Buellxb.com has acquired BuellForums.com

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I'd been wondering what the hell. I nearly had all the Blast manual downloaded...

I'm a memeber of both. As echoed time and time again, the Blast section over there was great. The XB section was a bit slow, but I had pics of our Buells up there too...

I did spend more time here though as this forum is more XB related. It's kinda like this, Badweb seems loaded with tubers, Buellforum was loaded with Blastards, and this forum is loaded with XBers.

My suggestion, archive Buell forum here in a similar setup as the buell mods section of this forum. All info would be saved, and it could continue, just as a "section" under Buell forum... that said, I've been having trouble with the Buell mods section again...
Honestly I must say this whole acquisition was handled like ****... the lack of respect for the members on buellforums.com shocked me. We never once were told that this was going to happen. I literary went to login yesterday because I needed a part number and the site was gone. If we had a warning this was going to happen I could of saved copies of all the threads that were IMPORTANT.

Now I understand this was all business and that is fair and good, but even in business you owe your loyal customers some respect. And by no means is this directed at our new owner I am sure he is a good person.

I mainly ask, I even beg that you get the backups online for us to save a copy of so we have all our information that people have spent years collecting. Maybe you can re-host the site just so people can get information but we can use this site for all new information. I am a member here now I am fine with that and I hope to get to know you guys like I did the others and I hope they find there way here also. Poor EZ is prolly having a stroke over this because he loved our site more then anyone. I hope to see him again !

Congrats buellXB and I hope to chat with you all soon !
No ability to easily quote earlier messages in subsequent posts? Lots of features missing here - we'll have to put together a comprehensive list.

Again, I really think if you intend to use the buellforums domain name to its fullest extent and make this the go to resource for all buells, you may want to consider migrating buellxb to it in future. It's certainly more generic and should have a broader reach and appeal.

Need to really create some messaging on the home page to inform those getting redirected here. This thread is the only thing I could find and I had to look for it...
I believe buell xb but i agree with the other forums members and maybe expand our site to include and archive section for the other site and expand our categories to include high traffic sections from their page should make everyone happy and expand our members more.
RayDog hit the nail on the head, this was handled like complete **** on the part of Bigfattwin. He's been upgrading the site, adding features, the *pewf* gone.

What the fk?!
I'm a member of BF.com but I haven't visited there in years. Seemed slow on activity.

I do agree that the interface here is tough. Keeps me from visiting here more than I do.

Or maybe I just don't know how to use this forum. Is there an easy way to go to the first unread post in threads I've posted in? That's the worst part about this forum to me.
Also not trying to be a douche but chill out with the insults. It is not buellxbs fault your owner sold his site or that he didn't tell you. I understand how you feel getting thrown under the bus but honestly why would we change our site to yours just cause your site merged. You should be thankful the owner here is looking for a way to get your content on our page instead of saying well you can be a member here
Honestly I don't mind keeping it BuellXB. I ride an 1125 but am still a Bueller. All feels like home to me and get treated the same. Vote for BuellXB for me.
First, the user interface and experience, in my opinion, on BuellForums.com blows BuellXB.com away. There is simply no comparison. I know there are committed members to BuellXB.com, but the way I look at this interface, it is just another simply placed functional forum. Nothing special. As for the BuellForums.com interface, I have not found a forum, yet, that offers even remotely the positive and interactive user interface experience.

For those of us who weren't on BuellForums.com, offer some examples of how the interface was better. Maybe those could be incorporated into BuellXB if in fact they were better? I think we have ownership who clearly wants to make improvements for the betterment of both sites.

Best of both worlds!

I could completely understand frustration if that blast info was lost. I'm relatively new to this forum and utilize it multiple times daily!
Feel free to PM me with brutally honest feedback on why you chose to commit your time to BuellForums.com as opposed to Buellxb.com.

I sent him a PM. Others chose to post in the thread. The user experience is a HUGE reason that people frequent one board more than another.

If that insults you I'm sorry, but it's our reason.

