Buelling across America!

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Day 2. Bishop Ca to Delta Utah.
Made it to Delta Utah. 444.6 miles today. Great ride thru the high desert. I spent most of the day above 6000 ft. 7722 ft was the highest pass. I dodged some massive rain clouds. Quite beautiful. Highway 6 and 50 were straight as an arrow for the most part. I normally hate droning, but this was pleasant with the scenery. Hardly any cars. I tried to keep it at 80-85, but crept up as high as 95. Didn't even realize it until I heard the engine revving higher than normal. I had to use my gallon gas can between Bishop and Ely. Low fuel light came on at 125 miles. I think the fast pace, gradual incline and high altitude sucked up the fuel.
That's a lot of miles! How many hours are you riding
I'm curious too, I bet your average speed is close to 70 or maybe even a little higher so I guess you could cover that in 6or7 hours right? I can attest that it is easy to swallow up some distance on a uly when the road is straight and boring, I find myself creeping up near 100 on long stretches too,seems like riding high and all that suspension make you forget how fast you're going.
I'm curious too, I bet your average speed is close to 70 or maybe even a little higher so I guess you could cover that in 6or7 hours right? I can attest that it is easy to swallow up some distance on a uly when the road is straight and boring, I find myself creeping up near 100 on long stretches too,seems like riding high and all that suspension make you forget how fast you're going.

I'm typically leaving at 9am and reaching my destination around 4:30. Got in at 6 last nite, that's with a time change. 6 or 7 hours on the bike. I'm in no hurry. I normally wouldn't ride this fast but the open country and vast emtyness makes me turn it on. I haven't seen a cop yet. Its hard to put into words the remoteness of Nevada and western Utah. The smells, especially after the rain are incredible. When I get tired or my butt gets sore I stop and get gas or take pictures, check messages, eat lunch. Headed to Craig Colorado in a few. Looks like good weather today. Wish me luck.
Day 3. Delta, Utah to Craig, Colorado
The Brave Ulysses devoured Utah. 366 miles. 45.8 mpg. Left Delta at 8:45 and got to Craig 4:30. Nice ride. The Uly ran great once more. I did about 50 miles on I15. Speed limit was 80. I did 90+. Lots of fun. Mostly straight roads, but there were some sweepers at 70 to 80 mph. Topped out at 9114 ft at one pass. There was snow on the hill sides. Lots of fun but I have to say I'm a little tired at days end. I'm getting good at finding cheap hotels. I've also improved on my packing. Stuff bags with cold or rain gear need to be outside the main pack. Once again extremely remote areas. Some very remote. My GPS had me take a 10 mile shortcut that had me slightly nervous, but it panned out. Ill say one more time, Ulys were made for this kind of riding. Better at everything than my Ultra Classic.
Day 4 Craig CO to Lusk WY is in the books.
Left at 9am and arrived at 4:30 pm. 355 miles. Nice fast ride today. Again, remote as anywhere I've ever seen. 2 lane roads are posted 75, which means i go 80 something. Occasionally I catch myself going 90 then throttle back. A lot of straight roads, but they're not boring. Saw tons of pronghorns, horses, sheep and cattle. The wild critters keep 2 hands on the handlebars. I've seen deer and pronghorns in every variety of decomposition along the side of the road. Gas is cheap and is a welcome rest for my butt. I got sprinkled on a little but not enough for rain gear. Doing this is a ball. Tomorrow is South Dakota and the Black hills. Storms are forming in Both Dakota, so I'll play that by ear. The Ulysses is running like a top. I couldn't be happier with how its running. At 80 mph, it has a nice rumble with ear plugs taking out the wind noise.
Forgot to mention i crossed the continental divide 4 times today. Not sure what's up with 4 times, but I found it satisfying nonetheless. All were above 7000 feet. I'm amazed at the amount of wide open territory in this country. It's truly amazing. Locals always friendly. Cowboy hats and big belt buckles. I love the rural atmosphere. Some good Ole boys asked where I was from and I said, California. After seeing their suspicious looks I said, California, (home of the fruits and nuts), that met their approval. Food is a crap shoot. Eggs and burgers a sure bet, but don't order anything fancy in the middle of nowhere. I haven't seen too many other bikers. Mostly semis and farm trucks on the road. Also, the wind and gusts can be tough. A couple times the wind hit me and knocked my helmet sideways like getting slapped upside the head. Other times gusts moved me 2 or 3 feet one way or another. Two hands on the bars at most times. Passing semis take caution. Finally though, I had a tail wind for many miles. Felt like sailing.
Next time tell the Good Ole boys you're actually from Adirondack Mtns. in Upstate, NY. Your trip looks unbelievable. Brings back great memories of the wide open emptiness. BTW, met my first guard rail up close and personal after 40 yrs. riding. Went into 15 mph curve too fast and hit some winter leftover sand. Actually slid my 1100 virago mostly underneath the rail but did some damage to the bike. I was wearing my BOHN full body armor shirt and pants that I JUST BOUGHT with full leathers, heavy boots and Shoei full face helmet. All I got was a swollen right wrist and a big repair bill. On line now ordering replacement parts and being very thankful for my health and that it wasn't my Ulysses.
You're in for a treat in south dakota. Great riding there! So much better not during Sturgis I've been told, I haven't been back there since 04 for Sturgis, but always wanting to! Would be way more fun on my uly as opposed to the 75 sportster I was on the first time!
Keep the posts coming, really enjoying them!

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