Literally the same exact scenario happened to me a few months ago. Cruising in the far right lane with 0 cars on the road at around 1 or 2 in the morning, no mirrors that day, earplugs, and a Drummer on an 1125R at 90ish Mph. Cop was behind me for about 3 or 4 miles he claimed, when i noticed him I stopped immediately and was courteous. Thankfully did not go to jail, rode away with an excessive speeding 80+ ticket.
Thought about getting a lawyer, talked with a lawyer, then he gave me his price. I Defended myself. Now when I went to the arraignment about a month and a half later, that is when the fun really began. I waited for hours while about 150 people ahead of me, a handful of which only spoke some crazy pacific island language. Those guys were kind of entertaining actually, there were about 10 of them all there for the same thing; driving without a license, insurance, and registration. When I finally was called they asked me to state my name, so I did. The next thing happened so fast I barely had time to react, the memory is even a little fuzzy. The lady said that they would be "Dropping all charges because of inability to prove due to lack of incriminating evidence." "Do you object?" She asked. I'm sure all of you can guess what I said next.
But the moral of the story is, scrutinize that ticket. Look for any error in filling it out. and lapse of information. anything that does not match what actually happened (or what you want it to be perceived that happened).
I got off because the officer used pace as his method of detecting my speed, at least that is my best guess why they wouldn't pursue anything.
Good luck to you mate.