The comment string is priceless! I don't hate H-D and have owned and liked a few, but what a terrible business match. This guy is hilarious commenting on a previous post. VVVVVV
“I also believe that when it comes to motorcycles and riders like myself who have been involved for many decades, that what we like are motorcycles that are, powerful, easy to handle, easy to maintain, don’t cost an arm and a leg, and look like a motorcycle should. This is why Harley Davidson has been so successful for so many years.”
This is what made H-D so successful for so many years? Hmmm. Let’s see here…
“Powerful”? Not even a little. Given their displacement, H-D’s have always been pathetically anemic. Hell, they’re pathetically anemic even without the displacement qualifier.
“Easy to handle”? Bwaaaa. Compared to what? A wheelbarrow?
“Easy to maintain”? Sure, as long as they’re working. Historically, H-D has nearly always been ranked among the least reliable brands, which is all the more damning when one stops to consider just how extremely under-powered and mechanically simple H-D’s have been down through the years.
“Don’t cost an arm and a leg?” Throw in a heart, spleen, and prolapsed rectum, and you’re about there for any halfway decent modern Harley.
“Look like a motorcycle should?” Yep…in 1957.
Allow me to help you out here. H-D was not successful because their bikes were powerful, reliable, well handling, or affordable. Quite the opposite, in fact. They were successful despite their bikes failing to be any of those things. Bottom line, H-D’s success was the result of one thing, and one thing only: marketing.
“American-Built Iron That Makes YOU, Mr. Weekend Warrior, Look Like a Badass! Lifestyle, Hoss! Lifestyle! Hells Angels! Sturgis! Easy Rider! Skynyrd! Sons of Anarchy! One-Percenters! Tattoos! Biker Chicks! Lowriders! Assless Chaps! Screaming Eagles! Desert Sunsets! World War II! Budweiser! Chrome! Leather Fringe! Potato-Potato-Potato! Fat Boys! Fat Bobs! Fat Wives!’MURICA!! EFF, YEAH!”
Don’t kid yourself. That’s all it is. That’s all it’s ever been.