damn cops.

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^I agree, I have also done it(and much faster). But I understand if I get caught it's all me. I wouldn't fault a cop for pushing me off my bike if I got caught at double the speed limit(well....maybe :) ). The number one thing I'm concerned with on the road is really safety. Of others and myself. I would never do something stupid in crowded areas, around side streets, blind corners, etc. If I kill myself out in the middle of nowhere that'd suck but at least it's just me. If I killed someone else that'd be horrible.

Anyway, I do a pretty good job at not doing stupid crap on the road. The only times I've really gone over ~80mph are when I'm out in the middle of nowhere(sounds like the same situation with him), and they've been a handful of times. But, I wouldn't fault the cop for pulling me over, giving me a huge ticket, giving me a wreckless driving ticket, taking my key, and being a Richard. I'd feel lucky he didn't take me to jail.
You got off the hook dude..ya broke like 4-5 laws...lucky you didn't get arrested like they said! I have family that are officers, just cuz your a decent person doesn't mean someone else wouldn't of been, had it been me in that situation, I would if done the same thing he did...isn't the cops fault. So maybe instead of 'damn cop'...it's 'damn I screwed up'...but get a lawyer like they said, my uncles one and you'd be surprised the hidden laws or tricks they can dig up. Hope you can get it lessened...
Mirrors look goofy but are a legal piece if a motorcycle..
90 miles an hour is never needed..only fun---go 55 to stay alive (and outta trouble)

Good luck!
gotta love people who like to get on there high horse on a forum...thanks "dads" but i think the retirement home is looking for yall....everyones a ******* critic....
and yall mock about 5 days but some people do HAVE JOBS...cant really be like "hey boss cant come to work today cause i gotta go to jail...for 5 days..."man yall are ******* brutal...
No one is against you but we are sharing personal experience and advice. I did the same as you and got busted. However like your situation we both broke the law and got busted, It was not the cops fault that you broke multiple laws but do not blame him for doing His job and enforcing the laws. You did the crime, now man up and deal with the consequences brother.We are all adults we know there are laws and if broken there are consequences. I am sorry you are up in tough spot but now its time to man up and deal with the mistakes you made, not the cops fault.
"i broke the law, and the law won"
yea def not the cops fault for sure, but he handled it like a class A asshoole...i take responsibility for it for sure....but god damn is hard to swallow lol!
i have "Man'd" up doesnt change the fact it sucks giant wang...thanks for all the "support" fellas....
damn cops.

gotta love people who like to get on there high horse on a forum...thanks "dads" but i think the retirement home is looking for yall....everyones a ******* critic....
I think some of us offered legitmate advice. If you can't take it, stop stringing your dumb ass decisions out like dirty laundry and no one will know how stupid you ride.
You asked for it and you got it. Stick a tampon in your vagina and stop acting like a little baby. If you ride like an idiot don't be surprised if the law and other riders treat you accordingly.
do you happen to have any extra i could borrow from you? thanks....ill send my address to you so you can priority ship it...seems like im leaking pretty good over here
do you happen to have any extra i could borrow from you? thanks....ill send my address to you so you can priority ship it...seems like im leaking pretty good over here
Your come backs need some help too.
lesley what are the torque specs for those?

The problem with you fin is you obviously haven't and won't learn from your mistakes. You appear to repeatedly make stupid decisions on the bike.

gotta love people who like to get on there high horse on a forum...thanks "dads" but i think the retirement home is looking for yall....everyones a ******* critic....

No high horse, just responsibility. And I don't think they'd let me in a retirement home at 26 years old.

and yall mock about 5 days but some people do HAVE JOBS...cant really be like "hey boss cant come to work today cause i gotta go to jail...for 5 days..."man yall are ******* brutal...

If you have a problem telling your boss you have to go to jail for 5 days, then don't do things that get you put in jail. How much simpler could this be?
If you have a problem telling your boss you have to go to jail for 5 days, then don't do things that get you put in jail.  How much simpler could this be?

haha right!?

I think people were very fair in their responses given how I've seen some other similar posts like this go in the past. Where it goes from here is your own fault. My advice is to just pay your ticket. Do you have to go to court for this? You need to do whatever you can not to speak in court or even enter a court room at all if possible. Hire a lawyer to do as much of your talking as they can if you must go. Don't want to see you end up in a bigger hole with an attitude like that.
it's pretty simple to see at this point in the thread that fin28 is showing his squidliness by his initial attitude and retorts.

At this point in the thread it is best to disengage in anything a squid expels, be it verbal or otherwise.

Hey Finn be thankful you don,t live here in Ontario, 30 mph (50 kph) over they impound your bike for a week. you pay for towing and storage, pull your licence , all right there. Then you get to go to court see how long you lose your licence and could pay thousands in fines.
be thankful you don,t live here in Ontario
I am!
so glad I left Onterrible years ago for the best coast.

not to mention before you even have a chance to misbehave or get yourself in trouble the insurance company's are raping motorcyclists but I digress, that's just a Canadian thing eh
Gotta remember man..its a forum..your gunna have support and also people who think what you did was a ******* mistake. Don't blame cops..just yourself. Cops aren't all bad..I thought they were rough until they held my neck and back in position after being hit by a car head on...then their your best friends. Just lawyer up. And if you don't want negative heat.........maybe don't post a mistake like that on a forum...lol good luck dude!
So why, again, do you not have mirrors on there? Oh yeah:
.mind you i have no mirrors on the ***** thing cause i like to have to actually use my eyes and look before i change lanes

And what about the guy that doesn't see the stoplight that you are stopped at?
are you referrring to something like this?? and dude that can happen to anyone with or with out...you think your going to have enough response time to do something? i cant see **** in the mirrors to begin with due to vibration...i literally do the same thing with mirrors on my bike. so once again everyones a critic...we can nit pick and scrutinize every little thing i did wrong...but when you point one figer at someone realize you have THREE pointing back at you... .... all you who dont understand that...it means check your self before you start acting like king **** that does no wrong...with that PEACE LOVE AND TRANQUILITY TO YOU ALL

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