damn cops.

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Yeah it can happen. He has a good point though, I also always watch behind me in my mirrors when coming to stops. The idea is to minimize risk. It's obviously impossible to completely get rid of it. I never take it out of first gear and put in to neutral at a stop until I see no one is speeding up behind me.
LMAO and to think that I was a little bit scared my first comment would be scrutinized =]

lesley what are the torque specs for those?

I believe that there is a diagram with step by step directions on the back of the manufacturer's packing. I would say hand tighten it, we know people have had some bad luck with wrenches.
fin: i suspect i'm the only retired State Police detective on this board. i've been watching this thread for a bit now and here's my advice: spend a few hundred bucks for a local lawyer with a good rep for handling summary traffic court cases and request a hearing. your mouthpiece will talk to the policeman prior to the hearing and attempt to have the violation that is subsequently most painful to your license status tossed. that would be the most you could hope for. worth a try on your end.
and secondly the obvious and i've seen this a thousand times during my career: those drivers/riders who consistently have a license "on the cusp" of suspension/revocation seem to be the most consistent offenders. that in and amongst itself truly defies logic. ride and drive as you please sir as it's no concern of mine but if you are an individual known to your local constabulary, ride aggressively, and are 1 ticket away from another loss of license thru suspension or revocation then YOU of all people need to ride within the confines of common sense. personally i would not describe 90 in a 55 as common sense riding. but that's me.
Well said lunatic, well said.

After the 3rd major moving violation, it gets pretty hard to believe it's the "damn cops" fault.
lunatic...the trooper wasnt that bad i just acted in a fit of rage when talking about this...i posted out of frustration literally 10 minutes after i got in the door...i think i talked to a good attorney, and have some others that have been recommended...my name IS NOT know around here..im not some criminal just made a few several mistakes over the course of a decade...i understand its my fault and all but, i feel like he should have taken the environment and conditions into play...i wasnt zig zaggin in and out of traffic, there was no traffic, and i wasnt in a city setting..i know YOU ALL will say im just trying to justify my behavior, but whatever. hopefully it plays out and they take that into consideration...i told my lawyer that i would be willing to do whatever amount of community service (probably not a good idea to say that cause ill probably end up doing a billion hours) and hopefully they take my 3.4 GPA into consideration...for those of you who give a **** and feel my pain...keep your fingers crossed to all the others...NAMASTE *******...
Don't worry, if they take your license for your repeated stupidity you can always hang out at the playground...

Yeah, it's not complete but school takes up most of my time and money...plus work. I'll have some updated pics soon...got some Watsen design blinkers on all four corners and an orange trans airbox plus my original orange screen thrown on...should differentiate it from the rest a little more.

And for what it's worth...we've all been caught doing something stupid...if you haven't you're not living. I've had a reckless driving and hell I pleaded down to that...happened while I was in the Army still...didnt' even get ragged on officially at work.

Recently got nailed doing 84 in a 55 out on 1431 but in my defense he shot me while I was passing a dude doing less than 45 and in a legal passing lane...yet to go to court on that one.

Just learn from it and move on...rant all you want but think about what that officer has to deal with during his career...yea he signed up for it but damn...every time I've ever gotten pulled over...I was guilty...my biggest concern was making sure that officer had absolutely nothing to worry about...Keys on the roof...hands on the wheel and nothing but short and simple answers.

yea about that...i verbally sucked that mans cock for sure.....hahaha i just wish the US would pick up like europe and do autobahn style on freeways...but thats never gunna happen so ill go the speed limit from now on...if i can drive "from now on"
.......................... Um..... Please elaborate.... I doubt this xb would do 160 with a JATO strapped to it's ass...
Literally the same exact scenario happened to me a few months ago. Cruising in the far right lane with 0 cars on the road at around 1 or 2 in the morning, no mirrors that day, earplugs, and a Drummer on an 1125R at 90ish Mph. Cop was behind me for about 3 or 4 miles he claimed, when i noticed him I stopped immediately and was courteous. Thankfully did not go to jail, rode away with an excessive speeding 80+ ticket.

Thought about getting a lawyer, talked with a lawyer, then he gave me his price. I Defended myself. Now when I went to the arraignment about a month and a half later, that is when the fun really began. I waited for hours while about 150 people ahead of me, a handful of which only spoke some crazy pacific island language. Those guys were kind of entertaining actually, there were about 10 of them all there for the same thing; driving without a license, insurance, and registration. When I finally was called they asked me to state my name, so I did. The next thing happened so fast I barely had time to react, the memory is even a little fuzzy. The lady said that they would be "Dropping all charges because of inability to prove due to lack of incriminating evidence." "Do you object?" She asked. I'm sure all of you can guess what I said next.

But the moral of the story is, scrutinize that ticket. Look for any error in filling it out. and lapse of information. anything that does not match what actually happened (or what you want it to be perceived that happened).
I got off because the officer used pace as his method of detecting my speed, at least that is my best guess why they wouldn't pursue anything.

Good luck to you mate.
Buellysses... Thank you for that entertainment... I needed that to relieve the boredom at work tonight...

And yes, you're right... I am relatively new here... Lol
90 in a 55..yes bad....but dont say you havent done it once...maybe not the 90 in a 55..but you probably gone 30 over the speed limit at least once...and with that said i know that doesnt make it right...still sucks...i should be hearing from the lawyer tomrrow. and ill update for those who are interested in what happens...
I know when I was a cop (now I work on the border), I REALLY hated the bikers with LOUD exhaust, but it made my job much easier finding the speeders. (I could hear them literally 10 miles away) My advise, get quiet exhaust, put mirrors on your bike, TRY and keep it under 100, AND hope and pray if you get pulled over again, the cop is a biker. :D (A knee dragger would be better)

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