OK So some help here would be greatly appreciated. This may be long so sorry in advance.
Earlier this year as the season started, I thought I had gotten a leak in my primary and took the bike in to get the primary gasket replaced. I get a call later that day to come pick up my bike. The shop manager says my primary seal is fine, and that im blowing oil out of my air box because of whatever mod I have in there(Re breather). So its slowly dripped oil for the next month... The other day I got tired of it and tore open the airbox to check my lines and reverse the breather if needed. There was no oil in my air box what so ever. But I still reversed the re breather at least temporarily to see if that was the problem in fact.
The only problem was I did it WRONG! OH SHIZZZ! instead of routing the two hoses back out up into the air box I plugged
The left arrow hose into the where the right arrow hose is without a breather line inbetween. ZOMFG WHAT DID I DO!!!
I took it out for a short clip to the bank to see how it would run before I realized my mistake, and was blowing oil like ****** crazy.
So I tear back into the air box, see where I ****** up, and re did the breather re route after checkin that all my lines were clear, and no pinches.
Now the bike isnt blowing oil as bad, but there is still a leak. And it seems a bit worse. So Im like WTF do I do. Do I take my into the shop and have them do an estimate? Do I return the breather back to normal(And proper way)? Or should I re do my re breather and see if the problem corrects itself?
Im not mechanical at all. I can change my oil and do simple ****, but as for troubleshooting and engine and having the proper tools to work on it, im pretty much ****** in that department.
Thanks in advance and if you need clarification or pics just hit me up.