damn cops.

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Truck driver beaten unconscious by California Highway Patrol

I know all LEO's are not *********s but it seems like they certainly do come out of the woodwork and of course since they are the 'fuzz' they are privy to the dual justice system that the average citizen is not.

Up here in BC the RCMP pretty much gets away with whatever they want, not to mention it's a good ol' boys club with a huge-o-mungus sexual harassment investigation currently going down.


here is the link for the story..

A 58 year old truck driver was left like this by California Highway Patrol for refusing to sign a ticket
and now for the rest of the story.

feel free to enlighten us all as to the police doing no wrong OR are getting away with murder?

RCMP Watch Calling for increased accountability since 2006

please tell us something we don't already know

DHS training local police

Cops beat David Silva to death

5 Fullerton Cops beat man to death

guess your right lunatic, it would be interesting to hear the 'other side' and being that I know a few LEO's who are decent people but I have also seen more then my share of power tripping goons, ex-military types who think they are judge, jury and executioner but I digress, I am sure the 'thin blue line' is just a fallacy.

There's dicks in EVERY profession or group... Shall we post things that outlaw bikers do and generalize it against all of us?
Shall we post things that outlaw bikers do and generalize it against all of us?

The difference here is that these "outlaw bikers" didn't take an oath to protect, serve and UPHOLD the law.

I had an officer attempt to pull me out through the window of my car once simply because I drove two miles with my flashers on at 35 mph (which clearly had shown that I was aware he was behind me and was being compliant) looking for a safe place for both of us to pull over because the road we were traveling on was so narrow, and my car is too low to pull of the road. Needless to say it was pretty damn hard for me to not start throwing elbows when some dick head is attempting to pull me out of my car by my hair. I got the last laugh in that situation though when he was given the boot two weeks later.

There's all kinds of people in all professions, that is undoubtedly correct, but a cop on a power trip is pretty much one of the worst.
How come "ex military types" are getting brought into this...cause all of us military guys are complete **** because of what we put up with for our neighbors back home. Guy is probably a pos to begin with...don't disrespect the organization just because there are exceptions to the rule.
How come "ex military types" are getting brought into this
don't forget I also included
power tripping goons
I hope I did not ruffle their feathers as well.
cause all of us military guys are complete **** because of what we put up with for our neighbors back home
what are/where you putting up with for your neighbors back home?

Guy is probably a pos to begin with
hmmm, sounds like your coming to your own conclusion before getting all the facts, seems like a cop thing to do but then again I did include several links for examples but those people were probably pos too.

don't disrespect the organization just because there are exceptions to the rule.

I for one do not, my grandfather fought in WW1, my father as well as several uncles fought in WW2, as a young teen I was an air cadet for several years but as time passed I realized I am my own person and can come to my own hypothesis pertaining to certain nations waging war for one reason or another (continuously I might add) as being a crock of ****.
Now having said that I have friends and acquaintances who are Canadian and US military (active & retired) with whom I respect for doing what they want but they also respect my opinion and as funny as it may seem, some of them after serving they too find what the government (nothing more then CEO's bought and paid for by multi-national corporations) does to be questionable but I digress that is not the point of this post or thread.

Oh so you are one of those...that's cool. I'll keep it simple...it doens't matter if an ******* is a soldier, a copy, or a canadian...he's an ******* as a person...everything else is a profession. Don't label just because someone preforms a job.....I.E. instead of damn cops...you could say: Damn guy who happens to be a cop....

regardless I'll leave you be in the world you live in where companies don't make money, everybody loves everybody else, and the unicorns can happily practice their religion and dance in unity wherever they like.
there some good eatin'

everybody loves everybody else
somebodys been watching Zeitgeist (another nice piece of propaganda for the granola heads) maybe humanity should try respecting one anothers's cultures, differences and save the love **** for the hippies.

Oh so you are one of those.

guess it goes both ways comrade
haha, never seen it. I had nothing but respect for the culture of the places I've visited, I can't say everyone I met did the same for me.

No human has ever lived it's life without doing something horrible...although humanity may not look at it in such a way. The bottom line is there is a way of life and it is managed by nature...competition is our way of ensuring survival...what makes humans any different.
no disrespect intended towards you or any service members Doc
much respect for standing up for what you believe in and [up] for this
I had nothing but respect for the culture of the places I've visited
ride safe brother Bueller
so those who care...UPDATE: my lawyer meet with the DA and the trooper, and the they were going to give me pje of judgement or something like that not sure excatly what the name was but because of my DUI they didnt...they trooper suggested to the DA (this is all told by my attorney to me) that they drop the speeding and just charge with wreckless..which is what happened...my attorney said because im in NC and have an out of state license the possibility of it not transferring to my state is high...especially since we are dealling with it before the court date? how truthful that part is i have no clue...int total with lawyer it cost me 590...****** but i get to keep my bike, and my license...so thats the skinny for those who give a ****...my attorney said the DA was after my ass but it was the cop who saved my license because of how respectful i was and the cop was only a few years older than me...thats the update take it easy everyone...and YES IVE LEARNED MY LESSON....more RWR (right wrist restraint)
Man..sounds like that damn cop was a damn nice guy...

Good to hear your bike and license are safe! 590 bucks is pretty good to keep all that [up]
Absolutely nice job man. Keep in mind that a wreckless is considered a class 2/B in most states, so you've just lost your right to apply for most governments jobs as well as carry a concealed weapon in most states.

I was data logging/tuning a while back. I rode to a newly repaved smooth stretch of road out of town and cracked the throttle coming out of a curve. Next thing I knew a Texas DPS officer threw on his car lights as he was heading towards me. I looked down at the speedo and was doing 86mph. When the officer arrived I showed him my laptop in the trunk case and explained what I was doing and he let me go ... I guess they are not all bad.
class 2/b? are you 100 percent about that? cause in va they only ask about drugs and violent crimes....i didnt know wreckless kept you from having a concealed....i dont need a gun anyways lol...
Glad to hear you get to keep your license and the bike [up]

I had my license suspended once... No fun. I had to ride a bicycle to work everyday. 43 mile trip.... Uphill both ways lol
wait if its uphill on way wouldnt it be down hill on the way back home? just curious.....

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