Buells and tattoos.

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when it was just done maybe a monthish ago. It's not done some touch up and an orange is going in the letters and the pegisus. Bad pics either way. I've fit a few mire tattoos I just wanted to show this one first.


I wanted to post my tattoos. This one is just cause i wanted it


these next two are also just cause i wanted it



the top one is my last name and the bottom one... i was actually wondering if anyone on here knows what it is?


this last one is a tattoo me 4 good friends and my brother got together. mine of course is the one that says nasty

i was actually wondering if anyone on here knows what it is?
to me it looks like someones take on the Eye of Horus
he was a sky god to egyptians who also took the form of a falcon..
also know as the eye of Ra (sungod I think)
Well i suppose that was a little vague. their are so many artists and cultures that have signifacant meanings for an eye, but this is artwork used by Tool. it was done by Alex Gray. look up the video on youtube for Tool's Parabola. It's at the end and they have had it on other stuff too.
Well i suppose that was a little vague. their are so many artists and cultures that have signifacant meanings for an eye, but this is artwork used by Tool. it was done by Alex Gray. look up the video on youtube for Tool's Parabola. It's at the end and they have had it on other stuff too.

Ha, I knew it. Anemia tour was one of the best concerts I have seen.
Newest ink. Battlefeild Cross backed with True Blue Flames. Also sneeking in a Sergeant Emblem for my time in the USMC, it will actually be hidden within the flames but there none the less.


@ Pockets, sorry for not seeing the question, the Blue Flames represent the hottest or most extreme aspect of a flame rather than a red, orange, and yellow flame. As far as my tattoo, it is based around the Battle feild cross surrounded by blue flame as to show the ultimate sacrifice or the most extreme aspect of war. So the hottest or ultimate for both. Then the top will be filled in by black smoke which references towards the dark part of war and the flame.

Here are my latest. Next appt. is right before Thanksgiving to start on the upper part of smoke.


You guys are all silly. I gave up on having meaning behind any of my tattoos a long, long time ago.

For example:

It means I like to kill and eat pigs. Simple, eh?
My question to that tat is it real????

If so man you sure as hell love Buells. I like them but would never get a tat of one.[smirk]

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