I would love to help out though, and bring a better user experience to BXB in any way that I can. I've moderated several forums and been Administrator on one. I've done a fair share of programming and can pick up new languages/versions very quickly to assist in adding/removing/modifying features. This was something Bigfattwin at BuellForums never took advantage of; willing, skilled help with an (unknown to us) failing forum.
For those of us who weren't on BuellForums.com, offer some examples of how the interface was better.

If I had to name one, just ONE thing on that interface that really brought a lot of us together, it was without a doubt hands down the ChatBox on the forum home page.
If I had to name one, just ONE thing on that interface that really brought a lot of us together, it was without a doubt hands down the ChatBox on the forum home page.

Is that like an instant message via private message where multiple members can jump into? I'm not sure I understand?
I'm the guy who designed the SuperBoot for the Blast if you own a Blast an your a member to any buell forums you know what it is. I even have customers from this site with this being my 9th post since 2009.

I'm the only person who offers Full Intake Kits For the Blast and every intake i ever designed is posted on this site. My tailcover, Rearsets out of stock peghangers to me personally this is a great loss everything i ever built and designed for the Blast is posted on that site plus everything else i've done from fit a CBR 600 3way adj. shock to put on my oil cooler i can go on an on here but i really hope you can get this info back to this site!!!!!!


I guess I don't mind about the site switch etc, but what I am disappointed about is the content loss. And having XB in the name most certainly will send owners of other models on their way.

Most importantly, unlike most other owners of Buells there was a core of dedicated Blast riders that were very much into fabrication, rebuilding and modifying their machines. Every day discussions revolved around how to bore an engine, installing aftermarket engines, cracking the case, piston and ring selection, porting heads, welding, effects of air flow, intake and exhaust construction (and that barely scratches the surface) ......

I would be very surprised if their were XB owners came anywhere close to housing such a wealth of information - simply because you don't have to. What idiot would buy an XB and then take it completely apart piece by piece and inventory it, re-bore the engine, etc etc etc and then put it all back together and doubling their HP (That would be pretty sick though). Their was a dedicated core that bought their machines to modify them - bonneville style. We had dedicated threads detailing us doing these things in our garage. Sad to see it go.

You know.....I get the frustration, but bxb ownership clearly had an agreement allowing BF members time to backup any important data or migrate it over here for future reference.

Don't think anyone can complain it was handled like **** from the bxb side. Fact of the matter is BF ownership didn't share the intent to sell (not that he had to, but maybe should have) but also didn't follow through on the agreement that was made which would have allowed the BF members to grab their important data.

Sorta like it's Erik's fault HD won't come up with a stator solution - misplaced blame. Kudos to bxb for trying to get at the bf info under the current situation and support those members.
kick ass Blast Thumpe [up]

I hope everything works out for the Buellers from BuellForums.com, I can understand the shock you guys have went thru to see your contributions go 'p00f'

I know if that had been the case here we all would have been **** shocked.

BuellXB.com is my home, when I became a Bueller in '09 I joined a few other sites including the notorious BWB but quickly found this site to be the best imho and I stopped creeping the other sites.

I know by and large the Buell community is pretty tight and I have expressed several times that the Buellers on this site are some of the best people I have never met.

Bottom line for me is if you ride a Buell your a brother/sister Bueller to me unless your a huge-O-mongus ********* piece of ***** then you can just make like a bird and flock off!
Don't think anyone can complain it was handled like **** from the bxb side.
I don't think anyone is. I'm complaining about the BF side of the deal, it was complete bull that we weren't told over there; we (mods) weren't even hinted at that the site was for sale. That's not BXB's fault, but we can't exactly complain over there about it; there is here, now.

The admin (buellxb) here is very helpful and working to make the Blast section more accommodating for the threads a few of us are going to be flooding it with in the coming days.
Eh, and I should have ended with: Welcome BF members - Looking forward to new threads, pics and **** that is a lot more interesting than doing my real day job. I'd be bitching (at my former admin) as well if the shoe was on the other foot....wasn't meant to say bitching wasn't perfectly fine.