Buells and tattoos.

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Man, your lucky ! I'd love to get sleeves but some people think it's not professional and i'm not a long sleeve kinda guy.
Also not really buell related, but I dabble with pencil and paint and have had several lady-friends get them inked. Here are some of the tattoos and/or things they got tattooed.






Here is one of mine.... I have a bunch more i don't have pics on my computer yet but I will get some more posted up.
BuellChick got hers all finished up today[up] Her future plans are to finish a half sleeve but we will see about that, as she has a hard time sitting in the chair for more than 2hrs.

The green surrounding should fade to the back leaving the flowers as the detail and the green backing as the out of focus background




dam drifter i love your trees! My next tattoo will be a tree on my side. My friend started to draw it but hasn't finished it and im in no hurry. Its hard to justify $300 or more for a tattoo
$300 isn't that bad. At the end of the day, you get what you pay for. It's better to invest in a high quality artist who's art you love, than to settle for someone who's going to scratch out a ****** tattoo on the cheap. Having both kinds on my body, I can definitely tell you the more expensive art is the one you'll love for longer. My sleeve cost me over $1500, and my back is going to cost around $3000.
$300...... I could only wish, like the mentioned above..... In mkst cases Price reflects Quality, but not all the time... Especially if your best friend is an artist who is doing it or free and has been doing it for years (I had a buddy who has been tattooing fir a couple years and it was just like spinning my wheels), thus far have about $5000 into my ink[smirk]
Thanks. One skirt has three of mine. Can't remember how much money it ran off the top of my head, but that big tree on her side took something like 10 or 12 hrs i think. That sound right? Its mostly line work, but its 21x9 inches.
this is so sick

I used to do lead and ink art but got out of it some time ago (never that good though), a few of my drawings ended up on bodies as well. when I was still in Tech (AIT for some branches) in Mississippi I did a lot of custom work for guys in my building.
did a few of their cars too.

because I sketched so many tattoos I could never decide on what to get myself, anybody have any experience with the UV degrading ink? tattoos done with that are supposed to last a few years before they fade all the way out. I figure I'd give it a shot with that.
Here's more progress on my current piece. Maybe 1 more session for the inside of the arm left.

Here is one on my side, still a work in progress. I have a sleeve on my leg i need to get some pics of

hanks dude! You have any pics of the work that landed on skin?



this one didn't make it on skin but was fun

the chains from this one made it

this is the one I wanted for a while

and this one made it

with this draped on it

I also did quite a few flowers but don't have any pictures of the original art
Start this post with a moment of silence as I see the last post was from Delta One.

After his funeral today I headed home and after warming up for a little I headed out to another tattoo apt. Basically left off where I ended last time, all the smoke on the upper arm is fresh. It has 4 destinct pictures tied into the smoke of times I was in Iraq, all the pictures were taken by me which adds that much more meaning to the ink. I have about 90% of my arm done so the next apt will only be an hour or two [up]

The first picture shows a Marine laying down in the smoke shooting and on my inner upper arm a small shot of a Mosque. The second picture shows Marines on patrol and a hummer. I need to have the rest of the smoke tied into my inner arm to cover what little is left bare.



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