buell factory right side scoop

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Just ordered the inner and outer scoop plus the 3 screws for my 07 scg for $51.22 from Chicago HD. After shipping costs grand total came to $60.17 Thanks Joel for originally posting this, I let my buddy ride my bike and he was complaing about the fan blowing hot air on ya, problem solved!! I'm also going to wrap my headers this weekend and I ordered a D n D slip on today! I feel like a kid on Christmas!!:D
Any other distinguishing differences between the HD one and Lefoxe's besides the fact that the HD one does not match the left side?
Awesome and pretty inexpensive addition! After 200-300 miles today (damn that thunderstorm!) The fan still comes on, not for as long and I didn't have chicken wing one time!!!
Ordered my RSS from ASB late Saturday night and it arrived on Wednesday - pretty impressed with the level of communication and the speed of shipping/delivery.

I installed it last night and my fan did not come on once while riding to and from work today. I was pretty surprised considering it was 111 degrees today.
just a few minutes ago, I checked the prices of the scoops at two online HD shops, these are current as of July 05, 2011...

M0851.7AA- $25.16
M0852.7AA- $22.50
AN1005.3FSS- $1.80

M0851.7AA- $22.36
M0852.7AA- $20.00
no hardware

LSHD1.COM (Lake Shore Harley Davidson- Libertyville, IL)
M0851.7AA- $22.36
M0852.7AA- $18.36
AN1005.3FSS- $1.28

as of July 06, 2011...the cheapest:D
i have an 03 firebolt, do i need to order the AN1005.3FSS bolts or will the existing ones work?
For my lightning the existing ones only fasten down the inner scoop and the farthest back hole of the outer but I still needed the other screws to finish the job. I imagine your the same way.
28003...yes you'll need 'em

kwpollard...no problem

SnyderJ21...you're right

just ordered the set from LSHD1.com $44.56 + shipping :D
JOEL is exactly correct on the buell/H-D part #'s and it is a direct bolt-up for all XB models. you can also get the screws, scoop, and inner scoop mounting bracket from ASB for close to the same price. i put these pieces on my firebolt and my city cross and makes a huge difference in rear cylinder cooling and also seems to duct more heat away from your inner thigh area which really cooks in the summer. neither my firebolt or city cross cooling fan even activates much anymore. this setup really does work!!
56 through Lake Shore HD. No back order notification as of yet... Ordered today.