Tire 240mm ....

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i think it gave under torque. i run a 520, but the narrowest. 18mm wide. the other recommened was 20mm. too wide.

curious how you go pagedownunder. what year bike too?
woohooo... mate i ride mine almost everyday now when at work, instead of my company car. just too much fun.

i was looking at mine today and i am thinking that i may put some spacers behind the rear sprocket, and shave a few more mm from the inside of hte swingarm. it would clear then, but its very little room to work with.

let us know how you go mate. pics too.
getting the wheel on right now, but running into some snags.I didn't have the tools at this house, so my local shop is mounting it. I got the new 2010 wheel and bearing kit from FAT300 and apparently they didn't give us a bearing sleeve? Also they're telling me when the axle is tightened it goes to far over to the brake caliper side that the brake caliper doesn't fit on. I didn't do the hidden Brembo brake, I'm using the stock caliper, but I didn't know that was necessary....is it?
got er done..More pics to come!



Photos really don't do it justice [smirk]
Photos really don't do if justice
I know what you mean. Especially when my brother has his firebolt next to mine, the tire really shows is massiveness.

Congrats on the conversion. Looks really good. Did GSD do your wheel and kit?
onelogue:Thanks man! I actually went with Fat300 Custom Cycles, they were awesome. I ended up needing an extra spacer and bearing sleeve because I used the 2010 wheel and 3-Bearing kit. we found this out half way through the install, FAT300 got us in touch with a guy from NJ, who I'm thinking was w/ GSD and they sent us the spacers/sleeve needed. I'm stoked, need to clean up the tail and the rest of the bike and then scrub in these tires once it stops raining here!

twoguns: my chain doesn't hit the tire from what I can tell, its very close.I'm using a Shinko Advance005 tire and a D.I.D. 520VM2.
Very nice! Glad you got it to work out. Keep a close eye on things for a couple hundred miles to make sure nothing is rubbing wrong.

My chain touches my tire but that could be because of me using a Pirelli. Cause its not very close to the wheel.

Enjoy pagedownhere!!
mate... interesting! looks good too. well done.

have you taken it out yet? any rubbing? i am so wondering why i have this rubbing. it couldnt just be cause i did it on a 09 model where as others are the older swing arm. i would think other than the swing arm that the geometry would be the same? i know i had to notch the swing arm, but the rubbing does annoy me.
I lied, after a few hundred miles I have the same marks on the tire from the chain hitting the tire as your pic above.. [sad]. Hasn't been a problem yet, I check the inside of the chain frequently though after hearing one of your links started to break.

other than that, this thing is bitchin! It turns way better than having a 200mm crammed on the stock rim, obviously doesn't turn in as hard as the 180 though. But damn everyone notices this thing right away, at a group ride people walk right past $12K bikes and come up to mine like "whoaa, what is that? a ducati? it comes like that's stock?? that's mean looking"
what i notice is that i use the entire rear and really wear the front more, so she definately does push a little but i reckon the short wheel base and good dynamics compliments the conversion well. i treat oompah the same as i did before but smile more when i round up others after they question teh ability.

yeah... i am a bit pissed re the rubbing, but i am looking at solutions. if you contact granstands or fatcycles300 they say they hear nothing of rubbing, but i have asked them and no further information or input is recieved.
Hi all
Just to clear up a few things on the fitting of my 240 rear conversion.
I have a 18" x 9" billet rear wheel fitted as made by the wizard of wheels, Taylormade Performance Engineering in the UK.
The conversion retains the original belt drive so no need to use a make do chain adjustment.
There has been no modifications made at all to the swingarm.
The drive side footrest and the belt tensioner have been spaced out accordingly to give clearance.
The rear pulley has been machined down fractionally to clear the swingarm and the front pulley is a lightweight alloy racing pulley offset to match, the front pulley cover has also been spaced out.
All together a very neat conversion. Very tight on the clearance but it all fits and works perfectly!
Check out my picture gallery to see it all fitted.
Riding home from work last night and i thought my bike popped out of gear. I'm like wtf....look back and my sprocket turns but the wheel doesnt! The extended bolts that go through the sprocket and spacer into the hub sheared in half!! Kid w/ a sick STI let me park it at his house I'm trying to get a trailer to get it home right now, I'll post pics. I'm hoping FAT300 will send me new bolts but i've never heard of this happening? Not sure how i'll get the ends of the bolts in the wheel out either. So pissed.
what i notice though too is that all those pics are of the early swing arm. this is a more narrow swing arm with i believe more clearance in the inner wheel location. not sure if that makes a difference.

can i ask too... are you all running the thinner 03 belt or the later 04 onwards belt?
Love the 12r with white rims and I'm not a big tire guy. I run a huge 180, but I love it!

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