Hawk Performance Mufflers!!!

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I spoke to Randy a few days ago and he is looking at getting his bike dyno tested. The closest dyno to him is 150 miles away aparently.
I'm not sure if anyone has talked about it yet but Randy said he is going to start making pipes for the r and cr by the end of the year hopefully. hes testing his now and making adjustments to his design. just a little info for those that wana know or are interested. and for those of us who own the xb and cr:D
And I'll get mine back before Juice does and be out having fun! :p;)
Maybe I'll go put his on and practice stoppies on it!


Bruno again.

Sorry again for the late posting. It's hard working as a consultant and playing on these bike on the side (If I didn't love it.. I wouldn't do it). Both Randy and I are working to finish base maps for XB9 and XB12 bikes. When I say Base, I'm saying maps that work with his mufflers better then Stock maps or race. This is to help remove any high lean spots in those maps and smooth out the WOT. Once thats finish Randy and I will post dynos run for you all. These maps will be included in each of Randy's mufflers sale (no extra charge). All of my tunning knowledge came from people who have posted ideas and finding about Buell ECMs and what I have been taught back in my racing days. trust me, I'm not a master on this stuff but I do well and this isn't rocket science. Most of all it should be free for anyone who wants to understand it. Also, keep in mind that every bike is different and that by providing you with a base map and with our help we can then help you fine tune your bike to your needs.

There is still some time needed with the 1125 R and CR Mufflers.. I will say I hate the fact the the stock muffler is so quiet at idle and it blows all that exhaust onto my rear right swing-arm and rim (&%*#), but over all the stock muffler is really good. I've been using Ohiosportbike software to tune to my specs and I must say 1125R has been doing great. (Wish Directlink would work here soon!!!)

If you have questions feel free to PM, Phazenut, check your PM.

Thanks everyone and sorry about the Badweatherbikers Drama!!

Juicehead. You can tune the 09 ecms. If you have ecmspy you can send me your eeprom and I can make a few minor adjustments to make the bike run a lil more rich aross the board.

I would be interested in this also. I have an 09 12ss. I've been looking at the ohiosportbike software but I really cant comprehend what all they are doing to the ecm.
I just talked to Randy on the phone for a half hour. He seems like an awesome guy. Really passionate about Buells and his mufflers. The kind of guy we need here on BuellXB.com and the kind of guy we need keeping the buells alive. Thats a good thing. He is not out to rape anyone for money for a muffler. He just wants people to like the mufflers he works so hard to perfect. I will be sending my extra one in soon. If you are throwing around the idea of a Hawk give him a call and you will be convinced once you talk to him.

you took the words right out of my mouth. just talked to him today, wow anyone lookin for a jardine gp1 with 1000 miles on it. lol my muffler will be sent in tomorrow.
Yep talked to him today also really liked the idea and he sold me on it bein not so savy on the ECM and how the cheese grater cut works iam going to have to look more into it...overall RANDY WILL BE GETTING MY BUSINESS[up][cool][up]
Spoke with him a couple times on the phone. Seems like a great guy with a lot of knowledge. I had a pipe sent to him Monday.

As many people call this guy (I'm guilty), I wonder how he gets any pipes done at all.
Hi All,

New to the forum and new Buell rider too as I just picked up an '07 XB12Ss two weeks ago. The bike came with an aluminum Jardine that was falling apart. I purchased a stock exhaust off of ebay and had it drop-shipped to Randy. He promptly turned the muffler around and I installed it last night. It's a big improvement over the Jardine for sure! I only did a short ride last night but plan on taking advantage of the great SoCal weather today and do a nice ride in the mountains. Randy's a great guy and I'm very, very satisfied with his work and his customer service!
If anybody is interested in getting a smoking deal on an ugly but functional Jardine let me know.
Hey, just another thumbs up for Randy!
He did my muffler for my XB9SX about a month ago. Like many others said, he spent lots of time on the phone with my husband, explaining things like the best way to remove & install the muffler with least hassle. And many other Buell tips. He even sent me a cool music CD to entertain me when I have to drive my car. Thanks, Randy!
I don't think the muffler is overly loud; yet, when I go thru the neighborhood, everybody looks at me. Hubbie says it is because it has a unique & beautiful sound. I mean, nobody even second looks an obnoxious open pipe HD around here anymore.
I did also put in the K&N air filter. It seems to be running fine, although I must get around to figuring out the ECM spy one of these days.
If Randy does offer the ECMs and offers one with his muffler & a K&N also, that might be helpful.
I noticed on the American Sportbike shootout that they had the airboxes where you could just see the filter there, no cover at all. I thought that looks really neat, but I think Randy advised against that?
In any event, you would think most people would also get a K&N so maybe Randy should do it that way. And,
will he offer to prior customers--in case I can't figure out this danged ECMspy? :)
Anyone on the edge, go with Randy!
Two more thumbs up for Randy. The mufflers Juice & I had done look and sound phenomenal! [up][up]
Its nice to know that I;
saved three hundred bucks,
my bike sounds and performs great,
and there is no fiberglass packing that going to wear out in the muffler.
Randy's concern for my installation after the sale is above and beyond what is considered normal these days, and veryappreciated!:D

Jim T.
Put mine on Yesterday, got in about 120 miles today. Very happy and he was helpful with a few glitches I ran into with removing my stock one.[up]
reasons not to get a Jardine. only 600 miles on it
Just got mine back today and installed.. Amazing sound.. everything is perfect when it came back.. very happy.. just wish it wasnt 40F so i could have gone for a long ride! Muffler gets a A+ from me and all the friends who came over to check it out tonight.
Hello fellow buellers,this forum is gold.I have used it for just about everything a buell rider can think of!from chopping my tail off to led light mods,breather mod!and countless other mods.My problem is that I WANT a HAWK muffler but i reckon the cost of shipping my muffler to hawk performance from AUSTRALIA!won't be worth it?Has anyone a solution?Best regards to all:)
Try finding a stock one for sale in the US and having it shipped directly to Hawk. They usually go for around $60-$100US. That would save you a large chunk of the shipping cost and you'll get to save your stock pipe in case you ever need to bring it back to stock for any reason.

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