. I ran the reserve almost dry to get it out of there.. (it ran ok but not great) Filled it back up with fresh 93 Octane and it came back to life but not quite as good as it was with the 2-cycle. Rode the 2 miles home on just gasoline and added my 40ml of 2-cycle and kept on riding.. that smooth powerful feeling came back. Its NOT my imagination!
*Weekend Update* Took a good hard ride and everything works flawless! Low, Mid, and High RPM ranges smooth as silk. I reset my avg. mpg right before the first 2-stroke added to my bike. As of right now I got 2 MPG better and I have been running the bike a lot harder. In my opinion this stuff helped my bike out in just the first time I added it. I will be continuing to use this in all my vehicles for now on! Thanks again Gloom.

This gets my [up]
I was at the club talking to my Hot Rod buddy again. I was asking about why it seems to work, he said "You are probably picking up a few percent from a combination of 3 or 4 things going on at the same time... modern fuel has alcohol in it, it could also be that you may be taking the motor out of a semi "lean" condition. You are adding a hydrocarbon, ... THATS NEVER BAD. "
Then he told me stories about his 125cc dirtbike, he told me to try out a 2-cycle that he said was a BEAST, but I forgot what the oil was called "Bell-something or other" he said it was for air-cooled motors and it felt like he doubled his displacement up to a 250... anybody know what oil he was talking about "Bell-something".. he said he had tried another one called "Gold-somethingorother".. he said for him, it wasn't has good and ran dirty.

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