^I agree, I have also done it(and much faster). But I understand if I get caught it's all me. I wouldn't fault a cop for pushing me off my bike if I got caught at double the speed limit(well....maybe
). The number one thing I'm concerned with on the road is really safety. Of others and myself. I would never do something stupid in crowded areas, around side streets, blind corners, etc. If I kill myself out in the middle of nowhere that'd suck but at least it's just me. If I killed someone else that'd be horrible.
Anyway, I do a pretty good job at not doing stupid crap on the road. The only times I've really gone over ~80mph are when I'm out in the middle of nowhere(sounds like the same situation with him), and they've been a handful of times. But, I wouldn't fault the cop for pulling me over, giving me a huge ticket, giving me a wreckless driving ticket, taking my key, and being a Richard. I'd feel lucky he didn't take me to jail.
Anyway, I do a pretty good job at not doing stupid crap on the road. The only times I've really gone over ~80mph are when I'm out in the middle of nowhere(sounds like the same situation with him), and they've been a handful of times. But, I wouldn't fault the cop for pulling me over, giving me a huge ticket, giving me a wreckless driving ticket, taking my key, and being a Richard. I'd feel lucky he didn't take me to jail.